Sermon Prayer

Prayer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso


From the sermon Light, Salvation and Glory given on February 2, 2017 O most Excellent and Immaculate Queen of Heaven, Holy Mary of Good Success, most favored Daughter of the Eternal Father, most beloved Mother of the Divine Son, most cherished Spouse of the Holy Ghost, sublime throne of the Divine Majesty, august Temple of the Holy Trinity, in whom the Three Divine Persons have placed the treasures of their power, wisdom, and love! Remember, Virgin Mary of Good Success, whom God has made so great, so that thou canst give succor to miserable sinners; remember that thou has often promised [...]

Prayer to Our Lady of Buen Suceso2025-02-02T14:48:01-05:00

Prayer to the Infant Jesus


From the sermon Twelve Lights of Epiphany given on January 6, 2017 O most sweet and amiable Infant Jesus, though I see Thee in this cavern lying on straw poor and despised, yet faith teaches me that Thou art my God, who camest down from Heaven for my salvation.  I acknowledge Thee, then, for my sovereign Lord and Savior; but I have nothing, alas! to offer Thee.  I have no gold of love, because I have loved creatures instead of Thee.  I have not the incense of prayer, because I have lived in a miserable state of forgetfulness of Thee.  I [...]

Prayer to the Infant Jesus2025-01-19T16:01:46-05:00

Maranatha – Come Lord Jesus


From the sermon given on Gaudete Sunday in 2014 Almighty and ever-living God, let all the assembly of Christ’s faithful ones laud the graces that are near, and sing their highest praises to Thee, our Creator. When Thy only-begotten Son, through Whom Thou created this world, redeemed us, He fulfilled the promises which Thy prophets spoke in the ages past. The Word, having come down from Heaven, and shown Himself to men, took away the punishment due to our sins; and assuming our nature, though but dust, He vanquished the prince of death. Born of a Mother in time, but begotten [...]

Maranatha – Come Lord Jesus2024-12-18T12:09:55-05:00

Prayer to the Immaculate Conception


From the sermon Special Graces of the Immaculate Conception given on December 8, 2019 O Immaculate Virgin Mary, conceived without sin! Thou wert miraculously preserved from even the shadow of sin, because thou wert destined to become not only the Mother of God, but also the mother, the refuge, and the advocate of man; penetrated therefore, with the most lively confidence in thy never-failing intercession, we most humbly implore thee to obtain for us that angelic purity which was thy favorite virtue, that purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and that purity of intention which will consecrate every thought, word, and action [...]

Prayer to the Immaculate Conception2025-02-05T11:09:47-05:00

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the Holy Souls


From a sermon given on November 9, 2019 God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed. God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.Through Thy infinite love, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy sorrow and anguish, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy bloody sweat, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy bonds, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy scourging, O Lord deliver them. Through Thy crowning [...]

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for the Holy Souls2024-11-08T16:30:05-05:00

Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Prayer prescribed by Pius XI for the Feast of Christ the King.[Read the encyclical Quas Primas, 1925] Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Thy cross.  We are Thine, and Thine we wish to be; but to be more surely united to Thee, behold, each one of us this day freely consecrates himself to Thy most Sacred Heart.  Many, indeed, have never known Thee; many, too, despising Thy precepts have rejected Thee.  Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Thy Sacred Heart. Be Thou King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken Thee, but also [...]

Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus2024-10-26T14:17:46-04:00

Litany of Christ the King


From a sermon given on the Feast of Christ the King The Truth About Christ the King (October 25, 2020) The Lamb that was slain is worthy to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength and honor; to Him be glory and empire forever and ever. V. He shall rule from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth.R. All kings shall adore Him, all nations shall serve Him. Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us.Lord, have mercy on us. Christ the King, hear us.Christ the King, graciously hear us.O Jesus, Thou Who didst receive adoration and tribute from the Magi; [...]

Litany of Christ the King2024-10-23T15:02:27-04:00

Prayer to One’s Guardian Angel


From a sermon on the Feast of Our Guardian's Angels (October 2, 2021) O holy Angel, who by God’s goodness has charge over me, who assists me in my necessities, who consoles me in my troubles, who obtains for me continually new favors, I thank you most sincerely.  Gentle Guardian, continue your charitable care; defend me against my enemies, put away from me all occasions of sin, make me obedient to your inspirations and faithful to follow them. In the presence of Jesus Christ and the whole court of Heaven, I choose you for my protector, my defender, my guide and my advocate.  I [...]

Prayer to One’s Guardian Angel2024-10-02T11:25:01-04:00

Precious Blood of Jesus


From the sermon Seven Petitions to the Precious Blood (Tenth Sunday after Pentecost) Precious Blood of Jesus, shed at the circumcision, make me chaste of mind, heart and body. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the agony of the garden, grant me to love above all things the holy and adorable will of God. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the scourging at the pillar, inspire me with a keen sorrow for my sins and a love of suffering. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in the crowning with thorns, grant me a love of humiliations. Precious Blood of Jesus, shed in [...]

Precious Blood of Jesus2024-09-12T07:23:43-04:00

Holy Mary, Mother of Sorrows!


From the sermon Four Virtues for Spouses (September 19, 2021) Holy Mary, Mother of sorrows, whose heart was piercedwith a fresh sword of grief at every Station on the Way of the Cross,obtain for us, we beseech thee, O most loving Mother, a perpetual remembrance of our Blessed Savior’s cross and death, and a true and tender devotion to all the mysteries of His most holy Passion. Obtain for us the grace to hate sin, even as He hated it in the Agony of the Garden; to endure wrong and insult with all patience, as He endured them in the judgment [...]

Holy Mary, Mother of Sorrows!2024-09-12T07:28:54-04:00
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