68 Pentecost 8th Sunday

Refuge of Sinners Atone for Us


Devotion to the Precious Blood is an excellent way to participate well at Holy Mass. Adore and thank the Precious Blood; invoke Its infinite power; and beg It to atone for our may sins. This is devotion to the Person of Christ. It leads to a deeper union with Him. Jesus shed every drop of His Precious Blood for our salvation; It is the fountain of every grace we need. Practical ways to grow in this devotion come from the saints and the Church's prayers.

Refuge of Sinners Atone for Us2023-09-03T11:22:01-04:00

Concrete Spiritual Goals and Focus


In the spiritual life, how clear are our goals and vision? These things define us; yet they require careful examination and determination. So often we are misdirected. We accept the devil’s lies that sanctity is not for me, that life is too unmanageable, and I can’t overcome my problems. What we need is passion: to love our vocation – even to the point of obsession.

Concrete Spiritual Goals and Focus2022-11-07T12:39:23-05:00

Reparation and the Precious Blood


Holy Mass, Confession, and Holy Communion are the great vessels, or fountains, of the Precious Blood. We must place the greatest importance upon them, for their power is far above our devotions and sacramentals. These three are also the greatest means to make reparation. We must open our eyes to see how great is this need. Remember your sins first, then those of the Church and the world - there is so much ingratitude, indifference and infidelity. By reparation we 'balance' the evil with good and console Our Lord and Our Lady.

Reparation and the Precious Blood2022-10-17T07:15:15-04:00

New Mass Amtrak and Coke


Why do we not learn from two colossal business failures (new coke and Amtrak)? The New Mass is not a "change" rooted in any apostolic tradition but an utterly new man-made rite of a committee's innovation. Despite hierarchical subsidies and elimination of 'competition,' churches with the New Mass continue emptying. The New Mass does not interest the youth or generate vocations. The Traditional Mass is the most significant area of growth in the Church, yet ecclesial leaders are now seeking to contain and eliminate it. We must persevere in the True Faith!

New Mass Amtrak and Coke2022-09-06T09:28:27-04:00

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass


A terrible document aimed at destroying the Mass of All Time is upon us. It goes against the Church's ancient Tradition; against God Himself. Hence we cannot obey it. We must stand fast despite being persecuted. Sadly, many Catholics do not realize that there are limits to the authority of the pope and bishops - limits witnessed to by the Church Herself. The hierarchy has authority so as to guard, protect, and transmit the Catholic doctrinal, moral and liturgical tradition - not to eliminate it! We have been infected with the falsehood that the liturgy is our work. No. It is [...]

Resist the False Attack upon the Mass2021-07-19T09:15:03-04:00

This Too Shall Pass


To be led by the Holy Ghost, you must repeatedly ask for His help. Come Holy Ghost! Enlighten my mind. Strengthen my will. Inflame my heart. The Holy Ghost is opposed by a three-fold source of evil: the devil, the world and the flesh. These spiritual enemies lead men's minds into error and enslave their wills to vice. On account of our fallen nature, our wills are weak and our hearts are selfish and self-seeking. We must take this seriously! To love in a proper and self-sacrificial way, we need the light and strength that comes from God. Pray especially for [...]

This Too Shall Pass2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Impurity Unleashes Destructive Passions and Death


We must understand the root causes which plague our Church and society. When man indulges an unchaste desire, he starts down a trajectory of sin that leads to violence and destruction. Unbridled passions in man's interior life lead to confusion, anger, frustration and unleash external acts of uncontrolled passion. Impure people are easily manipulated by the powers that be. Revolutionaries, hardened criminals and satanists are able to commit terrible atrocities because they first desensitize themselves by violations of the Sixth Commandment. As we are living though an unhappy time of unbridled luxury, we should expect that riots, acts of senseless violence, destruction, and public murder [...]

Impurity Unleashes Destructive Passions and Death2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

St Vladimir the Great


Before the coming of the Holy Ghost, the world was full of idolatry, superstition, tyranny, oppression and revolting practices. The poor and suffering were uncared for. Half the world was enslaved. Yet the Holy Ghost renewed the face of the earth! Civilization flourished and the world became a far better place, filled with truth and compassion. By way of example, we can look to Prince Vladimir of Kiev (+1015). He was a cruel, vice-ridden leader who even offered human sacrifice. Then he was baptized, married a Christian princess, destroyed idols, brought his nation to Christianity, and became a saint. Sadly in today's [...]

St Vladimir the Great2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Turn to Marys Heart


In the wake of the mass murders in El Paso (and Dayton), many of us ask "Why does God allow such terrible evil to occur?" In response, I encourage you to always keep before you the perspective of eternity and the salvation of souls. Many bewail this great tragedy (rightfully so), but far more should we bewail the loss of so many souls falling into hell. What man should really dread is eternal damnation. Yet God has given us a tremendous grace to help us in any and every danger: the Immaculate Heart of His Mother! He wills that we turn [...]

Turn to Marys Heart2019-08-11T09:04:54-04:00

FaceBook OpenBook OpenDoor


We are meant to 'redeem the time' and 'work out our salvation.' St. Alphonsus made a vow never to waste time. Yet wasting time with worldly endeavors and vain entertainment may be the great weakness [sin] of our age. Social Media, epitomized by Facebook, is one of the most popular ways to 'kill the time.' Does it not open doors that lead to much trouble, to the world, the flesh, and the devil? Does it not steal time that ought to be spent on one's duties and lead to the loss of grace and virtue? It easily becomes an openbook that [...]

FaceBook OpenBook OpenDoor2019-08-11T08:37:16-04:00
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