
Regina Caeli


An ancient Easter Prayer and Hymn - heard at the start of the sermon The Crucified One is Risen. O Queen of Heaven. Rejoice, alleluia.For He whom thou wast worthy to bear, alleluia, has risen.As He said, alleluia. Pray for us to God. Alleluia.Rejoice and be glad, o Virgin Mary. Alleluia.For the Lord is truly risen. Alleluia. Let us pray, O God, who by the resurrection of Thy Son,our Lord Jesus Christ, hast been pleased to give joy tothe whole world, grant, we beseech thee, that throughthe intercession of the blessed Virgin Mary, His mother,we may attain the joys of eternal [...]

Regina Caeli2024-05-02T10:37:34-04:00

Christ’s Passion and Our Lady


Christ's Passion and Death is what saves us. These final two weeks of Lent – Passiontide – are privileged weeks. The Church calls us to reflect upon Our Lord's Passion and the unique role fulfilled by the Holy Mother of God. No exercise is more profitable for our sanctification. St. Bonaventure, St. John Eudes, St. Bridget of Sweden, Ven. Maria of Agreda and the benedictine monk John Lydgate serve as helpful guides.

Christ’s Passion and Our Lady2024-04-01T10:24:02-04:00

Spiritual Communion


My Jesus, I firmly believe that Thou art present — Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity — in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. Lord, increase my faith. [pause] I love Thee above all things and desire Thee in my soul. Yet my love is weak and inconstant, strengthen my love evermore. [pause] Since I cannot now receive Thee under the sacramental veil, I beseech Thee, with a heart full of love and longing, to come spiritually into my soul. [pause] As though Thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; [...]

Spiritual Communion2024-03-22T15:52:33-04:00

My Crucified Jesus


From a sermon given on Passion Sunday My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the most holy Wound of Thy right hand, and pray Thee to bless my soul, and after death to open to me the gates of Heaven. Glory be to the Father . .. My Crucified Jesus, I devoutly kiss and adore the most holy Wound of Thy left hand, and pray Thee to deliver me from all evil, whether of the body or of the soul, and most especially from the unhappy fate of the wicked who shall stand at The left hand at the Day [...]

My Crucified Jesus2024-03-08T10:32:08-05:00

Seven Last Words


There is nothing more conducive to the attainment of salvation than to think every day on the pains which Jesus Christ suffered for love of us. One way to do this is to meditate upon His final words from the Cross. By these words, it is clear that His death brings us seven magnificent graces.

Seven Last Words2023-05-01T11:08:09-04:00

His Death on the Cross


Jesus takes up His Cross. The Via Dolorosa. Pilate left perplexed. Lessons from St. Joseph. Our Lord's tears of joy. The confusion of satan. Our Lady's role standing at the foot of the Cross.

His Death on the Cross2023-04-17T07:04:58-04:00

Peter Judas and All Abandon Christ


Meditation of the events once Our Lord is arrested. Peter's dilemma and denial.  What of the other Apostles? Caiaphas rejection of God.

Peter Judas and All Abandon Christ2023-04-17T07:04:04-04:00

The Last Supper and Betrayal


Meditation upon events from Holy Thursday. Friendship with our Lord and the Sacrament of Charity. Christ looks at Judas, the Betrayer. The agony in Gethsemane. The battle between Christ and satan.

The Last Supper and Betrayal2023-04-17T07:04:40-04:00

What Price Are You Willing to Pay?


What would you give to be with God? The reality is shocking, because most of us wouldn't give up much. Where are we going wrong? Do we misjudge the price or the prize or both? Is it because we don't perceive God with our senses? Is it because we lack true personal interaction? How God's heart must hurt on account of our hesitation. What will it take for us to want to be with God?

What Price Are You Willing to Pay?2022-11-06T16:39:18-05:00

Who Are We To You?


He hears these words, again and again, echoed in the hearts of each soul He encounters. He asks the same question. Some questions transcend the human mind and experience. Christi will not speak and answer, He will only act. This is the only question that matters.  

Who Are We To You?2022-10-06T11:35:20-04:00
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