71 Pentecost 11th Sunday

The Assumption The Mass Union with Christ


"By the grace of God I am what I am and His grace in me has not been void." This passage from today's epistle aptly summarizes the life of St. Paul. But it should also hold true for each one of us. And it is especially applicable to Our Lady, in whom we see the grandeur and effectiveness of God's grace when man cooperates with God. The mysteries of Our Lady, which show her always full of grace and increasing in grace throughout her life, also reflect what God desires for each of us. The goal of Our Lady's Assumption, and [...]

The Assumption The Mass Union with Christ2023-09-29T08:50:39-04:00

Devotion and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart


Reflect upon Mary’s Immaculate Heart. It is [1] Singularly focused on her beloved Son; [2] Never stained by any sin; [3] Never existed without loving God; [4] Always carries within the Passion of her Son. Such consideration should move us to true sorrow, for our sins are thousands of arrows piercing her heart. The Immaculate Heart is at the center of the Message of Fatima and so is of particular importance for our time. Offer her reparation through the First Saturday devotion. Practice devotion to her Heart by keeping in your own heart the sentiments which are in her’s.

Devotion and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart2022-11-15T08:41:38-05:00

The Greatness of the Mass


Over the centuries, the Church - guided by the Holy Ghost - has adorned the Mass with holy prayers, hymns, lessons, and ceremonies. The Church has enveloped the celebration of this adorable Sacrifice in a mystic veil in order to fill the faithful with religious awe and profound reverence, urging them to earnest pious contemplation and meditation. Pope Innocent I (~400 AD) affirms that the Roman liturgy comes from St. Peter and all must observe this rite. We do not know how this grave attack upon the Mass - upon the Catholic Faith, upon Christ Himself - will play out, but [...]

The Greatness of the Mass2021-08-18T23:44:33-04:00

Neo-Gnosticism is Fatherless


Neo-gnostics believe the created universe to be their 'god' and strive for self-salvation. Thus they reject God as our Creator, our Savior and our Father. Literature influenced by neo-gnosticism rarely ever has good and strong father figures who lead, teach and defend their families well. It is a terrible tortue for a soul to suffer the lack of a good father. Without good fathers, man can't make heroic acts of loving sacrifice. A father's love is the highest form of love for a man. Piety needs a father. Our society - and our Church - desperately need fatherhood to be restored and maintained. Fortunately, [...]

Neo-Gnosticism is Fatherless2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Truth, Faith, and Authority


In today's epistle (1 Cor 15), St. Paul teaches on the first foundation of our salvation (faith!) and on the scope and purpose of apostolic authority. Christ gives His Church authority for a purpose: to teach, transmit, guard and defend the truth which He taught (deposit of faith). Church leaders are to faithfully transmit what they have received from Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture - and thus save souls. The vast majority of Catholics do not believe in the pope in a truly Catholic way, for our love and loyalty to the pope must be rooted in our more fundamental love and loyalty [...]

Truth, Faith, and Authority2020-11-13T21:49:49-05:00

Suppression of the Jesuits


By his decree, Dominus ac Redemptor, Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits in 1773. The sons of St. Ignatius's had done much to stem the protestant revolt, evangelize new lands, and defend the Church. This was one of the Church's lowest moments. It opened the door to great evils ushered by the French Revolution and Communism. Why does God allow such things? So that greater good may come of it. This is an important lesson for us to learn today when we face a very dark time in the Church's life. Good orders and authentic Catholic life is being suppressed, but this [...]

Suppression of the Jesuits2019-09-01T06:06:23-04:00
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