Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Bendiciones Navideñas


Es muy significativo que al comenzar el año, por los cuarenta días de Navidad (25 diciembre - 2 de febrero), estemos mirando la imagen de la Sagrada Familia con el fin de inspirarnos a nosotros a imitarlos con mayor fidelidad. Noten como Jesús comienza su obra salvadora en una boda. Su primer milagro publico es por medio de la intercesión de la Virgen María. La Madre de Dios siempre nos aconseja ‘Haced lo que Jesús os dirá’ (solución de cualquier problema matrimonial y familiar). También es tiempo en cual los hogares reciben gracias especiales por medio de la bendición de la [...]

Bendiciones Navideñas2021-02-09T06:35:13-05:00

Tres Verdades del Matrimonio


Con su encarnación y nacimiento, el Hijo de Dios dio origen a la más santa de todas las familias. Consideren tres realidades fundamentales tocante el matrimonio y la familia que Cristo nos enseña por medio del misterio navideño. [1] El matrimonio es sumamente sagrado. [2] El matrimonio existe para producir vida, específicamente ‘la vida en Cristo.’ [3] La sagrada familia es el modelo para todos los matrimonios y familias. Les doy dos recomendaciones de cómo vivir más fiel a estas verdades: [i] Todas las heridas que afectan nuestras vidas se deben a pecados contra el matrimonio. Por eso, rueguen mucho por [...]

Tres Verdades del Matrimonio2021-02-11T08:04:18-05:00

The Mission of Husband and Wife


Keep your Nativity Scene up until Feb 2 so as to continue looking upon the Holy Family - our exemplar model. Families should also strive to imitate the Three Kings, who offered gifts of love, prayer and mortification. By the command of Christ, marriage is meant to give rise to a people, fellow citizens with the saints in Heaven, who render fitting worship to the true God. Marriage is a sacrament and it symbolizes exalted mysteries, such as the union of Christ and His Church. Husband and wife must strive to subject themselves to God and hold their passions check. Chastity, [...]

The Mission of Husband and Wife2021-02-11T08:03:35-05:00

Christ Establishes Marriage and Blesses the Home


At the year’s start, for forty days, we look upon the Holy Family in the manger scene. At the Wedding at Cana, Christ establishes marriage as supremely sacred (man can’t alter it). A great tragedy is that so many misguidedly think they, or ‘their love,’ is the foundation of their marriage. Wrong! On account of our fallen condition, we have very little genuine and sincere love (symbolized by having no wine). Christ is the foundation of marriage; pray Him to bring His divine love into your marriage. Seek our Lady’s intercession, and keep her words in your heart throughout the year: [...]

Christ Establishes Marriage and Blesses the Home2021-02-11T08:04:46-05:00

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family


Jesus brings us salvation — but He does not come alone. He comes as a member of the family. With His Incarnation and Nativity, He brings the model for all families. Through this Christmas feast, Christ teaches: [1] Marriage is something supremely sacred. It comes from God. He has willed it to be a primary instrument of our salvation and provides the laws which govern it. (Never fall into the deadly trap of thinking man can redefine marriage or determine how it ought to be lived.) [2] Marriage is meant by God to bring forth life — specifically life in Christ. [...]

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family2021-02-11T08:05:14-05:00

Jesus Deliver Us


God often exercises His power in hidden and mysteries ways that we do not expect. An example of this is His Holy Name. The Holy Name of Jesus inflames us with love for Jesus and protects us from evil. The devil is strong and cunning, so we must specifically invoke Jesus’ Name to deliver us from spiritual evils. To love Jesus is to imitate His love. Our love suffers from many defects and it must be purified and strengthened. That will only happen by God’s grace. Pray the Litany of the Most Holy Name, the Divine Praises, and brief aspirations devoutly [...]

Jesus Deliver Us2021-02-11T08:05:32-05:00

Apostle of Christmas


St. John helps us to believe in - and live - Christmas. More than anyone else, he provides profound insight into the [1] Incarnation and [2] Holy Eucharist, both mysteries which are central to Christmas. These two mysteries each elicit from us a more profound faith. St. John shows that faith and adoration go together. He presents Christ as the light and life of the world. He teaches us what it means to truly believe and love. St. John gives us an example of perfect devotion to Our Blessed Mother and to the Sacred Heart. He calls us to remain faithful [...]

Apostle of Christmas2021-02-11T08:05:44-05:00

Two Ways to Grow in Your Love for Jesus


Christmas brings new grace, specifically to love Jesus more and to adore Him more faithfully. We cannot live this reality without the help of the Holy Ghost. All the Saints had an immense love for and trust in the Name of Jesus. Therein they saw all His love, all His power, all He said and did while on earth. Two practical recommendations: [1] Invoke His Holy Name to overcome a specific sin you continue to struggle with — for only Jesus has the power to overcome sin. Children struggle with disobedience to parents, spouses repeatedly hurt each other, and everyone has habitual [...]

Two Ways to Grow in Your Love for Jesus2021-01-25T06:15:36-05:00

Laid in a Manger


The astounding mystery of Christmas is that the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. This marvelous mystery is prolonged in Holy Communion. The altar is the crib and there we go to feed ourselves on Godu2019s most Sacred Flesh.

Laid in a Manger2021-01-25T06:00:14-05:00

The Priest is Called to Holiness


Our Lady is immaculate and pure in every respect. Sin never touched the body or soul of most holy Mary. The Mystery of the Immaculate Conception instructs us in many ways, but let us focus on two foundational principles of the spiritual life. [1] When God elects a person to a certain office, He grants the person all the necessary graces for that office. [2] All things that are ordained for God should be holy and free from stain. We see these truths embodied in the Immaculate Conception. They also apply to the priesthood and to each of the faithful, especially [...]

The Priest is Called to Holiness2023-12-07T07:59:18-05:00
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