
All Hangs Upon the Physical Resurrection


The Catholic Faith infallibly teaches Christ's physical resurrection. It was not just spiritual or a resuscitation; for Christ defeated death and will never die again. Yet there are those 'catholics' who deny this dogma. Pius XI says such they - not militant muslims, atheistic communists or secular jews - are the greatest enemies of the Church. Such modernists attempt to change Catholic dogma and worship. If they are right, the Faith is worthless and we are left with nothing but despair. Yet if He is risen, then our Faith is infinitely worthwhile. Christ's resurrection is the proof of all He stands [...]

All Hangs Upon the Physical Resurrection2021-04-19T09:15:16-04:00

Lock Me Up Tight I Will Still Escape


Christ is Risen. He descended into the realm of the dead, freed the imprisoned, and broke the bonds of death. Yet the devil and his followers are always trying to lockup and imprison Christ. Do we not feel the noose closing about the Church now? Yet they always fail. They dig a pit and fall into it themselves. One such terrible pit is gnosticism. It ebbs and flows with the occult. It has been around since the first centuries of Christianity, but today spreads rapidly under the guise of 'new age.' Even worse, its primary tenants have become mainstream in modern [...]

Lock Me Up Tight I Will Still Escape2021-04-13T08:17:30-04:00

Cause of Joy or Fear


Our Resurrected Lord appeared to His Mother first. The other women at the foot of the Cross approached the tomb despite guards, a sealed tomb, and a heavy stone. Love overcomes all fear and obstacles. They found an angel who proclaimed 'He is Risen.' No greater words have ever been announced in human history. This is a cause for joy which fills all true believers with hope and confidence. How can we be fearful or too anxious about worldly matters knowing Christ is risen? In fact, it is the enemies of Christ and of His Church who should fear such news. [...]

Cause of Joy or Fear2021-04-13T08:32:07-04:00

The Crucified One Is Risen


The Apostles give witness to the Resurrection, but they speak of Christ as our Pasch who is sacrificed. If one is looking for easy living and good times with Jesus - one will not find Him. We must seek Jesus of Nazareth who was Crucified. This is the Easter Message proclaimed by the angel. We make steps in faith by drawing near to the [glorious] wounds of the Risen Lord. Christians, to the Paschal Victim offer your thankful praises!

The Crucified One Is Risen2021-04-12T08:17:49-04:00

Resurrection Faith and the Mass


Four brief Easter week sermons.  The Easter Octave overflows with grace to increase our Faith, especially in the Sacrifice of the Mass and Holy Eucharist. Meditation with the ecuharistic prayers composed by St. Thomas Aquinas brings a greater depth of understanding and sheds greater light upon how terrible it is that Masses for the faithful have been cancelled. * Mary Magdalene lamented 'They have taken away my Lord.' We are living in such times. After Vatican II, modernists replaced the high altar with a table, removed crucifixes and tabernacles from the center of the catholic sanctuary, and destroyed communion rails and statues. Now [...]

Resurrection Faith and the Mass2020-04-24T05:54:38-04:00

Crimes of Homicide-Deicide


The charges of homicide and Deicide were dropped on Easter Sunday, for the Body of the Victim is now risen. Murder charges on Good Friday make no sense with the Resurrection three days later. But having been freed from these charges, let us not crucify Jesus again by our own personal sins.

Crimes of Homicide-Deicide2019-05-29T12:02:43-04:00

Truths of the Resurrected Body


During Easter, the Church calls us to reflect upon the dogma of the future resurrection of the body. God intends for the human to be a union of body and soul. It is our identical body which will be resurrected, either for unending glory or everlasting damnation. This truth helps dispel many modern errors, including reincarnation and cremation. When Our Lady appeared at Fatima, Sr. Lucia described her as being "all of light." This points to two important properties of the resurrected body: subtlety and clarity

Truths of the Resurrected Body2019-05-01T21:26:36-04:00
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