67 Pentecost 7th Sunday

Know Them By Their Fruits


We must learn to pray as Holy Mother Church prays. Make petitions in union with her solemn prayer. It is clear that many of us are failing in our fundamental duty. We are living through the consequences thereof. Discern the false shepherds by their fruits. Consider as well the wondrous fruits of the Precious Blood. His Blood is shed for us at Holy Mass. Do you really believe?

Know Them By Their Fruits2024-08-02T16:40:18-04:00

The Brown Scapular and Holy Mass


In today's Gospel, Our Lord speaks directly about what one must do to enter Heaven. It is not enough to call on Him in speech. Rather, the chief disposition of our heart must be to do the will of His Father. Holy Mass has the purpose of helping us become more committed to doing God's will by uniting ourselves to Christ. These are the same goals of the Brown Scapular. This is where its power to save comes from: the unlimited intercessory power of Our Lady, the omnipotent Blood of Christ, and the Father's perfect divine will.

The Brown Scapular and Holy Mass2023-08-29T06:48:39-04:00

What Is a Woman?


The world is being plagued by a more wicked and perverse society than Sodom of old. There is no logic upon which it can be based. Its confusion is an effect of communism, which attacks womanhood. A woman is a copy of the great original, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the indispensable helpmate of man; his complement not replacement. She is his beloved and treasured heart. She is captivatingly mysterious and intuitive. She strives for modesty and self-effacement. She suffers the same wounds as her man, but inwardly and quietly. She saves by supporing her man and by bearing and [...]

What Is a Woman?2023-08-20T12:57:28-04:00

What Price Are You Willing to Pay?


What would you give to be with God? The reality is shocking, because most of us wouldn't give up much. Where are we going wrong? Do we misjudge the price or the prize or both? Is it because we don't perceive God with our senses? Is it because we lack true personal interaction? How God's heart must hurt on account of our hesitation. What will it take for us to want to be with God?

What Price Are You Willing to Pay?2022-11-06T16:39:18-05:00

Saints of July and the Precious Blood


The greatest fruits of the Precious Blood are the saints and martyrs. Consider, for example the life of St. Christina of Bolsena. Many don't realize her connection to the great Eucharistic Miracle which took place over her relics one thousand years after her martyrdom. The link to the Precious Blood is seen in other great saints we venerate in July, such as St. James the Greater, St. Ann, and St. Mary Magdalene. Pray for the specific graces exemplified by these saints and specifically associated with the infinite power of the Precious Blood.

Saints of July and the Precious Blood2022-10-08T07:00:48-04:00

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood


Beware of false prophets, whom you shall know by their fruits. There is much 'rotten fruit' in the Church. Things are not good. The faith is very weak. Few make Holy Hours, vocations are scarce, and the Mass is everywhere shut down. Even worse, the Mass of All Time - which yields much good fruit - is being persecuted. The grave crisis should be obvious to everyone. In response, grow in your devotion to the Precious Blood and seek to imitate Christ in His Passion and Sacrifice. At Mass, "see" with faith our Bloody Lord (instead of the priest), for thus [...]

Thou Hast Redeemed Us In Thy Blood2021-08-04T13:09:50-04:00

Religion and Piety


We must ask the Holy Ghost for His light to enlighten our minds, strengthen our wills and inflame our hearts. Without the Holy Ghost we cannot love rightly (our love is self-centered, self-seeking and weak). In order to bring forth any good fruit, we need the Holy Ghost. Pray for an increase in the virtue of religion (i.e. rendering due honor and glory to God). Pray too for the corresponding virtue of piety (an interior disposition by which we truly love God as our Father). By religion we carry out our duties to God in an exterior way. This is certainly important and necessary. Yet [...]

Religion and Piety2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

A Diabolical Campaign


Sister Lucia of Fatima: “It is necessary not to let yourself be drawn away by the doctrines of disorientated contradictors… The campaign is diabolical. We need to confront it, without getting into conflicts.” Today revolutionary marxists seek to use a dialectic as a catalyst for socio-political transformation (virus, masks, protests, racism). By dialectic we mean pushing two things to oppose each other - often in violent conflict - so as to work through them and advance one's own gain. Dialectics is the preferred method of the devil. These atheistic 'social organizers' pit people against each other so as to bring about a [...]

A Diabolical Campaign2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

The Power of Compunction


On 13 Oct 1917, the little shepherdess Lucia asked Our Lady at Fatima, “I have many things to ask of You: to heal some sick people and to convert some sinners…” The beautiful Lady responded: “Some, yes; others, no. People must amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins. [then growing still more sad, She added] They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.” Our Lady said some of the prayers, conversions, and healings would be denied. Why? These people were not committed to amending their lives. They did not have true contrition. [...]

The Power of Compunction2019-07-30T07:40:34-04:00
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