Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience


How are we to respond to Epiphany - to this great manifestation of Jesus' divinity? We must [1] believe, [2] adore and [3] obey. This is the example of Mary and Joseph, the angels, the shepherds and the Three Kings. Obedience is first given to God. The star represents Faith, the light that comes from God. Then obedience is given to the human authorities God places on earth. This priority must be respected. Human authority can be abused; yet the virtue of obedience exists to conform our will to God's holy will.

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience2022-02-05T08:06:25-05:00

What Gifts Do You Offer the Christ Child


Mary and Joseph overflow with joy when the Divine Child is given due honor, reverence and love. This is precisely the mystery and meaning of Christmas. We are to follow the example of the Three Kings. Your gift ought to be those virtues which their gifts symbolize – charity (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Similarly, the epistle (Col 3) tells us how to offer the Christ Child a pure heart. As you pray the Rosary and Litanies, seek the respective intercession of – and offer yourself and family members to – the members of the Holy Family respectively.

What Gifts Do You Offer the Christ Child2022-01-18T08:18:32-05:00

Significance and Spirituality of the Holy Name


The Holy Name of Jesus literally means "God saves." As you pray the Holy Name, think of Bethlehem and Calvary. Consider that God makes man and God saves man for He loves man. The Holy Name brings to our lives the Person of Jesus. It expresses His infinite love and His infinite power. Bow your head as you pray His Name. Pray the Litany of the Holy Name, especially this month. Whether you are tempted by devils or attacked by men, invoke the Name of Jesus. And if temptations do not cease to persecute you, continue to invoke Jesus – and [...]

Significance and Spirituality of the Holy Name2022-01-17T13:30:11-05:00

Judas Has Plenty of Company This Christmas


There is much confusion over what it means to love Jesus. It is not primarily about feelings, thoughts, or scriptural interpretation. The Apostle of Love teaches us the essentials. To love Jesus we must keep His commandments and we must love our neighbor (emphasis on the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy). Ask Baby Jesus for the grace to love Him above everything. Far too many Catholics are willing to sacrifice Christ to maintain friendships and family ties. Even our Shepherds - those who should love Jesus most - are betraying Him. Given that belief in Christ means belief in the [...]

Judas Has Plenty of Company This Christmas2022-01-13T15:17:01-05:00

Have a Great Desire to Love and Suffer More


One Holy Communion worthily received suffices to detach the soul from this earth and inflame it with the love of God. So strive to receive Our Lord worthily. Have a pure heart. Your life will change for the better the more you believe in Our Lord - Truly Present in the Holy Eucharist - and the greater your desire to receive Him with increased love, devotion, faith and a willingness to follow Him whatever the cost.

Have a Great Desire to Love and Suffer More2022-01-11T12:42:55-05:00

Am I Not Here Who Am Your Mother


Our Lady of Guadalupe's most precious words (1531) are remarkably similar to the words Pius IX employed for the ending of his infallible definition of the Immaculate Conception (1854). Her apparition and the dogma serve the same purpose. It's not coincidental that these two feasts closely follow one upon the other (Dec 8, Dec 12) - or that they celebrated during Advent. 2000 years ago Jesus came to Bethlehem, and then 500 years ago He came to the Americas: to bring light and salvation. Yet He does so through the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He has established His [...]

Am I Not Here Who Am Your Mother2022-01-07T08:19:24-05:00

Nothing is Hopeless


The first example we receive of honoring Our Lady comes from the angel - who was sent by God Himself. The marvelous prayer of the Hail Mary is given to us by God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A practical consequence of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception is that in dangers, difficulties, doubts and fears we turn to Mary. Fly with utter confidence to Her!

Nothing is Hopeless2025-02-05T11:12:08-05:00

Grace of the Immaculate Conception For Us


How grateful we are that God granted Our Lady the singular privilege of being Immaculately Conceived. This Mystery manifests God's infinite power and marvelous mercy. In Her, sin is utterly crushed. By this grace we, who are not sinless, can fight more courageously and tenaciously against sin. By the grace of the Immaculate Conception, pray for [1] hatred of sin, [2] growth in God's grace, and [3] purity in heart, mind and body.

Grace of the Immaculate Conception For Us2021-12-31T08:34:07-05:00

Let the Law of Your Life Be Christ


The same Jesus born in Bethlehem comes to us in Holy Communion. He is mystically born anew in every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. And if He comes, it is for a purpose. He wants us to be prepared to welcome Him. Through Holy Communion, Jesus is born, develops and perfects Himself within us. Believing this - and acting in accordance with this belief - is central to our belief in Jesus Christ. If we love God and have faith in the Eucharist, then we must live so as to as to receive Him worthily and in a spirit of reparation [...]

Let the Law of Your Life Be Christ2022-01-01T13:55:38-05:00

Be Prepared to Meet Thy God


As best you can, stay focussed throughout this Advent on the three comings of our Savior Jesus Christ. It is perhaps during this season that one most dramatically sees how far the Catholic faithful are from the Catholic Faith. Jesus is calling us and we don't hear. Keep the celebrations for the Christmas season (after Dec 25). During Advent, focus on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Pray novenas, litanies, Las Posadas, and other Christmas devotions. Consider the powerful symbolism of the Miraculous Medal. Come to the chapel, the Blessed Virgin awaits you.

Be Prepared to Meet Thy God2021-12-03T11:07:10-05:00
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