63 Pentecost 3rd Sunday

Summary of Our Religion


The popes teach devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is the summary of our religion, of the whole mystery of our redemption. This makes perfect sense as it has to do with the infinite love of the Blessed Trinity for us. This devotion is directed towards the love of God for us. We are to adore His Sacred Heart, give thanks for It, and live so as to imitate It. It entails three kinds of devotion: of love, of reparation and of imitation. Consider the example of three saints: Gertrude the Great, Catherine of Siena and Clare of Montefalco. O [...]

Summary of Our Religion2023-07-20T17:16:06-04:00

The Art of Complaining


Complaining is a human universal. Why do we complain? Two reasons: [1] Because of our ingratitude. Reality does not line up with what we want. God has given us everything even though we don't deserve it. To complain is immature. We must grow up! [2] Because we lack courage. We complain to illegitimatize something and then not have to give ourselves to it. Complaining is delaying the necessity of action. We lack courage. The only cure is to know Christ – to believe in Him. We have no greater model than the Sacred Heart.

The Art of Complaining2023-06-30T18:46:23-04:00

Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart


What Jesus desires above all is our hearts and He wants to reign and rule in our hearts through His love. The Sacred Heart has a very special love for sinners and a great desire for their conversion. We must promote the kingly and social aspects of His reign. Civil society has to be organized according to Catholic principles. The state has the responsibility to safeguard God's law and make sure it is obeyed by all. Yet Christ's Heart, love, and reign are almost universally scorned, despised and rejected. Incredibly enough, this is also true within the Catholic Church. Do the [...]

Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart2022-09-18T06:37:36-04:00

Christian Ambition


Christ promises the Christian will be [1] Completely Fearless, [2] Absurdly Happy, and [3] Constantly in Trouble. The exhortation which best sums this up: Be ambitious for God! This is epitomized by both John the Baptist and Our Lord. We can accomplish great things because we have the truth and the Sacred Heart. With God we have all we need. Set goals, accomplish uncommon things, grow in confidence, abhor complacency, and never let up. This is a lesson to be learned from those who never stopped fighting to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Christian Ambition2022-09-07T15:08:20-04:00

Roe vs Wade is Dead


What an extraordinary 'miracle' on the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the Nativity of John the Baptist. These feasts teach us many pertinent lessons. There never was a right to murder the unborn. This 'constitutional right' has been forever eliminated. Truth is on the side of life. Now the real battle begins, in the political area and to win minds and hearts. We must cry out in condemnation of the culture of death and the demons behind it: 'Non licet!' Now is our time to act.

Roe vs Wade is Dead2022-07-22T17:39:03-04:00

The Holy Ghost is the Power of God


The Holy Ghost has infinite power. He is frequently symbolized as the 'Mighty Hand' or 'Finger' of God. He multiplies, perfects, confirms, and establishes grace in man. He seeks to guide the faithful Christian. Yet in addition to the True Faith and True Worship, one needs humility and docility to be attentive to His promptings. The Holy Ghost awakens in us an urgency to fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. He reminds us that the devil goes about as a roaring lion (or monstrous serpent) seeking to devour us. As an example, consider Sister Lucia's "Vision of Tuy," [...]

The Holy Ghost is the Power of God2021-08-02T14:57:19-04:00

Fatherhood is Sacred


Christ's entire mission is to reveal the love of God the Father. When He ascends, He leaves [spiritual] fathers in His place. All fatherhood is meant, in some way, to reflect God's holy fatherhood. The father's vocation is to rule, sanctify and teach His family. He leads, protects and provides for his family. Fathers, lead your family to God and to Heaven! This is why God gives the father authority. The father must be the first to pray, to love, to sacrifice and to die to himself. As fatherhood is so essential for salvation, it makes sense that the devil is waging an all-out war [...]

Fatherhood is Sacred2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Problems of Fatherhood


One of the root causes of today's troubles is not 'color' but other factors. The lack of virtuous fatherhood, both inside and outside the Church, is at the top of the list. Fatherhood issues are at the root of many deadly and grave disorders. King David indicates in Psalm 77 that bad fathers can work such havoc as to call down the anger of God. The prophet Malachi indicates how this can be prevented by another Elias re-establishing an orderly fatherhood. Today's chaos will only be resolved once proper fatherhood is re-established. (1) Let us cease blaming our fathers for our [...]

Problems of Fatherhood2020-11-13T21:49:50-05:00

Christian Masculinity


Men and women are different and hence they also love differently. In view of his headship, a man loves by ordering, leading and protecting. The man must be the spiritual head and provide discipline for his family. He must pray, sacrifice and exert great effort to order according to God's law, not selfishly (making his own rules). Men, be what God has called you to be! Effeminate men seek their own pleasure and gratification, shunning the burden of noble leadership and responsibility. Men should not discipline or lead to satisfy their own whims or pride. Woe to the man who abuses [...]

Christian Masculinity2019-07-13T17:42:58-04:00
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