
Key to Cracking Our Hardened Souls


Jesus weeps over Jerusalem. Despite so many chance, God's people reject Him. They devised a religion centered upon man. Yet we are no different. We should expect the situation we are in today because we have turned our back on God. If the first Four Commandments are not being practiced by Catholics, how can we expect anything to change? We must first place God at the center of our lives. Society and the nation will follow. Imitate Our Lady. She pondered God's deeds in silence, practiced fidelity in small things, and was constant in prayer.

Key to Cracking Our Hardened Souls2024-08-12T21:34:08-04:00

Mammon of Iniquity


Created things are not sinful. They are good for God has made them. We are to use the created things God has given us to please Him, to merit His graces, to fulfill our duty and come to Heaven. But they become an object of sin when we misuse them. Consider our use of food, drink, cell phones, clothing, and time to excess or defect. We restore the balance with penance and fasting. Everything is good, but not everything is good for me.  So, what creature has become the mammon of iniquity for me?

Mammon of Iniquity2024-07-28T21:47:04-04:00

The Conscience of Man


God gave man a connection to Him - an interior voice, a conscience. St. John the Baptist is a symbol of that voice. We can chose to heed or suppress our conscience; yet, man only finds peace when he listens to it. The conscience is a proof of the soul's immortality. It witnesses, bonds and incites; it also accuses, torments, and rebukes. It incites a holy anger (hatred) against sin, so that man roots out faults instead of justifying them. Make friends with your adversary (conscience) before you are handed over to the Judge.

The Conscience of Man2023-12-26T05:48:23-05:00

Death Penalty Promotes Culture of Life


October is respect life month. Many priests will rightly preach against abortion and euthanasia. But now some will speak against capital punishment. Their error largely stems from an 'enlightenment' rejection of the supernatural, from misunderstanding the nature of punishment, and even from rejecting the existence of hell. Capital punishment actually promotes the Culture of Life! A just execution is an act of obedience to the 5th Commandment, for its purpose is to foster and promote human life. The Church has always accept the use of the death penalty - in fact, it is biblical. This teaching can never be changed.

Death Penalty Promotes Culture of Life2021-10-31T07:21:06-04:00

Take Back the Moral High Ground


In any battle, it is more advantageous to hold the higher ground. John the Baptist held moral superiority over adulterous Herod. John's preaching based on divine authority trumps the opinions of fallen men. Yet today's cultural war suffers from a revolutionary inversion. Church leaders ceded the high ground by choosing to dialogue with the world, trumpeting tolerance and coexistence. Religious indifference and moral ecumenism dominate our pulpits. The anti-prophets now demand affirmation and approval of heinous sins, while condemning and silencing all opposition. They are moral crusaders fully committed to their cause while the Church weakly whispers and compromises. One may [...]

Take Back the Moral High Ground2021-07-12T09:05:08-04:00

Morality Must be Object Based


Today, many lack a solid understanding of morality; so they make man the final judge of what is right and wrong. Man needs objectivity when it comes to morality (a guide outside of himself). Man can know Natural Law, though he may not "re-write" it, as it is built into creation. Morality applies to a human act, which has three components: object, intention, circumstances. If one of these is evil it corrupts the whole; the entire act is immoral. Thus, a good object can be made evil by bad intention or wrong circumstances, whereas an intrinsically evil object can't be made good by good intentions or [...]

Morality Must be Object Based2019-10-03T06:31:51-04:00
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