72 Pentecost 12th Sunday

The Immaculate Heart and Holy Mass


At the heart of the Message of Fatima is the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She is our refuge and the way that leads us to God. This Message carries graces particularly necessary for our times. Her Immaculate Heart also shows us how to truly and actively participate at Mass. Strive to keep in your heart the five primary sentiments which are in hers. Devotion to her Immaculate Heart, fostered also by reparation and the First Saturday devotion, will lead us to a profound union of hearts with her Son.

The Immaculate Heart and Holy Mass2023-10-06T16:08:32-04:00

Horror for Every Kind of Sin


Be devoted to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart by striving to share her heart’s five principal sentiments: [1] Horror for all sin. [2] Scorn for this corrupt world. [3] Lowest esteem for self. [4] Profound love for all the things of God. [5] Veneration and love for the Cross. How very unlike her heart is our heart. Who amongst us desires to be humiliated? A hatred for sin will lead to greater contrition and a better confession. Meditating upon the Stations of the Cross will also increase our horror for sin and our contrition.

Horror for Every Kind of Sin2022-11-19T08:28:09-05:00

Fatherhood in the Ditch


The Church Fathers provide insightful understandings into the parable of the Good Samaritan. Our father, Adam, is the man going down from Jerusalem (Heaven) to Jericho (hell). He is waylaid by satan and his minions. The Old Testament priests and prophets are powerless to help him, as they too are on their way down. It is Jesus (the Good Samaritan) who saves man with His own flesh (beast of burden, cross) and entrusts him to the Church (inn) until His Second Coming (return). God's Fatherhood is needed to rescue man's fatherhood. Today, fatherhood is once again in the ditch; we are in [...]

Fatherhood in the Ditch2020-11-13T21:49:46-05:00

A Specific Devotion for Our Time


Every single soul wants to be happy; yet few know how. Only by loving God - putting Him first - can man be happy. This is what Mary's Immaculate Heart does so perfectly. She desires God and His will alone. This is the fundamental reason why we must be devoted to her Immaculate Heart. It is not just a 'Marian devotion,' but it is at the heart of the Mystery of God and of man's existence. Man's problem is he does not love God enough! The more you contemplate Mary's heart, the more you will overcome your selfishness. And God has [...]

A Specific Devotion for Our Time2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Take Up and Read – The Old Not the New


The Council of Trent dogmatically defined "the Sacred Scriptures" in response to the protestant revolt. It listed all the divinely inspired books - which is something not revealed in Scripture itself but requires the authority of the Church to determine. The Council then infallibly proclaimed: “If anyone does not accept as sacred and canonical the aforesaid books in their entirety and with all their parts, as they have been accustomed to be read in the Catholic Church and as they are contained in the old Latin Vulgate Edition, and knowingly and deliberately rejects the aforesaid traditions, let him be anathema.” Note [...]

Take Up and Read – The Old Not the New2019-09-06T06:26:06-04:00

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals


A very dangerous idea that has crept into moral theology is that the Commandments of God are only ideals; hence, modern man can adapt them to his concrete circumstances. It is now claimed that a faithful indissoluble marriage directed towards procreation is just for those with heroic virtue, instead of a universal norm. This is gravely contrary to Christ's immutable teaching and a pastoral disaster. It turns all the Commandments into mere counsels or suggestions which may or may not be followed by a "good conscience." We need to hear from our shepherds the thundering voice of John the Baptist which demands [...]

Commandments Not Unreachable Ideals2019-09-06T06:04:00-04:00
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