49 Sunday after Ascension

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady


Frequently pray the Church's three most important prayers to the Holy Ghost. In the time between the Ascension and Pentecost Our Lady humbly guided the Apostles. Our practice of praying novenas originates from these days. Our Lady is a most perfect Mother, and her concerns for us, her children, are centered on eternity, grace and sin. Christian Mothers, imitate HER! The Holy Ghost is particularly active in carrying out the Mission of Christ where – and in whom – He finds His Spouse, the Ever Virgin and Holy Mary.

The Holy Ghost and Our Lady2024-06-17T17:36:38-04:00

The Original Novena


I exhort you to live according to the world, but according to the liturgical year. For example, this period is the origin of the novena, a privileged form of prayer. I recommend you pray a novena to the Holy Ghost in the nine days leading up to Pentecost and another during the nine days following Pentecost.

The Original Novena2023-06-22T08:41:32-04:00

Unchanging Faith and Mass


God commands us to believe an unchangeable faith. Our Mass reflects this. Any developments must always be truly organic, leaving the essence unchanged. It is absurd to say we can "never go back" because when you make a wrong turn you must go back and correct it; otherwise you only get further lost. Catholics who love the Mass of Ages do not suffer from a nostalgic disease. Most of them are young and never saw the Mass for it was stolen from us. The best way to live in the moment – and prepare for the future – is by holding [...]

Unchanging Faith and Mass2023-05-22T10:20:45-04:00

Final Christian Perseverance


The Church is always teaching us perseverance. She does so, not so much in words, but through her liturgy, sacraments, prayers (e.g. novena), the lives of the saints, and how she calls us to live. From the day of our baptism, we are called to the grace of final perseverance. One of the main purposes of confirmation is to help us persevere. We can never arrive at our heavenly end unto eternity unless we persevere in the True Faith

Final Christian Perseverance2022-08-02T11:22:05-04:00

At the Heart of the Mass


God's relation to men mirrors the manner in which men relate to each other. A true spiritual friendship is the most intimate union among men. It begins through communication, intensifies in the giving of gifts (symbolic of who one is) and culminates in the giving of one's own self (one's will). True friends give not just what they have, but even give who they are. We see the same dynamic at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

At the Heart of the Mass2022-06-07T12:49:49-04:00

Mission of Grace and Truth


The mission of the Holy Ghost is to give testimony of Jesus by leading men into all truth and bestowing that grace which divinizes souls, forming Jesus Christ in them. But He does not do this work alone. He does it in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary. This pattern is clearly seen at the Incarnation and at Pentecost. He descends in response to Mary's prayer, faith and love. With the Holy Ghost, Our Lady forms Christ in souls, enabling one to think and act like her Son. With the Holy Ghost, Our Lady always witnesses to the truth. For example, [...]

Mission of Grace and Truth2021-06-05T06:59:58-04:00

Your Treasure Is Where Your Heart Is


What do you love? If the heart is centered upon Heaven, then one thinks about and desires heavenly things; if on earth, then one thinks about and desires earthly things, even sinful ones. Whenever a thing is ardently loved, it draws to itself the mind and heart of the lover. The entire spiritual life can be mapped out in accordance with charity. Charity is the form of all the virtues. By it we can combat self-centeredness, lack of forgiveness, lust, selfishness, and many other vices.

Your Treasure Is Where Your Heart Is2021-05-23T22:26:33-04:00

Catholic or Worldling


The world is opposed to the Church. The world holds that each man should be able to judge what is good and evil for himself, and that government should preserve man's (false) freedom to choose to do evil things (to believe lies, to worship falsely, to poison himself). The worldling does not like conflict, fears appearing judgmental, and only holds his beliefs as a 'personal preference.' He claim to be Christ's disciple but loves the world (and the world loves him). The reality that Catholicism is the only true religion (no other religion is good, true, or saving) is abhorrent to [...]

Catholic or Worldling2019-07-30T07:30:07-04:00

Power and Authority


Lord Acton argued that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Yet his assessment was largely influenced by his historical understanding of Luther and Protestants, the Divine Right of Kings, Absolute Monarchs, and the Tyranny of State being deified - none of which are Catholic. In Christ, authority and power never corrupt, but rather bring about the common good, and even the salvation of men. Family, civil order, and the Church are all meant to be function according to the legitimate order and authority established by God, the Source of all Authority.

Power and Authority2019-06-26T08:08:56-04:00
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