Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Por Sus Frutos Los Conocerás


Debemos aprender a rezar según el ejemplo de la iglesia. Tomad en cuenta la petición de la oración colecta de la Misa. O Dios, infunde en nuestros corazones amor por Ti y por tu nombre santo. Participar en la Santa Misa es nuestro deber principal y mayor dignidad. Lamentablemente, muchos fallan en este deber fundamental. Las consecuencias terribles son evidentes. Hay que discernir los falsos pastores por sus frutos. Considerad también los frutos maravillosos de la Preciosísima Sangre. Cristo derrama su Sangre por nosotros en la Santa Misa. ¿Creéis de verdad?

Por Sus Frutos Los Conocerás2024-09-08T21:41:05-04:00

Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood


Practice devotion to the Most Precious Blood! This is outstanding way to participate in Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Spend fifteen or twenty minutes – or more – praying thus: Precious Blood of Jesus, I adore Thee (or I thank Thee or Have mercy on me or make any specific intention such as Wash over me or Heal me). . Pray in particular for the Precious Blood to forgive and free you from any serious sin - one that has a strong hold on you. Seven petitions in particular, linked to Our Lord's seven blood sheddings, cover the entire range of the [...]

Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood2024-09-15T21:59:08-04:00

The Saints and the Precious Blood


May the saints who had a a great devotion to the Precious Blood be our guides in participating more fruitfully at Holy Mass. They help us believe in – and focus our attention upon – Our Lord's great mysteries. Saints Mechtilde, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Margaret Mary Alacoque, John Vianney and St. Dominic are but a few examples. At Mass, Our Lord presents His wounds to His Heavenly Father. Upon seeing them, the Father forgives us. We too should look upon His wounds, for it will move us to repent of our sins. His Precious Blood shall move us to confidence [...]

The Saints and the Precious Blood2024-08-25T16:18:11-04:00

Saint Longinus


St. Longinus was present both at the crucifixion and the resurrection. He was miraculously healed and instructed by the Apostles. Refusing to worship demons, he was tortured and martyred. Yet he preserved relics of the Precious Blood for all generations. We have access to the Precious Blood at Mass; but we must exercise Faith. The Sacraments are like seven channels by which the salvific stream of the Precious Blood flows to mankind. At every Mass, the shedding of His Blood blood is repeated in a manner imperceptible to our senses. How ardently do you believe –and live– this great truth?

Saint Longinus2024-09-08T21:31:02-04:00

Know Them By Their Fruits


We must learn to pray as Holy Mother Church prays. Make petitions in union with her solemn prayer. It is clear that many of us are failing in our fundamental duty. We are living through the consequences thereof. Discern the false shepherds by their fruits. Consider as well the wondrous fruits of the Precious Blood. His Blood is shed for us at Holy Mass. Do you really believe?

Know Them By Their Fruits2024-08-02T16:40:18-04:00

Toma Mi Corazón y Cámbialo


En la oración colecta de hoy pedimos a Dios que derrame en nuestros corazones amor por Él. Que le amemos en todo y sobre todas las cosas. Que Él transforme nuestros corazones para que podamos amarle a ejemplo del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús. Este corazón tiene un amor infinito por nosotros, pobres pecadores. Pero nosotros le devolvemos olvido, desprecio e ingratitud. Podemos participar en la Santa Misa con gran provecho procurando tener las mismas disposiciones del Sagrado Corazón que cuando Jesús se ofrece en sacrificio.

Toma Mi Corazón y Cámbialo2024-07-31T09:12:19-04:00

Grant Us An Increase of Religion


The Mass' Collect Prayer is a solemn petition on the part of the Universal Church. Today we ask God, "Graft in our hearts love for Thy Name and grant us an increase of religion." Religion is the highest moral virtue; by it we render to God the worship and honor due to God. This virtue necessitates being convinced of God's greatness and our own nothingness. It calls us to overcome our self-love and pride, both great obstacles which prevent us from loving God. At Mass, make a special effort to consider the Sacred Heart. "O Jesus, take my heart and change [...]

Grant Us An Increase of Religion2024-07-26T19:10:43-04:00

Take My Heart and Change It


Most Catholics never learn what it truly means to participate at Mass or having a true conversion of heart. The Sacred Heart is instrumental in these matters. He manifests His love to us especially from the crib in Bethlehem, the Cross on Calvary, and the Holy Eucharist in every church. Yet this Heart which loves without limit is not loved in return. At Mass, look to share the sentiments of the Sacred Heart. Pray for the grace to change your heart!

Take My Heart and Change It2024-07-23T13:24:05-04:00

Cuatro Aspectos del Deber Fundamental


Nuestro deber principal es conocer, amar y servir a Dios. Para realizar nuestro deber fundamental debemos: [1] aceptar con sumisión las verdades que Dios ha revelado; [2] observar los mandamientos de Dios y de su Iglesia; [3] orientar toda nuestra actividad hacia Dios; y [4] rendir a Dios el culto debido (la Santa Misa). La devoción al Sacratísimo Corazón de Jesús es el resumen de toda nuestra religión. Esta devoción incluye el amor, la reparación y la imitación.

Cuatro Aspectos del Deber Fundamental2024-07-14T15:03:50-04:00

Sin Tu Ayuda


Sin la ayuda del Espíritu Santo no hay nada bueno en nosotros. Él es el santificador de todos los hombres y el dador de todas y cada una de las gracias. Sea la gracia de perdonar, de perseverar en la oración, de apreciar la Misa, cualquier gracia. Los canales ordinarios a través de los cuales el Espíritu Santo dispensa sus dones y gracias son la Iglesia y los sacramentos. Debemos rogarle: "Hazme dócil a tus inspiraciones y a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia católica. Conforma mi voluntad a la tuya y haz que mi vida sea una imitación fiel de la [...]

Sin Tu Ayuda2024-07-15T15:51:32-04:00
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