27 Septuagesima

Lux de Caelo


In my affliction, I called upon the Lord. God responds, again and again, by sending light from Heaven. Search for God like the Three Kings. He is always offering us His grace. We see this in the parable of the Owner of the Vineyard. Why do stand idle? Why do you waste time and not work harder to serve God and to save our soul? Ask God in prayer, "Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" And then respond generously by offering Him the gifts of your money, time, and talent - of your very self.

Lux de Caelo2024-03-07T17:34:33-05:00

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary!


From the Sermon 'Sorrow and Death' given on February 12, 2017 (Septuagesima Sunday) To thee, O Immaculate and Sorrowful Mother of God, do we have recourse in this supreme hour of mankind’s need, amidst such storms indeed as have never been known, shaking Mother Church to her very foundations. Thou, who standing by the foot of the Cross, didst once share so closely in the sufferings of thy Divine Son, with what compassion art thou not moved today for the suffering of His Mystical Body, the Church! Russia has so spread her errors throughout the world that the human element of [...]

O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary!2024-02-05T08:30:29-05:00

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety


There is a vast difference in how the majority of Catholics live Christmas and Septuageisma. As tradition was abandoned, many forgot the liturgical seasons. In seeking to restore Catholicism, let us not be content with exterior devotions. That is only a first step. Have an authentic interior observance of prayer and of these great Mysteries. Consider how the Son of God made Himself entirely subject to His human Mother – and willingly remains obedient to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Exterior Devotion and Interior Piety2023-03-10T06:27:09-05:00

All Time Belongs to Christ


Time belongs to God. It is not ours to do with as we wish. Time is meant to be used in the service of God and to save our immortal soul. We need much conversion with regards to how we think about time. This is why the Church gives us the Liturgical Year. Every day is focussed upon one of its three great cycles. Do you best to live according to the liturgical year. The better you do this, the more you draw upon the graces you need for salvation. As brief examples, consider how you view and live Septuagesima and [...]

All Time Belongs to Christ2022-04-03T06:01:06-04:00

The Mass Must Instill Deep Reverence for God


The foundation of the Catholic Religion is a very deep reverence for the supreme majesty of the true God. As Catholics, we must be filled with this reverence. At the start of the year, leading into Lent, the Church presents us with examples par excellence of those who rightly adore Jesus as our God and King. More than anything else, it is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass which imbues this profound reverence for God within us. And a lack of this reverence lies at the root of the grave crisis in the Church, in families, and in society. Insufficient reverence [...]

The Mass Must Instill Deep Reverence for God2021-02-17T17:53:39-05:00

End Pandemics by Stopping the Pollution of Sin


A grave error today is an inordinate focus upon - and misunderstanding of - physical evils. Sin leads to physical evils. Recall that physical evil entered the world through Adam's Original Sin. God is also NOT an 'environmentalist.' He does use natural disasters to punish sinful men. Occultists and atheists often worship the cosmos, perceiving nature as an animate 'living being' and are easily aroused over environmental issues. Christians know that the human person sums up all the best qualities of the world - and more. Man is the world in miniature. Thus, one single human is worth more than all [...]

End Pandemics by Stopping the Pollution of Sin2020-03-15T10:38:47-04:00

Rend Your Hearts


Holy Mother Church grants us the liturgical time of Septuagesima to prepare for Lent. This is a time for conversion, conversion, conversion! Lent is a time, more than any other, to turn away from sin to God. God asks that we give Him our heart. If you want to know to what degree you love God, honestly assess how you use your time and your money. God further asks that we change our heart. Yet this is not easy, which is why people usually don't do it. We need the light of Christ to see sin - in the world and [...]

Rend Your Hearts2020-02-11T09:14:20-05:00

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma


We have reason to rejoice in our Holy Mother: The Church and Our Lady. Mary is the perfect type of the Church.  The miraculous tilma of Guadalupe points to numerous truths about the Church: She is divine, she is alive, Jesus lives in her, she is indestructible, she is sweet even as she corrects and reproves. We also recently celebrated Pope St. Damasus (+384), who battled an anti-pope, upheld the Sacred Scriptures, and condemned heresy. He defended the Person of Christ and His two natures. These truths dispel today's popular errors that animals may be resurrected, redeemed or have eternal souls.

Heresy of Apollinarianism and the Tilma2024-12-20T12:26:04-05:00
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