Fr. Michael Rodriguez

First Holy Communion


In the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist, Our Savior Jesus Christ gives us the gift of Himself, so that every single time we approach this great Mystery, we are able to express our Faith in Him. We should tell Him, from the depths of our heart, that we love Him above all things and that we desire to possess Him in our soul. To strengthen your Eucharistic Faith: [1] See in the human priest of flesh and blood that Jesus Christ is always the Eternal High Priest at Mass. [2] Detach your heart from the things of this world. [3] Turn [...]

First Holy Communion2021-05-21T15:20:14-04:00

Buscas El Crucificado Quien Resucito


¡Cristo venció la muerte y resucito! Nuestro Señor ha abierto las puertas de la eternidad. Reflexionemos en la conexión importantísima entre la resurrección, el bautismo, y la Pasión y Muerte de Jesucristo. Tristemente, la fiesta pascual no tiene el efecto que debe en las vidas de muchos católicos porque se alejan de la pasión y cruz de Cristo. En vez, debemos ser guiados por las oraciones de la santa liturgia y seguir el ejemplo de la Virgen Santísima. Así seremos llenados con una alegría indescriptible

Buscas El Crucificado Quien Resucito2021-05-18T07:23:28-04:00

Holy Communion and Fatima


The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bring Christ's work of redemption to fulfillment. He brings to souls the grace merited by Our Savior in His Passion and Death. He judges the world as to wether one believes and accepts - or rejects - Christ. Just as our Lady cooperated uniquely with Christ in Redemption, so she cooperates uniquely with the Holy Ghost in His mission, particularly through her apparition at at Fatima. She comes to warn the world of sin and judgment. She also brings the grace of her Son in a beautiful and special way, through devotion to [...]

Holy Communion and Fatima2021-05-13T18:41:04-04:00

Faith in Christ is a Eucharistic Faith


Our Savior gives us Himself in the Blessed Sacrament so that we may truly believe in Him. All the Easter Octave gospels emphasize that belief in Christ is centered upon the Holy Eucharist. Anyone who calls himself a Christian, but does not have this faith, is very confused. A conception of Christ without the Eucharist is terribly erroneous. Yet even those who profess this belief have a very weak and frail Eucharistic Faith. Has it been completely lost? Consider our lack of forgiveness, or our fear over sickness and death, or our willingness to believe the media and others to the [...]

Faith in Christ is a Eucharistic Faith2021-05-01T10:03:37-04:00

Easter, Baptism and Faith


All the Gospels of the Easter Octave clearly have in common Our Lord's call to faith. This is of great significance. Christ exhorts us to truly place our faith in His passion, death and resurrection. In fact, with two words we can easily summarize the Church's focus during the Easter Season: Baptism and Faith. By Baptism we die and rise with Christ. What overcomes the world is our faith. A great danger is for the world to contaminate, and thereby overcome, our faith. To fight against such danger, pray for a lively faith and a greater devotion to Holy Communion. Know [...]

Easter, Baptism and Faith2021-04-26T08:33:41-04:00

The Crucified One Is Risen


The Apostles give witness to the Resurrection, but they speak of Christ as our Pasch who is sacrificed. If one is looking for easy living and good times with Jesus - one will not find Him. We must seek Jesus of Nazareth who was Crucified. This is the Easter Message proclaimed by the angel. We make steps in faith by drawing near to the [glorious] wounds of the Risen Lord. Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer your thankful praises!

The Crucified One Is Risen2021-04-12T08:17:49-04:00

The Holiest Week of the Year


The Passion and Death of Our Savior makes this week the holiest of the year. Holy Mother Church has us listen to the Passion narrative as told by each of the evangelists. After all, there is nothing more conducive to eternal salvation than to think—every day—upon the pains which Jesus Christ suffered for love of us. How can sin ever reign in such a soul? Be truly Catholic by observing this week as the holiest of the year. Make the extra effort to pray, fast, and offer sacrifices. Above all, make the resolution to live your life for God (more so [...]

The Holiest Week of the Year2021-04-12T15:28:40-04:00

Regocijar por las Cruces que Dios Envía


En medio de la Cuaresma, la Iglesia nos llama a regocijar. Pero no se trata de un gozo que viene de los placeres de los sentidos, sino de un gozo del alma que es fruto del Espíritu Santo. Es un gozo cuaresmal que brota del seguimiento de Cristo y no existe aparte de la Cruz. Pues para seguir verdaderamente a Cristo, El mismo nos dice, hay que cargar nuestra cruz. Es decir, negarse a sí mismo y morir al egoísmo. Cargar bien con la cruz trae alegría, paz y gracia. Solo la cruz alimenta el amor De Dios como leña el [...]

Regocijar por las Cruces que Dios Envía2021-03-29T05:35:28-04:00

Jamás Jesús Sin La Cruz


El ser humano existe para adorar a Dios. Para verdaderamente adorar a Jesús - es decir ofrecerle nuestro cuerpo, mente y corazón - tenemos que adorar a su santísima cruz. ¡Jamás Jesús sin la cruz! La cuaresma es tiempo para crecer en nuestro amor por Jesús y por su cruz. Tener un amor por la cruz de Cristo significa cargar con nuestra cruz todos los días. Debemos ser guiados por el ejemplo y la sabiduría de los Santos.

Jamás Jesús Sin La Cruz2021-03-28T11:32:51-04:00

You Exist For God


You are on this earth to praise, reverence and adore the Lord your God. You are on this earth to serve God - not yourself. Think about this and act on it. Let us praise and reverence God in HIs infinite perfections. God is immutable. God is omnipresent. God is eternal. Blessed art Thou o God, worthy to be praised and glorified forever.

You Exist For God2021-03-28T05:09:29-04:00
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