Fr. Ioannes Petrus

The Conscience of Man


God gave man a connection to Him - an interior voice, a conscience. St. John the Baptist is a symbol of that voice. We can chose to heed or suppress our conscience; yet, man only finds peace when he listens to it. The conscience is a proof of the soul's immortality. It witnesses, bonds and incites; it also accuses, torments, and rebukes. It incites a holy anger (hatred) against sin, so that man roots out faults instead of justifying them. Make friends with your adversary (conscience) before you are handed over to the Judge.

The Conscience of Man2023-12-26T05:48:23-05:00

Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace


Why is the Synod discussing so many un-Catholic things? Why is the Latin Mass being suppressed? Why is Russia once again at war? We must seek the cause. And we shall find an all encompassing answer to these problems. Christ's truth requires that man first conquer in the interior life; then he can conquer on the outside. Yet modern man has sought new avenues according to his own wisdom. He seeks an easy way apart from the cross. He chooses compromise with the world to accomplish only an external peace. Yet false peace brings perpetual war. As we ignore Our Lady [...]

Thou Shall Not Make a False Peace2023-11-26T16:31:51-05:00

Prisoners of War and Purgatory


The saints see the connectivity of all history by typology. Yet this connectivity extends even beyond the confines of this world. A type for the poor souls in Purgatory can be noted in the true story of Robert Trimble. He was an American Air Force captain striving to rescue prisoners of war in WW2. Our hearts should be moved to do all we can to help the holy souls arrive at their heavenly homeland.

Prisoners of War and Purgatory2023-11-13T15:55:33-05:00

What Is a Woman?


The world is being plagued by a more wicked and perverse society than Sodom of old. There is no logic upon which it can be based. Its confusion is an effect of communism, which attacks womanhood. A woman is a copy of the great original, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the indispensable helpmate of man; his complement not replacement. She is his beloved and treasured heart. She is captivatingly mysterious and intuitive. She strives for modesty and self-effacement. She suffers the same wounds as her man, but inwardly and quietly. She saves by supporing her man and by bearing and [...]

What Is a Woman?2023-08-20T12:57:28-04:00

What Is a Man?


A man is essentially a copy of Jesus Christ. The more a man conforms to his original, the more truly a man he becomes. The devil, father of all lies, seeks to pervert the truth, telling us the exemplar is an ape or single cell amoeba. (How crazy is that!) Man is a thinker. He loves truth. He uses reason and proper moderation to bring order. He remains calm and modest. He is just and religious, giving each man his due and his first fruits to God. Man looks for obstacles to overcome and rewards to gain. He needs someone to [...]

What Is a Man?2023-08-13T09:53:00-04:00

Early in the Morning


Throughout history, God likes to work early in the morning. This is typological. It reflects the Resurrection. The psalms teach that at this time He hears prayers, grants mercy, and destroys His enemies. Consider Sennacherib's Assyrian siege of Jerusalem under good King Hezekiah (~701 BC). Consider the prophecy of Isaias 28:14-19 and let us avoid entering a league with falsehood, hell and death. Hold fast to the Faith and the Mass, which remain immovable – even in this dark time. Let us rise early and be about the duties of our state, for the glory of God and salvation of our [...]

Early in the Morning2023-04-17T05:44:21-04:00

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven


The bride and groom who marry do not have true love. What they have has the potential to reach perfection as authentic ennobling love. Sadly, it can also develop into a mere coexistence and ignobility. Which shall it be? In this world, suffering is the proof of love and gives love its meaning and value. Love in marriage must mirror the love of the Blessed Trinity. It is indissoluble and self-effacing, thereby spirating love and life. Sacrifice your excellence. Bear one another. In the company of saints we become saints. The moving example of Saint Eulogius and the Cripple teach us [...]

Holy Matrimony is Practicing for Heaven2023-01-13T09:36:20-05:00

Families Need Respect


In order to survive, captives have to learn to respect their captors, no matter how hateful they may be. This respect is simply prudence and common sense, for we always ought to have due regard to that which is dangerous or can hurt us. Children ought to respect their parents, wives their husbands, and families the autonomy of other families. If we lack due respect and honor, then God will not bless our endeavors. Instead we may incur His wrath by which He allows us to go on alone without His grace. Respect! Respect! Respect! This will bring much peace and [...]

Families Need Respect2022-01-15T07:33:03-05:00

Mourn With Our Lady of LaSalette


God always prepares us, never blindsiding His faithful ones. He uses types and prefigurements. Consider how Our Lord raising the Widow of Naim's son is a type. He also provides us with prophecy; though we must be careful in our interpretation. In 1846 at LaSalette, Our Lady of Sorrows foretold much of what was to come - in those days, in our time, and at the end of time. Other prophecies from approved apparitions of Our Lady and saints help us better understand her terrible message. When one is forewarned, one can be better prepared and the suffering is lessened. We [...]

Mourn With Our Lady of LaSalette2021-09-11T06:39:04-04:00

Root Out the Deadly Poison of Anger


The world is not at peace because man has forgotten God and systematically removed Him. We are imbued with distraction that focus on self; so we are slow to hear and swift to anger. Anger darkens our judgment, prevents prayer, and leads to resentment - even depression and despair. The angry man always thinks he is right. Yet anger is a waste of time, energy, and sacrifice. Anger gives a place to the devil and opens the door to many additional sins. It even hurts us more than that which caused the anger. Consider the following remedies: [1] Do you best [...]

Root Out the Deadly Poison of Anger2021-06-06T09:25:54-04:00
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