Fr. Michael Rodriguez

The Angels Reflect Gods Perfections


God created the angels for His glory, for their happiness, and to help us in saving our souls. The angels appear repeatedly in Sacred Scripture and the Lives of the Saints. They are a great marvel of God's invisible creation: living images of God's Infinite Beauty who reflect His Divine Perfections. Yet so often we neglect them and fail to render that which is due to them. Consider seven things our Guardian Angels do for us. Pray to the angels frequently and may they strengthen your faith!

The Angels Reflect Gods Perfections2021-11-30T09:36:27-05:00

Cristo Rey Contra el Virus y Vacuna


El reino de Cristo es el reino de la verdad y la vida. Pero el 'Gran Restablecimiento', promovido por los gobiernos y líderes mundiales dentro de nuestra amada Iglesia, es un estado de mentiras y muerte. El arzobispo Viganò ha escrito una carta abierta que le insto encarecidamente a leer. Son pocos hoy los que proclaman la verdad, pero el arzobispo explica que lo que está sucediendo es un crimen contra la humanidad y una acción satánica contra Dios. Tenemos que oponernos a esta agenda de vacunación con todas nuestras fuerzas. ¿Qué puedes hacer? Reconozca la situación extrema en la que [...]

Cristo Rey Contra el Virus y Vacuna2022-06-11T13:05:04-04:00

St Martin of Tours


Holiness consists in following and imitating Christ and His saints. Consider the life of St. Martin of Tours, a great bishop and confessor. Though born of pagan parents, he had a burning charity for Christ. He destroyed many pagan temples, converted many, and opposed heresies. He built many churches and insisted the faithful act reverently therein. St. Martin performed many miracles, even raising the dead. He practiced intense mortification and is a founder of Western Monasticism. Christian Europe held great celebrations on his feast (Martinmas) and the penitential aspect of Advent traces its origins to St Marin's Lent. May his life [...]

St Martin of Tours2021-11-20T13:28:06-05:00

Three Brief Lessons on Holiness


Holiness consists in being united to Christ. [1] Jesus Himself calls us to holiness through the Church Triumphant and the Church Suffering. [2] We are the Church Militant because we are fighting for what? for holiness! To be Catholic is to strive to be holy. God's plan for our holiness is His Church, and outside His Church there can be no true holiness. [3] Holiness consists in conformity to the will of God.

Three Brief Lessons on Holiness2021-11-20T06:36:59-05:00

Christ the King vs the Virus and Jab


Christ the King commands us to be faithful to truth and to life. Archbishop Vigano has written an open letter which I strongly urge you to read. The potential evil of the vaccine far outweighs the potential good. Human babies are being murdered in the continued production of the vaccine. This scamdemic is filled with misinformation, lies, evil, and death. We have to oppose this vaccination agenda with all our strength. What can you do? Recognize the extreme situation we are in. Look to Christ the King on the Cross. Make an act of faith: He is the truth, we follow [...]

Christ the King vs the Virus and Jab2024-10-23T14:17:20-04:00

Suffer With Jesus and Mary


A basic rule of the spiritual life is to imitate Jesus and Mary. Marian devotion is not something "invented" by Catholics. Rather, Christ requires it — for He Himself gave His Sorrowful Mother to us at the foot of the Cross. We can never fully appreciate her sorrows for we can't fathom the depth of her love for her Son. However, we can pray for many graces to be more like Jesus and Mary: to hate sin and to ensure insults and ridicule with patience as they did. Pray for the grace to love Jesus and suffer for Him as Our [...]

Suffer With Jesus and Mary2021-11-02T12:05:20-04:00

Four Virtues for Spouses


God speaks to you in the lessons for Mass. Today, God calls you to practice four specific virtues: Humility, Meekness, Patience and Charity. These are the four virtues which Our Lord most clearly exhibits in His Passion. You are called to walk worthily in your vocation, and although we have different vocations, each Christian is called to deny himself and carry his cross daily.

Four Virtues for Spouses2021-10-31T07:10:03-04:00

Thy Kingdom Come


Every time we pray the Our Father, we pray for the coming of Christ's Kingdom. This means we pray for the propagation of His Church, for the conversion of all sinners, and that Christ reign in our heart, mind, will and body. Too many think Christ need not be acknowledged as King by society and nations. Yet all things exist for His honor and glory. Consider these three truths: [1] You must prize God's kingdom above all things. [2] You must labor to obtain His Kingdom. [3] You are an exile and must render a full account of your life.  

Thy Kingdom Come2022-11-07T12:37:53-05:00

Three Meanings of Holy Name of Mary


The holy name 'Mary' has many meanings. Three notable ones which demand our reflection are: Enlightener, Star of the sea, and Sea [of all graces]. Heed St. Bernard's advice: "In dangers, doubts, and difficulties, think of Mary. Call upon Mary. Let not her name depart from thy lips; never allow it to leave your heart." This continual reliance upon Our Lady is the hallmark of a good and faithful Catholic. An excellent aid for meditating more upon Our Lady is the Marian Creed written by St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows. Always do you best to pray the name of [...]

Three Meanings of Holy Name of Mary2021-10-14T06:52:36-04:00

Holy Angels and the Rosary


Pray and meditate upon the Rosary with the holy Angels; share their joy, sorrow and exaltation. Souls who unite themselves to the angels upon earth have great confidence they will be so be united in Heaven. God sent His most important message for our times through angelic messenger. If you want to help convert sinners (including those whom you love), then offer prayers and sacrifices. Put into practice what the Angel at Fatima asked and imitate his example.

Holy Angels and the Rosary2023-10-05T16:50:04-04:00
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