Fr. Michael Rodriguez

Martyrs of Christmastide


At the center of Christmas we see Jesus willing to take on a human nature so that we may be conformed to His likeness. Another "epiphany" is the Divine Child revealing Himself by shedding His Precious Blood and giving us the grace to live and die for Him. As Christ's disciples, we are called to believe in Him and to be faithful to His teaching (which is the teaching of the Church). Every single martyr gave his blood for the truth; we must be willing to suffer for the truth. The Church honors many martyrs in this season: SS. Peter and [...]

Martyrs of Christmastide2024-02-04T09:05:02-05:00

A Bishop Opposes Error


In the Epiphany mysteries, Jesus manifests His glory. He reveals the Truth about Himself. Yet man is always tempted to believe in Jesus how he sees fit. No! Focus on the Lord and do not engage in your own projects or ecclesial ideologies (this phrase is a recent gaslighting effort by Francis). Too many Catholics live their marriage based on their own ideas, preferences, and projects. No! Base it upon Christ's teachings and example. Bishops must faithfully transmit the teachings which come from Christ and the Apostles. Let us be grateful that a Peruvian Bishop has resisted Francis' grave error regarding [...]

A Bishop Opposes Error2024-02-01T16:19:29-05:00

Vencer la Concupiscencia


El pesebre es la cátedra del Niño Dios. Desde allí confunde los principios falsos del mundo y nos da la sabiduría eterna. Jesús nos enseña a través de los misterios de su santa infancia. Nos enseña cómo superar nuestro excesivo apego a las cosas terrenas y placeres sensuales y a vencer a nuestras inclinaciones desordenadas. Nos enseña las grandes virtudes de la humildad, paciencia y obediencia y de cómo debemos sufrir. Toma esto muy en serio y dale tu amor y adoración a cambio.

Vencer la Concupiscencia2024-01-23T12:01:34-05:00

My Heart Remains in Bethlehem


Epiphany is truly a feast of the Nativity of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. The Three Kings are central to Christmas. They teach us that every single person (ALL!) is called to know, love, serve and adore Jesus Christ. And we are to do this with our entire being.

My Heart Remains in Bethlehem2024-01-22T14:35:24-05:00

Present a Loving Heart to the Divine Child


Let us present a loving heart to the Divine Child and be willing to suffer for Christ; for the Faith. Already as a newborn, Jesus shed His Precious Blood to save us. Keep Jesus in your mind and heart, so that you will never deliberately offend Him. Don't forget the great truths of His four comings and continue to ponder them all year. Consider the link between Our Lord's coming at Christmas and His coming at Holy Mass. Meditate upon the moment of your death when you must render a definitive account of your time on this earth. How loving and [...]

Present a Loving Heart to the Divine Child2024-01-21T08:01:20-05:00

Misterios de la Divina Infancia


"Que toda la tierra te adore y te cante, cante tu nombre" (Salmo 65:4). Éste es buen resumen de todos los Misterios de la Navidad. San Alfonso de Ligorio enumera doce. Deberíamos meditarlos. Cada uno muestra la gran batalla entre el mundo y Dios. También indican el gran don que Dios nos da: la luz de la estrella, nuestra fe católica. Nosotros, a nuestra vez, debemos ofrecerle lo mejor que podamos de nuestro amor, oración y mortificación. El Padre enumera ocasiones en las que debemos invocar el Santo Nombre y formas sencillas y breves de invocarlo en la oración.    

Misterios de la Divina Infancia2024-01-20T12:28:36-05:00

Tollite Hostias


A beautiful Christmas hymn is tollite hostias et adorate dominum, "Offer your gifts to the Divine Child and Adore Him"  (Psalm 95:8-9). What will you offer Him? The most acceptable gift is a contrite and loving heart. Do you pray every day? Spend time before the manger and think about the incredible love of the Divine Child for you! Make an effort to think about and reject [hate] your sins, for your sins are what most offend Baby Jesus. Ask the Blessed Virgin to adore the Divine Child on your behalf. To truly love Him, seek to please Him in all [...]

Tollite Hostias2024-01-18T08:48:50-05:00

Dios Nos Sigue Enviando Su Luz


Debemos vivir según la luz de la fe, no según el mundo. Los mundanos actúan como si la Navidad ya hubiera pasado y olvidan sus grandes misterios. Pero la Epifanía es uno de los cinco días más sagrados del año. Incluye tres acontecimientos principales: los reyes (las naciones) vienen a adorar; [2] el bautismo del Señor; y [3] el milagro de las bodas de Caná. Ofrece a Dios tu amor (oro), oración (incienso) y mortificación (mirra). El Señor debe ser el centro de nuestras familias y matrimonios. Como María, guardemos y contemplemos estos misterios en nuestro corazón.

Dios Nos Sigue Enviando Su Luz2024-01-08T17:41:57-05:00

True Stories About Guardian Angels


Scripture frequently mentions the angels. They are beings of pure spirit who have great wisdom, power and holiness. First and foremost, the angels exist to give glory to God. In addition, they assist in the salvation of souls. The angels are grouped into three hierarchies and nine choirs. They reflect God's perfections and it behooves us to pray to the different angels according to their mission. Know the seven ways in which your guardian angel assists you. Acknowledge the valuable work he does on your behalf and engage your guardian angel in conversation.

True Stories About Guardian Angels2024-01-08T08:11:20-05:00

Cómo No Caer Nunca en Pecado


El santísimo nombre de Jesús significa "Dios salva". Ante todo, su nombre manifiesta su amor y su poder. En particular, el Santo Nombre está vinculado a su nacimiento (Belén) y a su muerte (Calvario), dos grandes acontecimientos de salvación. El santo nombre de Jesús nos inflama de amor por Él y nos protege del mal. Cuando te ataquen los demonios o los hombres, cuando te atormenten y te inciten a pecar, invoca el Santo Nombre. Siempre que rezamos el santísimo nombre de Jesús debemos inclinar la cabeza. Clama a Su Nombre con confianza, amor y perseverancia.

Cómo No Caer Nunca en Pecado2024-01-07T08:37:13-05:00
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