51 Trinity Sunday

How to Glorify the Blessed Trinity


Everything in our holy religion is related to the great mystery of the Blessed Trinity; for example: the Sacraments, the angels, the Rosary, the psalms, and all our prayers.The Family mirrors the Trinity and is supremely sacred. That's why today's transgenderism is absolutely abhorrent; it is a direct and terrible attack upon the Blessed Trinity. In our times so much glory is being taken away from God and directed instead towards man. Yet we are called to give God glory! The first step is to know the Truth about Him. The second is to love and serve Him. A key element [...]

How to Glorify the Blessed Trinity2023-06-30T17:35:15-04:00

Neither Progressive Nor Conservative


The whole world has divided itself into progressive and conservatives. Sadly, progressives make mistakes and conservatives prevent those mistakes from being corrected. We see this in politics, in society, and in the Church. Progressivism is the mother of problems. Conservatives compound the problem by codifying (enshrining) the revolution. Christ is neither. He restores all realities by always returning to God's original plan. Like Our Lord, let us be 'Restorationists.'

Neither Progressive Nor Conservative2023-06-12T16:27:50-04:00

Gods Ways Are Far Above Our Ways


Too often we complain to God, we doubt God, or even think He is cruel. Our error lies in interpreting God based on our experience and understanding. Instead, the foundation must be the Blessed Trinity. All the mysteries of our faith flow from and lead us to that Ultimate Reality. God's was are incomprehensible to us. We must trust and make continual acts of faith in His infinite wisdom and goodness. In hindsight, I see how great blessings have come from my trials and sorrows. This is true for everyone who remains faithful.

Gods Ways Are Far Above Our Ways2022-09-05T10:22:58-04:00

Walk in the Spirit


The Catholic religion exists in order to make the Mystery of the Holy Trinity known and to glorify God. We give Him glory by praising and adoring Him, by thanking and loving Him, by serving Him, and by leading other souls to Him. Reflect upon this often and ask yourself each day, "Am I glorifying God?" How does man render special glory to God the Holy Ghost? By obeying Him, by responding well to the graces He offers, and by begging Him for more grace. Yet how can one differentiate the Holy Ghost's promptings from the devil, the world, and the [...]

Walk in the Spirit2021-07-12T07:10:58-04:00

Eucharistic Miracles


The priesthood has a higher dignity and honor than any other office in the world. Consider, God binds Himself to obey the words of an unworthy man as he says: 'Hoc Est Enim Corpus Meum." This mystery of Transubstantiation is difficult for many to accept. Yet Christ clearly stated one must eat His Flesh and Drink His Blood to have eternal life (Jn 6:55). God gives us faith to compensate for what our senses can not grasp. Moreover, in His mercy, He assists our faith with eucharistic miracles. Pray that He grant you a stronger faith and love for the Real [...]

Eucharistic Miracles2021-06-06T06:40:49-04:00

Two Kinds of Levitation


Once in speaking on the Holy Trinity, St. John of the Cross levitated up into the air before St. Teresa of Avila. On another occasion, this same saintly friar was called to exorcize a possessed nun. As the community prayed the Gloria Patri, the nun leaped into the air and remained suspended upside down. She was completely inverted. These two levitations, each facing opposite directions, symbolize much of what is possible for man in this life. If we orient ourselves towards God, we perceive His beauty and order in all things -- even our trials and crosses. Yet if we make unto ourselves [...]

Two Kinds of Levitation2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost


Many saints have pondered the infinite fertility of the Most Blessed Trinity. The Heavenly Father eternally begets the Divine Son. From the infinite love of these Two Divine Persons eternally proceeds the Holy Ghost. Yet the Third Person does not bring forth another Divine Person. Rather, He is fruitful through His union with Holy Mary. Together they brought forth the Incarnate Christ. In each Christian they bring forth "another Christ." Thus, the Church is the continuation of the mission of the Incarnate Son of God; what Jesus is by nature, we become by grace. We could say Mary is the mold of God [...]

Mary Spouse of the Holy Ghost2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Give Glory to the Blessed Trinity


It is our solemn duty - it's why we exist - to give glory to the Blessed Trinity. How do we do this? By living according to this short prayer: "I desire to serve Thee, to please Thee, to obey Thee and to love Thee." Submit your mind to the Truth about God. It IS a Mystery; while we can't fully understand it, we can profess it. Meditate upon His infinite perfections, e.g. His perfect love and holiness. Give the Father due glory by striving to do His will. Glorify the Son by imitating Him and following in His footsteps. Give glory to [...]

Give Glory to the Blessed Trinity2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Feminie Modesty


We live in a time of great immodesty; yet it has not always been this way. Society reveals itself by the fashions it promotes. Modesty is connected to self-control and acts as a guardian for purity. There are objective standards for modesty provided by the Church, and to set our secular time of utter immodesty as any kind of standard is insanity. Women in the past lived far harder lives, raised larger families, on less income, without modern conveniences, and still managed to engage in all their activities in modest attire appropriate to their gender. Women have a duty to dress [...]

Feminie Modesty2019-07-09T06:36:26-04:00

Hunger for the Most Blessed Sacrament


Many great miracles were performed by St. Anthony of Padua. Yet perhaps the most notable is when a starving donkey preferred to adore its Creator in the Eucharist over eating fresh hay. St. Ignatius of Antioch (+107 AD) likewise longed for his Creator, writing "I hunger for the bread of God, the flesh of Jesus Christ ... I long to drink of his blood, the gift of unending love." Too many of us prefer to be satisfied by worldly passing things than by the Bread of Heaven. Let us instead long to consume Our Savior and to be consumed by Him [...]

Hunger for the Most Blessed Sacrament2019-07-05T06:34:45-04:00
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