
Fr. Rodríguez’s 28th Anniversary


Father Michael Rodríguez - 28th Ordination Anniversary Thou art a priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek. - Hebrews 7:17 8 December 2024. On this day, Father offered Our Blessed Mother, the Immaculate Conception, twenty-eight white roses. - One rose for each year of his priesthood; - White in honor of her perfect purity. Thou art all fair, O Mary, and the stain of Original Sin is not in thee. Thy garments are white as snow, and thy face is like the sun. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem; thou art the Joy of Israel; thou art the Honor of [...]

Fr. Rodríguez’s 28th Anniversary2025-02-02T11:13:06-05:00

Carry Your Cross Well


Jesus and Mary were united at the foot of the cross – in His passion and death. When carried well, the cross is the source, food, and proof of love. To truly love Jesus, one must first learn to suffer. Now the gifts of grace do increase as trials increase. It seems a new phase in Father's trials has begun on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, which has been the date many trials have begun throughout his priesthood. As many of you know, Fr Rodríguez dedicated his priesthood to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at ordination. He [...]

Carry Your Cross Well2024-09-26T11:59:38-04:00

Eucharistic Miracles


The priesthood has a higher dignity and honor than any other office in the world. Consider, God binds Himself to obey the words of an unworthy man as he says: 'Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum." This mystery of Transubstantiation is difficult for many to accept. Yet Christ clearly stated one must eat His Flesh and Drink His Blood to have eternal life (Jn 6:55). God gives us faith to compensate for what our senses can not grasp. Moreover, in His mercy, He assists our faith with eucharistic miracles. Pray that He grant you a stronger faith and love for the Real [...]

Eucharistic Miracles2021-06-06T06:40:49-04:00

Gender Confusion within Gods Sanctuary


The liturgical revolution has turned God’s sanctuary into a place that mirrors the grave errors of our day. Ancient tradition established seven steps leading to the priesthood (minor and major orders). Yet in 1972, Paul VI suppressed the minor orders and subdiaconate or turned them into “lay ministries.” Women then began to assume “lay ministerial roles” - even within the sanctuary. Francis is now accelerating this liturgical collapse with his revolutionary change that women may be permanently enrolled in the office of lector and acolyte. The next obvious step is to ordain women to the diaconate. If women can receive the [...]

Gender Confusion within Gods Sanctuary2021-02-15T06:36:23-05:00

Saint Simeon and a Faithful Servant


Tradition tells us that as St. Simeon translated the Scriptures, an angel prevented him from adjusting the word 'virgin' to 'young maiden' in Isaias' prophecy (7:14). The angel then revealed that Simeon would not die until he had seen the long-awaited Messiah (Lk 2:26). Upon that predestined day, though he was quite old, he hastened to the Temple with the spring of youth. Simeon’s eyes immediately noted the Child Jesus, he reverently approached the Holy Family, and falling to his knees, adored the Divine Child in Mary's arms. The old man then prayed to God to release him from this life (Nunc Dimittis). St. [...]

Saint Simeon and a Faithful Servant2020-02-20T06:59:50-05:00

The Priest Needs Mary


A heart-felt and quite personal sermon by Fr. Rodríguez on the 21st anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Perhaps you can share this sermon with priests you know, as it may be particularly inspirational for them. Our Lady was entirely consecrated to God at every single moment of her existence. All her thoughts, affections, words, and actions were directed perfectly to the fulfillment of His holy will. In order for my priesthood (and your life) to be fruitful and endure, I need Mary’s intercession. Why such an insistence about Mary? Because of God’s grace - of which she is full. [...]

The Priest Needs Mary2025-02-05T11:12:22-05:00

Temptation in a Crisis of Authority


We are currently enduring a grave crisis in authority. Our Lady forewarned this in the Vision of the Third Secret of Fatima. As if in a mirror, Sr. Lucia saw a ‘bishop in white.' He is not acting as the pope ought and Sr. Lucia does not refer to him as the pope. Then she does see the pope: he is martyred, followed by all the ranks of the Church in proper order. Understandably in this crisis, a great temptation is for the laity to lead themselves. Instead it is highly advisable that the laity find a good trustworthy priest (a [...]

Temptation in a Crisis of Authority2019-10-22T07:29:25-04:00

Motherhood and Priesthood


It is helpful to consider how various faithful members of the Mystical Body of Christ act as branches on the vine, supplying what is needed for dying branches to be saved or for dead branches to return to life. This theme naturally leads us to focus on priests, especially in light of the current crisis in the Church. However, on this Mother’s Day, let us consider the connection between motherhood and the holy priesthood. Sacrifice is essential to both. Holy mothers help raise good priests. In particular, let us examine two historical cases: Concepcion "Conchita" Cabrera de Armida (1862-1937) from Mexico [...]

Motherhood and Priesthood2019-05-19T22:41:31-04:00

Priesthood Sacrifice Fatherhood Peace


The priesthood has come under such serious attack in our times such that it seems as if the devil is on the verge of winning the great gamble he made with God to destroy His Church in a new hundred-years war. Thus, it behooves us to reflect again upon the necessity of the priesthood and its deep connections to that Friday made Good by Our Lord and Savior. Consider two archetypal sacrifices which were both offered on the mount of Jerusalem. Abraham, our Father in Faith, was willing to offer his only beloved son. Melchizedek, the Father of Kings, offered bread [...]

Priesthood Sacrifice Fatherhood Peace2019-04-21T07:46:03-04:00

Prisoner of Love


Cell Block 26 at the concentration camp in Dachau (Bavaria, Germany) was known as the 'Priest Block.' More than 3000 priests suffered at Dachau, yet in the midst of this terrible imprisonment, they had Mass and our Eucharistic Lord. In the Blessed Sacrament, and through His sacred Priests, Christ has chosen to abide among those who crucified Him as a "Prisoner of Love." Here he humbles Himself even more than at the Incarnation, as now both His Divinity and humanity are hidden. He is now more vulnerable and more dependent than even as an Infant in Mary's arms. He perpetually dwells [...]

Prisoner of Love2019-04-20T07:06:12-04:00
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