Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Mystery of Grace


St. Paul exclaims, “But by the grace of God I am what I am and His grace in me has not been void.” Consider the mystery of grace – increase your awareness of its grandeur! - strengthen your conviction in its great value! Grace is a supernatural gift of God. It is above and beyond human nature. We can’t grasp it with our senses or fully comprehend it with our reason. Yet it is through sanctifying grace that we become sharers in the divine nature – we become like God – and only by it can we enter Heaven and exist therein. If you wish to consider the value of grace, know that one single soul in a state of grace has more value before [...]

Mystery of Grace2021-08-16T18:34:53-04:00

Saint Dominic


In 1216, St. Dominic founded the Order of Preachers for the express purpose of proclaiming the doctrine of the Church and defending it against errors. St. Dominic is also well known for meriting the reception of the Rosary from our Lady (though the Rosary’s origin is in apostolic times), the Ash Wednesday Miracle, and the admirable purity of his heart.

Saint Dominic2021-08-16T18:33:43-04:00

Epiphany a great Christmas Feast


Epiphany continues the great Mystery of Christmas. Angels announced the Birth of Christ to shepherds; now God Himself announces His Son to the whole world. This feast is a great manifestation of Christ’s divinity and glory. This is a special time when Holy Mother Church calls us all to contemplate both the mystical significance of the Three Kings’ gifts and the true meaning of Christmas.

Epiphany a great Christmas Feast2024-01-02T08:58:35-05:00

Wedlock is a Holy Thing


On the occasion of a 25th wedding anniversary, Father provides six important lessons for married couples. [1] Grow in devotion to the Holy Family. [2] Always give thanks to God for your marriage. [3] Unceasingly beg God for the graces your marriage and family needs. [4] Treat your marriage with great esteem and reverence. [5] Above all, raise your children to know, love and serve God. [6] Finally, foster great reverence for and subjection to God.

Wedlock is a Holy Thing2021-08-16T18:06:02-04:00

Pray for Three Graces


It’s the middle of Lent and we all need an exhortation. Father reminds us that we must be motivated by love for God, love for the Blessed Mother, and love for the Faith. In the midst of our great crisis, there is a monumental battle for the marriage and family, a battle for truth and Catholic worship, and a battle for souls - with eternal consequences. He asks us to pray three Hail Mary’s, specifically for [1] the grace to see, [1] the grace to value the soul, and [3] the grace to fight for the Faith, with charity, patience and [...]

Pray for Three Graces2021-08-16T18:09:36-04:00

Salvation through the Immaculate Heart


Two brief sermons from the recent Fatima Conference - Only one thing is necessary - not honors, riches or pleasures – but that we save our souls. This is why Our Lady came to Fatima: to contribute mightily to the salvation of souls. - We are living in a time of almost total darkness with a myriad of diabolical attacks against the sanctity of marriage, including divorce, contraception, abortion, sodomy, radical feminism, and absent men. God has willed to bring salvation to our times through the Immaculate Heart of His most holy Mother. The immense charity and grace which fill Mary’s heart are health and salvation for every single marriage and family on the [...]

Salvation through the Immaculate Heart2021-08-16T18:11:56-04:00

Help My Unbelief


Jesus is the Truth. He always speaks the truth. So why it is that so many do not believe Him? We lack Faith. Today we begin our Lenten mission with the goal of growing in faith. What a blessing to make these spiritual exercises during Passiontide, a time of an immense outpouring of grace to believe in Christ. And still the majority who witnessed Our Lord’s Passion and Death were not moved to belief. So let us instead imitate the father in Mark’s gospel and fervently pray: “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.” The just man liveth by faith and without faith it is impossible to please God. [...]

Help My Unbelief2021-08-16T18:17:16-04:00
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