86 Pentecost Last Sunday

Little Children, Love One Another


Jesus loves us and calls us to love Him in return His judgment of each one of us will be based on truth and charity. Because we love Him we obey Him and seek to follow His will. Conform yourself to His signified will (as expressed in His commandments, sacraments, church teachings and the commands of our lawful superiors). Conform yourself to the will of His good pleasure (i.e. have a wiling and cheerful acceptance of everything that happens, realizing it comes from His loving hand). Detach yourself from creatures - including self – in order to attach yourself to God.

Little Children, Love One Another2024-12-02T09:20:12-05:00

The Doctrine of Predestination


God by the eternal resolve of His will has predetermined certain men to eternal blessedness. The number of the elect is predetermined and can not change (none added, none taken away). While God wills all men to be saved, not all men are saved. This is based not on God's providence but on a man's sin and lack of contrition. The heresy of "double predestination" holds that men are like brute beasts with God leading some to salvation and others to damnation by His (predetermined) divine will. For men how are saved, it is a gift from God; from men who [...]

The Doctrine of Predestination2023-12-17T10:57:40-05:00

Eternity Always in View


Nothing impure can enter Heaven. Thinking about Purgatory inspires penance and self denial (which we all struggle with). Here are five important means to avoid Purgatory. Our Lady is the Mother of everyone in Purgatory and there is no soul there whose pain is not alleviated by her. Happy is the he who loves with eternity always in view; with a lively faith that he must shortly die and enter into eternity.

Eternity Always in View2023-12-17T10:22:20-05:00

Everlasting Fire or Life


Prepare for a happy death, which is not the same as a painless death. To die as softly as one drops off asleep and awaking to find an angry Judge and an everlasting fire is not a happy death. St. Lawrence and St. Agnes had happy painful deaths.  A happy death is one in the state of grace, for this — and this alone — means eternal salvation. The less debt one owes to God's justice, the happier one's death. Cease not to pray for the souls in Purgatory, that they may be worthy of God.

Everlasting Fire or Life2022-12-28T08:50:08-05:00

Reflect upon Death and Hell


In all your works, remember your last end, and you will never sin. Frequently prepare yourself spiritually for death. Advent is a good time for this. Pray Psalm 50 (Miserere) and Psalm 129 (De Profundis). When dangerously sick, you must be well trained to make an immediate and proper preparation for death. It is extremely important for you to reflect upon hell. We shall see Christ Our King and Judge coming on the clouds with power and majesty – Be prepared!

Reflect upon Death and Hell2022-11-22T10:55:37-05:00

Fix Your Heart on the World to Come


Three signs given to us by God which urge us to fix our minds and hearts on the world to come are [1] This month of November, [2] Today's Holy Gospel on the Coming of Christ at the Last Judgment, and [3] The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. So many of the changes made to the Mass have contributed, directly and indirectly, to the Catholic Faithful no longer fixing their attention on the life hereafter, but rather on things of this world which are passing away. At Holy Mass, Heaven comes down to earth and we are raised up to Heaven. [...]

Fix Your Heart on the World to Come2019-11-28T06:59:58-05:00
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