106 Eternal Pastor and Bishop of Our Souls wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00 106 Eternal Pastor and Bishop of Our Soulswpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00
107 One Bond One Faith One Charity wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00 107 One Bond One Faith One Charitywpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00
108 Institution of Apostolic Primacy wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00 108 Institution of Apostolic Primacywpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00
109 Perpetuity of the Primacy wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00 109 Perpetuity of the Primacywpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00
110 Primacy of the Roman Pontiff wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00 110 Primacy of the Roman Pontiffwpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00
111 Duty of True Obedience wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00 111 Duty of True Obediencewpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00
112 Jurisdiction of the Pope wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00 112 Jurisdiction of the Popewpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00
113 Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00 113 Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevailwpengine2021-01-13T00:55:22-05:00
093 Examples of Developing Dogma wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00 093 Examples of Developing Dogmawpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00
094 St Vincent of Lerins wpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00 094 St Vincent of Lerinswpengine2021-01-13T00:55:23-05:00