
Doce Misterios de la Santa Infancia


La Navidad es gran fiesta del Corazón de María. De este corazón, mar vasto de gracias y un horno inmenso de amor, nació la Luz del mundo, el Salvador. El Niño Dios nos da el Corazón de su Santísima Madre para que podamos experimentar la inmensidad de su amor y corresponder a su amor a ejemplo de la Virgen María. Así tendremos compasión de los sufrimientos de Nuestro Señor, por ejemplo, los que padeció en los misterios de su infancia. Nuestro gran anhelo debe ser expresado por la oración de San Luis de Montfort: «Que no tenga otro corazón que el [...]

Doce Misterios de la Santa Infancia2025-01-20T20:50:56-05:00

Fiesta de Amor y del Corazón de María


Durante la Navidad, hagamos el esfuerzo de considerar el amor inmenso que nuestro Salvador nos ha tenido al querer nacer pobre, rechazado y desconocido. A cambio, hagamos cuatro peticiones encaminadas a aumentar nuestro amor por Él. Pidamos la gracia de obedecer, agradar y desear sólo a Dios y de aceptar su voluntad en todos los asuntos. La Navidad es también una gran fiesta del corazón de María. Porque la Encarnación se debe en gran parte al amor, al deseo, a la humildad, a las oraciones y a la santidad del Corazón de María. Ahí tenemos el modelo de cómo debemos amar [...]

Fiesta de Amor y del Corazón de María2025-01-19T13:30:48-05:00

Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy


The Light of Christ comes to us through the Heart of Mary, which is a vast sea of grace and an immense furnace of love. As Christians, our mission is to love Jesus and His Church with the same love as Our Lady. So let us reflect – with Mary – upon the Divine Child in the mysteries of His infancy. In these mysteries, Christ offers us salvation and His divine love. Yet they are also filled with His sufferings. Contemplating them moves us to sorrow and compassion; to share in the love of Mary for Her Son. "O Mary, may [...]

Twelve Mysteries of the Holy Infancy2025-01-18T13:56:56-05:00

Save Us Most Holy Theotokos


God came unto His own and His own received Him not. Mary and Joseph spend these days in contemplation and expectation; what about the multitude? The vast majority of Catholics live the Christmas season in a pagan way. We are too busy in worldly affairs; Mary and Joseph were totally focused on Christ. If we reflect and focus on Jesus, with a sincere and holy disposition, He sanctifies us. In giving us His Mother, He is imprinting upon our souls love of Him after the example of the Heart of Mary.

Save Us Most Holy Theotokos2025-01-11T14:47:31-05:00

The End of the Fifth Age [NKY – Part Two]


Ven. Holzhuaser divides the life of the Church into seven ages. We are living at the end of the fifth age, the age of tribulation, which is began circa 1517 and is filled with revolution against God. The only solution for our times is being faithful to the Message of Fatima. The Consecration of Russia and First Saturday devotion are the means by which God will usher in the sixth age, the Age of Consolation and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Also addressed: The truth of Our Lady's prophecy that a worse war, signaled by an unknown light, [...]

The End of the Fifth Age [NKY – Part Two]2025-01-05T19:47:57-05:00

Three Fatima Miracles [NKY – Part One]


Every Catholic should be familiar with the Message Our Lady gave the world at Fatima on July 13, 1917. In addition to the Miracle of the Sun, Our Lady has already provided many miracles to prove her words. Three such great historical events occurred in Portugal (1930s), Austria (1950s) and Brazil (1960s). A fourth could be included from Japan (1940s). These should inspire us with confidence and trust, so that Catholics will obey Our Lady en masse.

Three Fatima Miracles [NKY – Part One]2025-01-05T19:42:04-05:00

Q&A with Father Carney


Q&A Session following the conference "The Holy Face and Fatima." - How do we start a local group? - How do we pray in Latin? - How can 10 defeat 100? - What of devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows? and more...

Q&A with Father Carney2025-01-04T10:50:38-05:00

Chaplet of the Holy Face


Pray the Holy Face Chaplet with Fr. Lawrence Carney. Learn more about his apostolate, the League of St Martin, at: https://www.martinians.org/

Chaplet of the Holy Face2025-01-04T10:42:51-05:00

The Holy Face and Fatima


There are many connections between the devotions of the Holy Face and Fatima. Both have been revealed by God to offer reparation and to defeat revolutionary men. Both depend upon a deep interior life and are will foster a powerful spiritual army.

The Holy Face and Fatima2025-01-04T10:52:07-05:00

The Two Hearts


God has so intimately joined the Sacred and the Immaculate Hearts that it is impossible to separate them. These two devotions are linked by many parallels. For example, salvation is the central them of both. They focus our attention on hell, Purgatory and Heaven. They both request reparation and call for a consecration. When God commands, man is obligated to obey. If we do not, we suffer pestilence, war and other punishments. Like a good Father, God allows these, not to destroy, us but to turn us back to Him. Today we stand on the brink of a world war. Our society [...]

The Two Hearts2025-01-05T20:06:50-05:00
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