
Resolutions of St Dominic Savio


St. Dominic Savio teaches us the importance of making holy resolutions, especially in conjunction with our reception of Holy Communion. The piety with which he received his Dear Savior is shown by the zeal of his resolutions: to dread mortal sin, to flee from the occasions of sin, to avoid bad companions, never to read bad books (today we might add any bad from of entertainment), to guard his eyes not looking upon evil, and to pray often. We should resolve to love Jesus for this is why we have been placed upon this earth. Resolve to love the Catholic Church and [...]

Resolutions of St Dominic Savio2020-01-27T06:26:45-05:00

Wounds Healing Wounds


How might modern ecclesiastics evaluate Our Lord's selection of Twelve Apostles? Thomas the doubter would surely have been guilty of lowering morale. It seems Advent is a time when all are somewhat affected thus. The only way to be healed is the same way St. Thomas was cured of his doubt. Suffering (wounds) must be offered redemptively for the healing of ourselves and others.

Wounds Healing Wounds2019-12-24T07:53:16-05:00

St. Andrew


St. Andrew was a disciple of St. John the Baptist and brought his brother, Peter, to Our Lord. He preached throughout the lands that bordered the Black and Caspian Seas. He was martyred on a cross (X-shape) for converting pagans, including the wife of the proconsul, and refusing to sacrifice to pagan idols. Pray to sat Andrew, especially for these three graces: [1] To be a more faithful disciple of Jesus Christ; [2] To lead others to Christ; and [3] For a greater love for the Cross.

St. Andrew2019-11-30T06:49:15-05:00

Forgiving Enemies to Free Poor Souls


We can help the poor souls in Purgatory by our seeking to be reconciled with those who have offended us here on earth. St. Teresa of Jesus liked to forgive her enemies because she would then turn to God and ask Him to fulfill His promise to forgive her all her faults. A powerful example comes from the life of St. Gerard Majella, reputed for his pace-making ability. Through him God shows that our forgiveness can even cancel the debts of the poor souls. This is yet another reason not to let enmity simmer or desire revenge, but to seek a [...]

Forgiving Enemies to Free Poor Souls2019-11-14T06:30:31-05:00

Strive for the Eternal not the Perishable


We belong to God. Thus, we must do our very best to fulfill His holy will and our primary focus has to be on the world to come. During November, Holy Mother Church focuses us on the world to come in a more intense manner. She turns our attention to the saints and poor souls in Purgatory, reminding us that the Church is much more than those here on earth. On the other hand, a common trait shared by the three enemies of our soul's salvation is 'the insatiable craving for things perishable with complete forgetfulness of things eternal.' The more one learns [...]

Strive for the Eternal not the Perishable2019-11-14T06:11:18-05:00

God Never Rejects the Contrite Sinner


The Ember Days consecrate new seasons by prayer, penance, abstinence and fasting. They remind us that no one gets to Heaven without prayer and penance. Catholicism - and really this life on earth - is about climbing Cavalry and being crucified with Christ! Realize the road to Heaven is not for the light-hearted, while the path to hell is easy and broad. Thus, we won't survive the current 'crisis from hell' without being committed to Christ and His Way. Yet we are heartened knowing Christ came for us sinners. He never forces us but He never rejects the contrite sinner who [...]

God Never Rejects the Contrite Sinner2019-10-03T06:42:39-04:00

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals


A very dangerous idea that has crept into moral theology is that the Commandments of God are only ideals; hence, modern man can adapt them to his concrete circumstances. It is now claimed that a faithful indissoluble marriage directed towards procreation is just for those with heroic virtue, instead of a universal norm. This is gravely contrary to Christ's immutable teaching and a pastoral disaster. It turns all the Commandments into mere counsels or suggestions which may or may not be followed by a "good conscience." We need to hear from our shepherds the thundering voice of John the Baptist which demands [...]

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals2019-09-06T06:04:00-04:00

Use Memory to Grow in Sanctity


In the parable of the publican and the pharisee, note how the publican remembered his sins, whereas the pharisee did not (instead he remembered the sins of others). This shows us that overcoming sin and growing in grace, truth and virtue has a lot to do with memory. When you have been rescued from a pit, it is good to remember that God rescued you because He loves you. It is also good to remember that, on your own, you are capable of falling back into a deeper pit. Our Lord gave St. Margaret of Cortona nine remembrances for graces - [...]

Use Memory to Grow in Sanctity2019-08-23T05:23:39-04:00

One True Religion from Adam to Christ


There has only been and always will be only one True Religion that has been proclaimed and practiced by believers throughout history. True Religion, revealed by God, began with Adam and continued through Abraham, Moses, David, and various prophets. This True Religion received its perfection and completion in Jesus Christ. The Roman Canon, which in essence originated with St. Peter and comes from the oldest of the Church's liturgical rites, sublimely proclaims this reality. All other religions, including Judaism as it is practiced today, are false religions. Yet we pray that God will lift the veil from disbelieving Jews, as he [...]

One True Religion from Adam to Christ2019-08-05T06:44:29-04:00

Catholic or Worldling


The world is opposed to the Church. The world holds that each man should be able to judge what is good and evil for himself, and that government should preserve man's (false) freedom to choose to do evil things (to believe lies, to worship falsely, to poison himself). The worldling does not like conflict, fears appearing judgmental, and only holds his beliefs as a 'personal preference.' He claim to be Christ's disciple but loves the world (and the world loves him). The reality that Catholicism is the only true religion (no other religion is good, true, or saving) is abhorrent to [...]

Catholic or Worldling2019-07-30T07:30:07-04:00
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