Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Focus on Heavenly Not Earthly Things


Especially during this month of November, we are to turn with greater fervor and faith to the Church beyond this earth. Many are the enemies of Christ; their minds and hearts are always fixed on earthly things. Stay focused on Heaven, on our Savior, and upon His Second Coming. This is one of the great purposes of Holy Mass, where the angels and saints ceaselessly praise and worship the majesty of God. We entreat God to allow our voices and prayers to be one with theirs! We can help the Poor Souls by our suffrages and by offering to God the [...]

Focus on Heavenly Not Earthly Things2023-11-06T10:34:15-05:00

Remain Faithful at the Foot of the Cross


Come what may, we must remain faithful to Jesus Christ: to His Church, to the Sacraments, to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and to His Real Presence among us in the Holy Eucharist. No pandemic, no crisis, no human or ecclesial authority should ever separate us from the Love and Real Presence of Christ. Only He can save us! Let us persevere unto the end.

Remain Faithful at the Foot of the Cross2021-01-26T09:24:16-05:00

Holy Name of Jesus


Biblical names are highly significant for they define a person and his mission, even making the person present. Jesus is a name that came directly from Heaven and means “God saves.” This Name has infinite power. It is a Name of gladness, hope and love with the power to forgive sins and give life. As faithful Catholics, we must always strive to grow in devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. Blessed be the Name of Jesus; now and forever. Amen.

Holy Name of Jesus2024-01-02T10:33:52-05:00
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