
A Firm Purpose of Amendment


God becomes positively blind to our sins when we capture His heart. We do this by striving firmly and surely to have real contrition, to amend our lives, and to practice true repentance. Contrition is a rational sorrow of mind and detestation of sin with the purpose of not sinning in the future. It is always necessary for the forgiveness of sins. Without proper amendment, we risk making an invalid confession. A firm purpose requires much practice! And the grace available to us through the Sacrament is directly related to the response of the penitent. Don't be surprised if you fall [...]

A Firm Purpose of Amendment2021-04-19T09:28:09-04:00

To Hide Sins Well Confess Them Well


St. Thomas Aquinas taught "there are three sources of trial for the Church: (i) external persecution; (ii) undermining of the Truth from within by heresy and spreading of error; and (iii) corruption of members through sin." Under the guidance of the Holy Cure d'Ars, let us consider the third source.  St. John Vianney could be tough in the confessional, but he would also shed tears and himself perform most of the penance due to his penitents. He knew that sin ties man to his shameful bonds (enslavement) and that absolved sins are completely gone! He had such a love for God and the [...]

To Hide Sins Well Confess Them Well2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Baptism not Transhumanism


Some elitist secular humanists are dreaming of a futuristic 'bionic man' who does not suffer, is filled with knowledge and has immortality. Yet this "transhuman" would not be divine; he'd be more like a 'walking smart phone.' The false promise of such an 'evolved being' reminds us of satan seducing Eve, 'You will be like gods.' No, such an artificial 'evolution' would make us more akin to preternatural demons. On the other hand, the baptized Catholic IS filled with the Holy Ghost and participates in the Divine Nature itself. Through grace, we don’t become simply spirits or angels, but we become divinized. At every Baptism, the Holy Ghost comes [...]

Baptism not Transhumanism2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

More Saving Patterns from Cana and Baptism


Let us consider a few more patterns laid down by our Savior, as presented to us by Holy Mother Church, in Christmastide feasts: The Baptism of the Lord and the Wedding at Cana.  (Both feasts are also part of the Mystery of Epiphany.) Note that Baptism [1] is the sure and clear way to Heaven; [2] brings about the indwelling of the Holy Ghost and habitual sanctifying grace; [3] and produces faith in the Triune God. The Wedding of Cana establishes patterns for validity in marriage, the purpose of marriage, and the importance of Our Lady and of sacrifice in marriage. [...]

More Saving Patterns from Cana and Baptism2020-02-11T10:42:53-05:00

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma


We have reason to rejoice in our Holy Mother: The Church and Our Lady. Mary is the perfect type of the Church.  The miraculous tilma of Guadalupe points to numerous truths about the Church: She is divine, she is alive, Jesus lives in her, she is indestructible, she is sweet even as she corrects and reproves. We also recently celebrated Pope St. Damasus (+384), who battled an anti-pope, upheld the Sacred Scriptures, and condemned heresy. He defended the Person of Christ and His two natures. These truths dispel today's popular errors that animals may be resurrected, redeemed or have eternal souls.

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma2024-12-20T12:26:04-05:00

JOY in Marriage


The ordering of charity according to J-O-Y (Jesus first, Others second,Yourself last) is the same as the Cross composed of love of God (vertical)and love of neighbor (horizontal). Our Lady shows her perfect adherence to this ordering in her life at the Marriage in Cana. Two practical explanations of this ordering in marriage are: [1] One ought not assist at weddings which are contrary to the laws of God and His Church. [2] The marital act must always abide by this order. The marital act must first be [1] for the procreation and formation of souls for Heaven(for love of God), then [2] for the mutual support of spouses (other) and lastly [3] for the quieting of [...]

JOY in Marriage2025-02-02T08:27:27-05:00
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