Lives Of The Saints

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving


Have you ever wondered why we eat turkey at Thanksgiving? Most Americans know the story about the Puritan Pilgrims who came aboard the Mayflower and landed at Plymouth in 1620. They nearly starved to death but were helped by the Wampanoag tribe. The next fall they held a food-filled autumn fest celebrating their friendship and thanking God – for their survival.It was quite natural for the pilgrims to hold such a celebration, as autumn harvest feasts had been celebrated in Europe since time immemorial. But have you ever wondered why a large fowl served as the centerpiece?Although the protestant Puritans had [...]

Catholic Origins of Thanksgiving2023-11-21T12:21:42-05:00

Three Kings Adore Christ Child


THE STORY OF THE THREE KINGS - PART II [Read Part I -- Read Part III] The three Kings journeyed to Jerusalem, each his own way with his own company. Yet as they neared the city, dark clouds covered the earth and they lost sight of the Star. In this event, the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled: "Arise, be enlightened, O Jerusalem: for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold darkness shall cover the earth, and a mist the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be [...]

Three Kings Adore Christ Child2020-11-02T14:16:29-05:00

The Star of Bethlehem


THE STORY OF THE THREE KINGS - PART I [Read Part II] Many of us are familiar with the fact that three gentile kings came to adore the Newborn King. They brought Him gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. We celebrate this feast each year on January 6, Epiphany. Their appearance in the Gospel is quite unexpected and their departure equally sudden. Who were they? What did they do before and after this great event of their lives? While such details are not contained in Sacred Scripture Tradition does record their lives, including the fact that they became great bishops and [...]

The Star of Bethlehem2020-11-09T13:54:56-05:00



St. Genevieve, Virgin and Defender of Paris, like a great precursor of St. Joan of Arc (422-512 AD) A SPECIAL CHILDSt. Genevieve was born in the small village of Nanterre, near Paris, about the year 422 A.D. Her parents were simple farmers who also tended sheep. She was but seven years when St. Germanus (Bishop of Auxerre) and St. Lupus passed through Nanterre on their way to England to defeat the Pelagian heresy growing there. St. Germanus preached to the people of Nanterre. Under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, the holy bishop took special note of little Genevieve. He sought [...]

ST. GENEVIEVE – Jan 32020-11-02T14:11:27-05:00

Circumcision – Jan 1


OCTAVE DAY OF CHRISTMAS - The Circumcision of Our Lord “And after eight days were accomplished, that the Child should be circumcised, His Name was called JESUS, which was called by the angel, before He was conceived in the womb.” (Luke 2:21) MEDITATION In order to transform us from sinners into children of God, the only Son of the Father willed to be clothed in human nature, thereby putting on our sinful flesh and submitting to all its most humiliating consequences. The law of circumcision could in no way affect Jesus, the Son of God, the Most Holy One; but Jesus [...]

Circumcision – Jan 12020-11-09T13:58:03-05:00

ST. SABINUS – Dec 30


St. Sabinus was Bishop of Assisi and a holy martyr (early 4th century). BACKGROUND The cruel edicts of Emperors Diocletian and Maximian against the Christians, published in 303 AD, brought about the most intense and widespread persecution ever seen in the Roman Empire against the disciples of Christ. Many of the ancient martyrs we continue to honor today suffered during this period. (And yet it is prophesied that an even far worse persecution awaits those who remain faithful to our Lord. It seems clear that time is fast approaching…) WITNESS TO THE FAITH According to the records, St. Sabinus was bishop [...]

ST. SABINUS – Dec 302020-11-09T13:59:20-05:00

ST. STEPHEN – Dec 26


St. Stephen, Deacon and Protomartyr (1st century) BACKGROUND We first hear of St. Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles (4:5). Apparently there was dissatisfaction among the early Christians in how the gathered alms were being distributed among the needy, especially the widows. Some of the Christians were Hebraic Jews and others were Hellenic Jews. The Hellenic Jews complained that they were being discriminated against and not receiving a fair share of the alms. The Apostles were too overwhelmed with the sacred tasks of preaching, offering Holy Mass, forgiving confessed sins, administering the Sacraments and performing miracles, to be able to [...]

ST. STEPHEN – Dec 262020-11-09T14:00:07-05:00

OL Guadalupe – Dec 12


OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE - DEC 12 In the Year of our Lord 1531, Our Lady appeared to San Juan Diego at the center of the Americas to bring the light of her Divine Son to these heretofore pagan lands. She sent Castillian roses in the dead of winter and left her miraculous image imprinted on St. Juan Diego's tilma, which convinced Bishop Juan de Zumárraga (a Franciscan) that her message and request were truly from heaven. This image is utterly miraculous and the most modern scientific studies are still unable to explain it, nor have any men been able to [...]

OL Guadalupe – Dec 122020-11-09T14:01:22-05:00



St. Melchiades, Pope and Martyr (311-314 AD), also called St. Militades. HIS PAPAL ELECTION This exemplary pontiff, whom St. Augustine calls 'the true child of the peace of Jesus Christ, the worthy father of the Christian people,' became the Vicar of St. Peter in the year 311 AD. This was during the fiercest storm of the very worst persecution ever unleashed by the Roman Empire upon Catholics. So many of his predecessors upon the papal throne had already been martyred, that surely when St. Melchiades was elected he knew it was tantamount to receiving a 'death warrant.' His election marked the [...]

ST. MELCHIADES – Dec 102020-11-09T14:02:12-05:00



THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (DEC 8) PRESENCE OF GOD I place myself in the presence of Mary Immaculate, my loving Mother, and listen to her invitation: "Come over to me all you who desire me, and I will declare to you what great things God has done for my soul." MEDITATION 1. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is in perfect harmony with the spirit of Advent; while the soul is preparing for the coming of the Redeemer, it is fitting to think of her, the all-pure one, who was His Mother. The very promise of a [...]

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION – Dec 82025-02-05T11:11:29-05:00
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