Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Constantly Called to Faith


You that have been in sorrow, exult! These are words a soul hears upon entering Heaven. The only thing that truly matters is that you save your soul. Faith and humility are necessary to save your soul. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the best spiritual weapons to fight against sin and to be receptive to grace. He who does not employ these arms will surely be lost. Do not receive God's grace in vain! Make good use of it to get to Heaven.

Constantly Called to Faith2024-03-23T08:02:26-04:00

Vanity of Vanities


Learn from The Imitation of Christ. Seek the Kingdom of Heaven through contempt of the world. Everything in this world is passing; the ashes remind us of this. Nothing in this world can compare with God's grace. So, what must you change so that you can grow in God's grace and get to Heaven? Fix your gaze upon the Crucifix. May Christ Crucified be the last thing you see before you fall asleep.

Vanity of Vanities2024-03-20T22:55:46-04:00

Contempla la Gravedad de Tu Pecado


Fija tu mirada en Jesús. Contempladle para que podáis amarlo e imitarlo. La Cuaresma es tiempo para dejar atrás el mundo y contemplar cosas divinas. Acepta a la cruz (sufrimientos, pruebas y dificultades) por amor a Dios, en reparación por el pecado, y en preparación para una eternidad feliz. Reflexiona seriamente sobre tus pecados desde la perspectiva celestial. El pecado es fuente de TODOS los males y desgracias que cubren la tierra. Reconoce la gravedad del pecado y no pienses: "Pues todo el mundo lo hace" o "todos van al cielo". ¡No! Dios te está dando una oportunidad más. No recibáis [...]

Contempla la Gravedad de Tu Pecado2024-03-15T09:28:05-04:00

Gracias Especiales de Cuaresma


La cuaresma [1] nos hace conscientes de nuestra obligación de hacer penitencia a lo largo de nuestra vida, [2] nos llama a imitar el ayuno de Nuestro Señor, y [3] nos prepara para celebrar la Pascua de manera santa y digna. Dios concede gracias especiales durante la Cuaresma, incluida la gracia de la conversión. Por eso, no viváis este tiempo como cualquier otro. Mira el ejemplo de San Francisco de Asís y contempla las realidades divinas. Durante la Cuaresma -mediante la oración, el ayuno y la limosna- concéntrate en la importancia de la gracia, el pecado y la eternidad. Si no [...]

Gracias Especiales de Cuaresma2024-03-15T06:31:10-04:00

Un Obispo de Peru se Opone al Error


Los misterios de la Navidad la Epifanía manifestan la gloria de Jesús. Él se revela, dándonos la verdad y su gran luz. Sin embargo, el hombre siempre tiene la tentación de creer en Jesús como mejor le parezca. ¡No! Céntrate en el Señor y no te empeñes en tus propios proyectos ni ideologías eclesiales. Por ejemplo, tenemos que vivir nuestros matrimonios según la luz de Cristo. Los obispos deben transmitir fielmente las enseñanzas que provienen de Cristo y sus Apóstoles. Agradezcamos que un Obispo peruano se haya resistido al grave error de Francisco respecto a las bendiciones de uniones pecaminosas. Estas [...]

Un Obispo de Peru se Opone al Error2024-03-15T09:31:07-04:00

Reflect Upon the Gravity of Your Sin


Fix your gaze on Jesus. Behold Him that you may love and imitate Him. Lent is a time to leave the world behind and contemplate divine things. Embrace the cross (sufferings, trials and difficulties) for love of God, in reparation for sin, and in preparation for a happy eternity. Lent is a time to seriously reflect on your sin from a heavenly perspective. Sin is the source of ALL the evils and misfortunes that cover the earth. Recognize the gravity of sin and do not think, "Well everybody does it." Receive not the grace of God in vain! He is even [...]

Reflect Upon the Gravity of Your Sin2024-03-13T06:27:34-04:00

Special Lenten Graces


Lent [1] makes us aware of our obligation to do penance throughout our lives, [2] calls us to imitate Our Lord's fast, and [3] prepares us to celebrate Easter in a holy and worthy manner. God makes special graces available during Lent, including the grace of conversion. So do not live this season as it were just any other time. Look to the example of St. Francis of Assisi and contemplate divine realities. During Lent – by means of prayer, fasting and almsgiving – focus on the importance of grace, sin, and eternity. If you do not use these means to [...]

Special Lenten Graces2024-03-13T06:12:34-04:00

Purpose of Lent and Ashes


Four Short Daily Sermons from the Start of Lent Ashes remind us that we will die. Lent is a time to do penance that purifies us and brings us into closer union with God. It is a privileged time of grace when we must hear and heed the divine call to works of mercy.

Purpose of Lent and Ashes2024-03-07T17:36:17-05:00

Lux de Caelo


In my affliction, I called upon the Lord. God responds, again and again, by sending light from Heaven. Search for God like the Three Kings. He is always offering us His grace. We see this in the parable of the Owner of the Vineyard. Why do stand idle? Why do you waste time and not work harder to serve God and to save our soul? Ask God in prayer, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" And then respond generously by offering Him the gifts of your money, time, and talent - of your very self.

Lux de Caelo2024-03-07T17:34:33-05:00

Martyrs of Christmastide


At the center of Christmas we see Jesus willing to take on a human nature so that we may be conformed to His likeness. Another "epiphany" is the Divine Child revealing Himself by shedding His Precious Blood and giving us the grace to live and die for Him. As Christ's disciples, we are called to believe in Him and to be faithful to His teaching (which is the teaching of the Church). Every single martyr gave his blood for the truth; we must be willing to suffer for the truth. The Church honors many martyrs in this season: SS. Peter and [...]

Martyrs of Christmastide2024-02-04T09:05:02-05:00
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