28 Sexagesima

Three Questions Three Enemies


The seed falling on different types of soil represents great enemies of our salvation. Consider the following questions, that your soul may be good soul yielding a hundred fold. [1] Why stand you here all the day idle? Be about the work of doing everything to secure the salvation of your soul. [2] Lord, what will Thou have me to do? Hear Him, and answer with promptness, fidelity, and fervor. [3] What gift, of my time and treasure, shall I offer Thee? The gifts we choose are our response to the graces received from God.

Three Questions Three Enemies2024-05-13T11:47:53-04:00

Our Lady of Lourdes


Lourdes is an excellent example of how God comes to our aid through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We also see how saints are molded in and with Mary. The miracles continue at Lourdes to this day and Our Lady's message remains exceptionally timely. Every detail if filled with meaning. Let us consider ten important spiritual lessons from Lourdes.

Our Lady of Lourdes2023-03-20T18:30:26-04:00

Will You Win the Battle Today?


Preparation is the focal point of the Blessed Trinity's message to man. Christ first prepares His Apostles (come see where I live) and only afterwards does He send them out. The war is upon us (Islamic sword, the world, the devil). Yet wars are won in preparation. While you sit idle, the enemy prepares every day. You must have a relentless aggressive push against the world. Rest is not an option. Prepare and work continually. Only then will you be prepared to fight the battle.

Will You Win the Battle Today?2023-02-05T12:43:15-05:00

You Must Work Hard to Save Your Soul


The vast majority of men live as if there is neither hell nor Heaven; as if God will not judge us. Perhaps we believe these truths, but don't reflect upon them. Man takes all possible care for worldly affairs, but attends not to the salvation of his soul. Impress upon yourself three great truths. [1] Few shall be saved. [2] The salvation of your soul is the most important of all affairs. [3] You have to work hard to save your soul. Judge the value of all things from the vantage point of your soul's eternity. Do not follow the great [...]

You Must Work Hard to Save Your Soul2022-04-04T07:13:55-04:00

Immensity of Gods Infinite Goodness


God, and His infinite perfections, is always the starting point of our religion. For example, He always teaches us the truth. His patience and kindness is unfathomable. God bestows His graces so liberally; yet man remains terribly unappreciative. God is disposed to give us whatever we need, if we but turn to Him with faith. The more we become aware of how good God is, the more our hearts shall be inflamed with love for Him. So what are the obstacles to God’s word and grace taking root in our hearts? The devil. The weakness of our mind, heart, and will. [...]

Immensity of Gods Infinite Goodness2021-02-27T06:27:11-05:00

God Loves the Cheerful Alms Giver


A perfect Lent requires prayer, fasting and giving alms. Our Lady at Lourdes and the Angel at Fatima insisted upon a three-fold ‘Penance! Penance! Penance!’ The Archangel Raphael reminds Tobias, “Prayer is good with fasting and alms more than to lay up treasures of gold: For alms delivereth from death, and the same is that which purgeth away sins, and maketh to find mercy and life everlasting” (12:8-9). The world undergoes terrible temptations towards materialism. In fact, the grave crisis we face is due in no small part to men failing to piously use their wealth to combat evil and support [...]

God Loves the Cheerful Alms Giver2021-03-02T04:53:28-05:00

Gender Confusion within Gods Sanctuary


The liturgical revolution has turned God’s sanctuary into a place that mirrors the grave errors of our day. Ancient tradition established seven steps leading to the priesthood (minor and major orders). Yet in 1972, Paul VI suppressed the minor orders and subdiaconate or turned them into “lay ministries.” Women then began to assume “lay ministerial roles” - even within the sanctuary. Francis is now accelerating this liturgical collapse with his revolutionary change that women may be permanently enrolled in the office of lector and acolyte. The next obvious step is to ordain women to the diaconate. If women can receive the [...]

Gender Confusion within Gods Sanctuary2021-02-15T06:36:23-05:00

Idolatry of Technology


Our lack of mortification prevents us from receiving grace and drawing sufficiently near to God. Too often, our appetites, passions and desires are unruly and out of control. We can only rein them in by dying to our selves. Lent is a privileged time for us to grow spiritually by practicing such penance. Perhaps the most pervasive manner in which we indulge our passions, seeking ease and entertainment, is through technological gadgets. Through technology, man easily avoids his duties of state and can escape from reality into a virtual world. Why not take the challenge of giving our 'tech rewards' for [...]

Idolatry of Technology2020-02-18T06:23:05-05:00
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