Precious Blood

Saints of July and the Precious Blood


The greatest fruits of the Precious Blood are the saints and martyrs. Consider, for example the life of St. Christina of Bolsena. Many don't realize her connection to the great Eucharistic Miracle which took place over her relics one thousand years after her martyrdom. The link to the Precious Blood is seen in other great saints we venerate in July, such as St. James the Greater, St. Ann, and St. Mary Magdalene. Pray for the specific graces exemplified by these saints and specifically associated with the infinite power of the Precious Blood.

Saints of July and the Precious Blood2022-10-08T07:00:48-04:00

Adoration Protection and Reparation


How often do you think about the Precious Blood, the price Our Lord paid for your redemption? In order to be cleansed of sin, we need the application to our souls of this Precious Blood. Adore and invoke the Precious Blood. Even little children can offer this prayer: 'Blood of Jesus, help me!' Recall one of His seven sheddings each day of the week and beg for the specific graces associated with it. Reparation is also essential St. Veronica, pray for us.

Adoration Protection and Reparation2022-10-06T08:38:44-04:00

Precious Blood and Catholic Devotions


Hear O Lord my voice with which i have cried to Thee. Abel's blood cried to Heaven for vengeance. All these prayers are fulfilled and perfected in Christ's Precious Blood, which has infinite power to save, protect, heal and sanctify. Adore the Precious Blood, especially every time you are at Mass. Meditate upon how inanimately connected it is to all our Catholic devotions. Pray the Chaplet of the Holy Wounds or the Rosary of the Five Wounds. Strive for the two greatest fruits of this devotion!

Precious Blood and Catholic Devotions2022-09-26T00:26:16-04:00

Public and Social Crime


Anyone who has authority - religious or secular - has that power from God and each one who exercises authority must exercise it in accordance with God's law. It is a public crime to act as if there is no God or that the true religion can't be known by a state. In Immortale Dei (1885), Pope Leo XIII explains the duties of the state towards God. He provides the doctrine all Catholics must believe; we must draw out its practical conclusion.

Public and Social Crime2022-09-20T14:14:12-04:00

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood


Beware of false prophets, whom you shall know by their fruits. There is much 'rotten fruit' in the Church. Things are not good. The faith is very weak. Few make Holy Hours, vocations are scarce, and the Mass is everywhere shut down. Even worse, the Mass of All Time - which yields much good fruit - is being persecuted. The grave crisis should be obvious to everyone. In response, grow in your devotion to the Precious Blood and seek to imitate Christ in His Passion and Sacrifice. At Mass, "see" with faith our Bloody Lord (instead of the priest), for thus [...]

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood2021-08-04T13:09:50-04:00

Participate at Mass Through the Precious Blood


The Mystery of the Precious Blood is extremely important to our Catholic Faith and the truth about God. It is very neglected today and few appreciate it. This is one of the reasons why we are suffering through such a grave crisis of Faith. The Feast of the Precious Blood was eliminated from the new liturgical calendar; yet Holy Mother Church's tradition dedicates the entire month of July to this Mystery. In order to believe in God, you must believe in the Precious Blood. It is deeply connected to the Message of Our Lady at Fatima. A marvelous way to participate [...]

Participate at Mass Through the Precious Blood2021-07-24T10:47:10-04:00

Root Out the Deadly Poison of Anger


The world is not at peace because man has forgotten God and systematically removed Him. We are imbued with distraction that focus on self; so we are slow to hear and swift to anger. Anger darkens our judgment, prevents prayer, and leads to resentment - even depression and despair. The angry man always thinks he is right. Yet anger is a waste of time, energy, and sacrifice. Anger gives a place to the devil and opens the door to many additional sins. It even hurts us more than that which caused the anger. Consider the following remedies: [1] Do you best [...]

Root Out the Deadly Poison of Anger2021-06-06T09:25:54-04:00
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