
Athanasius Against the World


Once Constantine legalized Christianity (313 AD), the Church's exterior threats were largely eliminated - for a time. Yet the devil never rests and the threat of interior enemies, amongst the baptized, grew. In the 4th century, the heresy of Arianism (denial of Christ's divinity) infested the Church. More than 90% of bishops betrayed Christ by accepting an Arian or Semi-Arian creed. During this crisis, God raised up a true champion: St. Athanasius the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria and Champion of Orthodoxy. It seemed almost every civil and ecclesial institution was set against him. He was only supported by a small number [...]

Athanasius Against the World2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Six Means of Preserving Gods Grace


God wishes all men to be saved. Thus, He provides all the graces necessary for our salvation (this is infallible). However, man also has to cooperate with God's grace (this is often forgotten, unsaid, or not emphasized). St. Alphonsus Liguori, the great moral doctor of the Church, teaches there are six means of preserving God's grace: [1] Flee from occasions of sin; [2] Mental prayer; [3] Frequenting the Sacraments; [4] Hearing Mass; [5] Visiting the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Virgin; [6] Prayer. He guarantees that the one who lives by them faithfully will be saved. This sermon includes a brief biographical sketch of St. Alphonsus and his prayer to [...]

Six Means of Preserving Gods Grace2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

St. Camillus de Lellis


St. Camillus (1550-1614) founded the Camillians, a religious order dedicated to the care of the sick whose habit prominently displays a red cross. Yet his early life was dissolute, filled with gambling, violence and laziness. Twice he tried to save his soul, but failed. Yet he did not give up! Following St. John Cassian's explanation of St. Paul (1 Thes 4), he eventually conquered his predominant fault: acedia. We can all conquer this besetting vice of sloth by adhering to St. Paul's teaching. [1] Make the effort to be quiet, eliminating the 'noise' of the world. [2] Remain in the sphere of activity given [...]

St. Camillus de Lellis2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

St Vladimir the Great


Before the coming of the Holy Ghost, the world was full of idolatry, superstition, tyranny, oppression and revolting practices. The poor and suffering were uncared for. Half the world was enslaved. Yet the Holy Ghost renewed the face of the earth! Civilization flourished and the world became a far better place, filled with truth and compassion. By way of example, we can look to Prince Vladimir of Kiev (+1015). He was a cruel, vice-ridden leader who even offered human sacrifice. Then he was baptized, married a Christian princess, destroyed idols, brought his nation to Christianity, and became a saint. Sadly in today's [...]

St Vladimir the Great2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

St Maria Goretti and Alessandro


Many of us know the basic story of eleven-year old St. Maria Goretti, who was stabbed fourteen times by Alessandro Serenelli in 1902. But do we know the trials and tabulations her attacker underwent on his path towards redemption? What of the heroic forgiveness made by her mother, Assumpta? The wisdom of St. Benedict further deepens our consideration of these events: we must ascend 'Jacob's Letter' by degrees of humility to reach Heaven. The first degree of humility is always to have the Fear of God before one's eyes. And we must hasten to cut off all the desires of the flesh. Finally, this [...]

St Maria Goretti and Alessandro2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

St. Catherine of Siena


St. Catherine (1347-80) was granted numerous divine revelations and experiened a mystical marriage with Our Lord. She spent her life in healing others and bringing souls to Christ. She even helped bring the pope back to Rome from Avignon and end the so-called Babylonian Captivity (1309-1377.

St. Catherine of Siena2020-05-03T10:12:43-04:00

St John Bosco


St. John Bosco was a gentle shepherd. Even in his early years he wanted to lead people to Christ. He employed creative and captivating means to accomplish this. His life was filled with pain, struggle, persecution and suffering, yet he never lost his joy. His work among the youth has endeared him to the hearts of all future generations. We would all do well by following the examples he set in dealing charitably with others.

St John Bosco2020-04-10T05:18:52-04:00

St Benedict Joseph Labre


Sometimes people accuse the saints of suffering from mental illness. Yet canonizations are generally good indications that one practiced heroic virtue, had great generosity, was spiritually mature, had a healthy and well-developed personality, and lived in profound union with God. Consider the example of St. Benedict Joseph Labre (1748-1783). At age 16 he resolved to live a religious life, attempting to join the strictest religious orders. Yet this was not God's will for him. Instead he had a unique call to live a most painful, penitential, lonely, and pitied life as a pilgrim outcast. The world served as his cloister, and he [...]

St Benedict Joseph Labre2020-03-24T09:45:00-04:00

Foster Devotion to St. Joseph


Three brief daily sermons. After the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph is the saint dearest to God. His intercession is universal and exceedingly powerful. Among many patronages, he is the Protector of the Universal Church and Helper of Christians in times of difficulty. Thus, we should go to Him and obey him as Jesus and Mary obeyed him. We ought to consult, honor and thank him as they did; and love him as they still love him. The best form of devotion to St. Joseph is to imitate his virtues; to think, speak and act as he did. These sermons also [...]

Foster Devotion to St. Joseph2020-03-24T07:53:03-04:00

Saint Simeon and a Faithful Servant


Tradition tells us that as St. Simeon translated the Scriptures, an angel prevented him from adjusting the word 'virgin' to 'young maiden' in Isaias' prophecy (7:14). The angel then revealed that Simeon would not die until he had seen the long-awaited Messiah (Lk 2:26). Upon that predestined day, though he was quite old, he hastened to the Temple with the spring of youth. Simeon’s eyes immediately noted the Child Jesus, he reverently approached the Holy Family, and falling to his knees, adored the Divine Child in Mary's arms. The old man then prayed to God to release him from this life (Nunc Dimittis). St. [...]

Saint Simeon and a Faithful Servant2020-02-20T06:59:50-05:00
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