Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Summary of Our Religion


The popes teach devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the summary of our religion, of the whole mystery of our redemption. This makes perfect sense as it has to do with the infinite love of the Blessed Trinity for us. This devotion is directed towards the love of God for us. We are to adore His Sacred Heart, give thanks for It, and live so as to imitate It. It entails three kinds of devotion: of love, of reparation and of imitation. Consider the example of three saints: Gertrude the Great, Catherine of Siena and Clare of Montefalco. O [...]

Summary of Our Religion2023-07-20T17:16:06-04:00

Cómo Glorificar a la Santísima Trinidad


Nuestra santa religión existe para dar a conocer a cada ser humano el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad. Todo en nuestra fe está relacionado con el gran misterio de la Santísima Trinidad; por ejemplo: los Sacramentos, los ángeles, el Rosario, los salmos, y las oraciones de Fátima. La Familia refleja la Trinidad y es supremamente sagrada. Por eso el transexualismo actual es absolutamente abominable; es un ataque directo y terrible contra la Santísima Trinidad. En nuestro tiempo se está quitando tanta gloria a Dios y dirigiéndola al hombre. Sin embargo, ¡estamos llamados a dar gloria a Dios! El primer paso es [...]

Cómo Glorificar a la Santísima Trinidad2023-07-04T08:36:27-04:00

Powerful Links in Church Feasts


Time is ordered to God and serves God. The liturgical feasts of June are clearly connected; they reveal how the Holy Ghost is at work. After Pentecost, feast of the Holy Ghost, we turn to the Blessed Trinity because the Holy Ghost reveals who God is. Yet faith in God and faith in the Eucharist are inseparable, so next we celebrate Corpus Christi. Our Lord requested the Feast of the Sacred Heart conclude the Octave of Corpus Christi. In the Blessed Sacrament Our Lord manifests His love and continues to suffer immensely, on account of man's ingratitude and indifference. The Holy [...]

Powerful Links in Church Feasts2023-07-04T08:27:58-04:00

How to Glorify the Blessed Trinity


Everything in our holy religion is related to the great mystery of the Blessed Trinity; for example: the Sacraments, the angels, the Rosary, the psalms, and all our prayers.The Family mirrors the Trinity and is supremely sacred. That's why today's transgenderism is absolutely abhorrent; it is a direct and terrible attack upon the Blessed Trinity. In our times so much glory is being taken away from God and directed instead towards man. Yet we are called to give God glory! The first step is to know the Truth about Him. The second is to love and serve Him. A key element [...]

How to Glorify the Blessed Trinity2023-06-30T17:35:15-04:00

Each of Us is Wounded


Who is the Holy Ghost? What does He do? How are we to pray to Him? We find a simple answer in the Church's prayer. Come, and bring us the Truth. Come, and fill us with Thy Love. The Holy Ghost comes to heal the wounds which we all carry in our heart and soul, wounds caused by those we should trust most and who should most willingly sacrifice for us. We can't do it on our own. Without Him we are lost. Invoke the Holy Ghost, asking Him to enlighten, purify, console, heal, strengthen and sanctify you.

Each of Us is Wounded2023-06-22T09:45:36-04:00

The Original Novena


I exhort you to live according to the world, but according to the liturgical year. For example, this period is the origin of the novena, a privileged form of prayer. I recommend you pray a novena to the Holy Ghost in the nine days leading up to Pentecost and another during the nine days following Pentecost.

The Original Novena2023-06-22T08:41:32-04:00

Devoción a la Virgen María y al Espíritu Santo


Os exhorto a vivir los días no según el mundo, sino según el año litúrgico. Por ejemplo, este periodo es el origen de la novena, una forma privilegiada de rezar. Además, debemos pedir "Ven Espíritu Santo..." y rezar las tres oraciones principales de la Iglesia al Espíritu Santo. Pero rezar no es suficiente, hay que desprenderse de las cosas del mundo y confiar en la ayuda e intercesión de la Virgen María. El Espíritu Santo va al alma donde está muy presente la Santísima Virgen, su esposa, para unirse a ella y a realizar obras grandes.

Devoción a la Virgen María y al Espíritu Santo2023-06-20T21:24:32-04:00

Quién es el Espíritu Santo


¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo? ¿Qué hace? ¿Y cómo debemos invocarlo? Él es espíritu de la verdad y de la caridad. Por nosotros mismos somos incapaces de conocer, enseñar y amar a la verdad. Debemos rezar: ¡Ven Espíritu Santo! Todos llevamos heridas en el corazón; Él viene a sanarlas.

Quién es el Espíritu Santo2023-06-20T16:57:19-04:00

Three Stories of Our Lady


Father shares three true stories to encourage you to be more devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. He exhorts you to place greater confidence in her and never tire in taking your prayers to her. These stories – Our Lady of Montserrat, St. Joan of Arc, and The Bouquet from 1857 – also provide an example for mothers (and children). He concludes with twelve simple ways to practice devotion to Mary (in honor of the twelve stars of her crown).

Three Stories of Our Lady2023-08-20T17:21:43-04:00

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord


Some disciples adored the Risen Christ, yet others doubted. All had difficulty recognizing Him. Why? His appearance is clearly different. He chooses to remain with us in His mysteries. Thus, our focus should be on how He is present at Mass – by faith and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Sadly, many aspects of the Mew Mass deform our belief in the Mass and our understanding of what it means to participate in the Mass. Pay special attention to Our Lady's role in the Mass and participate in the Mass after her example.

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord2023-05-31T06:22:13-04:00
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