14B Vision Sister Lucia wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:52-05:00 14B Vision Sister Luciawpengine2021-01-13T00:55:52-05:00
04 A Mary in Gods Plan wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:52-05:00 04 A Mary in Gods Planwpengine2021-01-13T00:55:52-05:00
09A The Nativity of Our Lady wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 09A The Nativity of Our Ladywpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00
10B Blessed Francisco Marto wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 10B Blessed Francisco Martowpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00
11B The Angel of Peace wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 11B The Angel of Peacewpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00
12B Suicide of Altering the Faith wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 12B Suicide of Altering the Faithwpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00
13B Sacrileges Outrages and Indifferences wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 13B Sacrileges Outrages and Indifferenceswpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00
15B The Hidden Jesus wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 15B The Hidden Jesuswpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00
17B Our Lady of the Rosary wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00 17B Our Lady of the Rosarywpengine2021-01-13T00:55:54-05:00