Fr. Iakobus

Man is Not Self Sufficient


There are many evils around us. Let us not be fearful, bitter or fall into despair. From all eternity God made us to live in this specific time and to be sanctified in this battle. He is ready to help us, but we must pray. If God did not require this of us we would forget Him and fall. By remaining in a state of grace, we are disposed to receive God's gifts. But we must still ask. Ask without ceasing and with sincere desire and firm confidence. We have the greatest prayer available – Holy Mass. Do not take it [...]

Man is Not Self Sufficient2024-10-02T12:24:58-04:00

By God’s Grace I Am What I Am


St. Paul humbly acknowledges his unworthiness because he persecuted Christ and His Church. Yet God loved him, elected him, and granted him an undeserved grace. Paul responded. He cooperated – and never went back. Thus, the grace was not in vain. And what of us? We are weak. But we too receive great graces. The world is noisy and blocks out inspirations of grace. Even if we have not cooperated before, let us begin now. Open your ears and be faithful to prayer.

By God’s Grace I Am What I Am2024-09-08T21:25:22-04:00

What Does It Mean to Be Merciful


God shows His power most by being merciful. Yet this is terribly misunderstood. Mercy means we see someone who is suffering and are moved to act! Mercy means replacing an evil with a good and thereby alleviating the suffering. We find this mercy in the Sacrament of Penance. Too often Catholics lose respect and honor for the sacrament; then one fails to receive all the available graces. Review how to make a good confession. See the greatness of what God is giving us. The examples of Saints Mary Magdalene. Zacheus, and Dismas will help enliven our souls with true contrition.

What Does It Mean to Be Merciful2024-08-29T17:54:41-04:00

Key to Cracking Our Hardened Souls


Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Despite so many chance, God's people reject Him. They devised a religion centered upon man. Yet we are no different. We should expect the situation we are in today because we have turned our back on God. If the first Four Commandments are not being practiced by Catholics, how can we expect anything to change? We must first place God at the center of our lives. Society and the nation will follow. Imitate Our Lady. She pondered God's deeds in silence, practiced fidelity in small things, and was constant in prayer.

Key to Cracking Our Hardened Souls2024-08-12T21:34:08-04:00

Mammon of Iniquity


Created things are not sinful. They are good for God has made them. We are to use the created things God has given us to please Him, to merit His graces, to fulfill our duty and come to Heaven. But they become an object of sin when we misuse them. Consider our use of food, drink, cell phones, clothing, and time to excess or defect. We restore the balance with penance and fasting. Everything is good, but not everything is good for me.  So, what creature has become the mammon of iniquity for me?

Mammon of Iniquity2024-07-28T21:47:04-04:00
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