
Five Simple Points


Our Risen Lord made His first resurrection appearance to His most Blessed Mother. This Easter, we have asked "What is the foundation of the Christian Religion?" It is Christ, His Mission, and His Church. Understanding this answer helps us love our Catholic Faith and live it well. Five simple points from the resurrection narratives in the gospel help us summarize this answer.

Five Simple Points2024-06-18T09:15:56-04:00

Christ is the Foundation


As a fruit of the Resurrection, Jesus is now present in a new way, different from before His Passion. He is alive and present by the power of the Holy Ghost in His Church! In His Church, He teaches the truths which save us. In and by His Church, He bestows life through His sacraments. The Scriptures clearly profess this. So too the witnesses of the Resurrection, who teach with the authority that Christ Himself has given. Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes constantly fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone.

Christ is the Foundation2024-05-08T20:21:58-04:00

Regina Caeli


An ancient Easter Prayer and Hymn - heard at the start of the sermon The Crucified One is Risen. O Queen of Heaven. Rejoice, alleluia.For He whom thou wast worthy to bear, alleluia, has risen.As He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God. Alleluia.Rejoice and be glad, o Virgin Mary. Alleluia.For the Lord is truly risen. Alleluia. Let us pray, O God, who by the resurrection of Thy Son,our Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to give joy tothe whole world, grant, we beseech thee, that throughthe intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary, His mother,we may attain the joys of eternal [...]

Regina Caeli2024-05-02T10:37:34-04:00

The Road to Emmaus


Contemplate Christ. Keep your eyes fixed on Him. Set your heart on Him alone. Meditate upon the gospels and epistles from Easter week. St. Peter and St. Paul teach – by the power of the Holy Ghost – not their own ideas but they 'teach Christ.' The disciples journeying to Emmaus pattern a progressively deeper encounter with the Risen Lord. [1] They desire Christ, sharing their limited knowledge and love of Him. [2] Jesus then teaches them the Scriptures, showing we all need proper interpretation from the rightful authority. [3] Christ remains with them and feeds them. Every Christian is called [...]

The Road to Emmaus2024-05-02T06:41:00-04:00

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters


Contemplate Christ's words and actions following the Resurrection. He abides in our midst, teaches the truth, calls us to faith, feeds us, and commands us. Clearly, the foundation of the Catholic Faith is Jesus Christ. He is alive and active in the Church He founded. He commands that we go to all nations (no exceptions) teaching everyone the truth and baptizing all.

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters2024-05-02T06:22:28-04:00

The Harrowing of Hell


By way of comparison, Our Lord used his own 'Trojan Horse' strategy to strip hades (death) and satan of their spoils. He took a human nature and flesh from the Virgin's womb so that by dying He could pass through the gates of the netherworld. The 'Gospel' of Nicodemus, an ancient Christian text, piously narrates this tradition. We profess our faith in this truth every Sunday when we pray the Creed, "... He descended into hell."

The Harrowing of Hell2023-06-30T19:31:49-04:00

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord


Some disciples adored the Risen Christ, yet others doubted. All had difficulty recognizing Him. Why? His appearance is clearly different. He chooses to remain with us in His mysteries. Thus, our focus should be on how He is present at Mass – by faith and by the power of the Holy Ghost. Sadly, many aspects of the Mew Mass deform our belief in the Mass and our understanding of what it means to participate in the Mass. Pay special attention to Our Lady's role in the Mass and participate in the Mass after her example.

We Must Recognize the Risen Lord2023-05-31T06:22:13-04:00

Teach and Baptize All Nations


Let us dwell on the final words Christ speaks on earth before ascending (Mt 28:16-20). Do you believe Christ has power to do all things? Do you act as if He does? He told the pope and bishops they must teach His truth to everyone. He call you to this as well, i.e. according to your state of life. In the Infant Church we see already present every essential element. It is here that Christ fulfills His great promise: to always remain with His Church. It is here that Faith grows.

Teach and Baptize All Nations2023-05-23T07:52:17-04:00

Mane Nobiscum


Read the resurrection accounts with faith for a deeper understanding. Far too many people invent their own way of believing in Jesus. Instead, note how Christ establishes His Church and chooses to remain with us (Teaching, Apostles, Mass, Eucharist). These are patterns He continues to this day. Follow the examples of St. Mary Magdalene, the Emmaus disciples, and St. Thomas. With great desire remain with Christ!

Mane Nobiscum2023-05-22T08:06:42-04:00

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord


The Risen Lord calls His disciples to know Him and believe in Him in a deeper way, i.e. through faith. And He provides the necessary grace. We see this in twelve apparitions between the resurrection and ascension (ten from scripture, two from tradition). During this time, Christ is setting the pattern for all those who come after to follow. He reveals Himself in His Church by His teaching and His Sacraments.

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord2023-05-10T13:16:38-04:00
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