50 Pentecost

Practice True Devotion to the Holy Ghost


Our prayer is meant to express our Faith. Consider how much we learn from Holy Mother Church's prayers directed to the Holy Ghost. We are completely dependent on the Holy Ghost to do anything good. He is the giver of every good gift. He enables us to think like Christ, speak like Christ and act like Christ. Now the world and the flesh are opposed to the Holy Ghost, hence we must unceasingly fight against their influence.

Practice True Devotion to the Holy Ghost2024-07-01T17:06:30-04:00

Each of Us is Wounded


Who is the Holy Ghost? What does He do? How are we to pray to Him? We find a simple answer in the Church's prayer. Come, and bring us the Truth. Come, and fill us with Thy Love. The Holy Ghost comes to heal the wounds which we all carry in our heart and soul, wounds caused by those we should trust most and who should most willingly sacrifice for us. We can't do it on our own. Without Him we are lost. Invoke the Holy Ghost, asking Him to enlighten, purify, console, heal, strengthen and sanctify you.

Each of Us is Wounded2023-06-22T09:45:36-04:00

Modern Day Montanists


Montanus was a faithful priest turned heretic. He claimed to be filled with Holy Ghost, so much so, that his teachings excelled even that of Tradition and the Apostles. He leaned heavily on emotionalism. He preached revival and renewal, but many of his practices were from the devil. His heresy was condemned in the 2nd Century. Yet his error has returned in greater force today. Let us not confuse the Holy Ghost with the spirit of the world, of revolution, or of the devil. Forget not the Holy Ghost, pray for His gifts, and hold fast to Tradition.  

Modern Day Montanists2023-06-07T06:08:36-04:00

Fire and Blood


Pentecost is a Christocentric feast. Today, the Apostles become Christ (no longer just followers). Something changed in them. It is the key to understanding Pentecost. Fire is full of hunger and consumes everything it can. It transforms all into itself. Blood spilled on this earth is what made the world Catholic. What kind of hunger do you have? What blood are you willing to suffer? You only have one life to live. Don't let it pass by in fleeting vanities. Only God can satisfy you.

Fire and Blood2023-06-01T11:18:52-04:00

Father of the Poor


Consider what the Holy Ghost does, why we need Him, and how we can more effectively gain His assistance. All the spiritual goods that we possess come from the Holy Ghost, for He is the Love of the Father and the Son. He purifies man from sin and unites man to God. He gives grace upon grace so long as one is disposed and requests. Love, adore, and thank the Holy Ghost. As man is terribly weak and poor, he ought to ceaselessly call upon the Holy Ghost’s assistance.

Father of the Poor2022-08-02T11:23:00-04:00

Humility and Greatness of Man


Never be surprised when you fall. Be grounded in who you actually are: sinful and stumbling about. Yet you also have the capacity for greatness; so strive for it! Don't let the devil handcuff you to sin; instead, be a joyful soul when you go to confession. Have the humility to witness your great fall but know you can still reach for the stars - and see this in others. "Every man in the light of his ego is a fallen monarch."

Humility and Greatness of Man2022-06-11T17:52:58-04:00

A New Pentecost People


When John XXIII announced Vatican II, he spoke of a 'new Pentecost.' Many believed a 'new springtime' was due. Such slogans conveyed a general euphoria. Yet to think there can be a greater 'new' outpouring of the Holy Ghost is a grave and condemned error. Sadly, men are fascinated with 'new age' movements, e.g. Joachim de Fiore (+1202). Today's 'new spirit' is an impure spirit of rupture. It has borne the 'fruit' of apostasy and a hemorrhaging of Church membership like never before. Let us instead pray for the promised Age of Peace under Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.

A New Pentecost People2022-06-07T12:50:58-04:00

Vatican Two Had the Spirit of the World


This Pentecost, we highlight just one aspect of the Holy Ghost's mission, that of sanctifying and saving souls. In order to receive the Holy Ghost, we have to 'make space' for Him. In so far as one is filled with the spirit of the world, of the flesh, and of self-love, one does not allow Him to work in our souls. The choking spirit of the world is ubiquitous within the Church. The doors were flung wide for this false spirit at Vatican 2 and it remains the single greatest source of the Church's evils today. Note how tell-tale signs of [...]

Vatican Two Had the Spirit of the World2021-06-28T03:49:36-04:00

All Three Loves Must Be Well Ordered


True love needs to be ordered correctly, as all other ‘love’ is nothing but fools’ gold. Spiritual love, or love of God, must come first. Soul love, union with others, must make its choices in light of Heaven. Bodily love, provided by creatures around us, readily tends towards excess and must be moderated. When any one of these loves is out of place, one experiences trouble, emptiness and restlessness. Yet spouses, parents, siblings will inevitably fail their loved ones. One must expect this! Nevertheless, one can have perfect love, if and only if, one does not attempt to compensate these failures [...]

All Three Loves Must Be Well Ordered2021-05-30T07:02:03-04:00

The Virus of Cowardice


It is extraordinary what fear has done to us as a people. Despite the tremendous decline in virus related cases, which happened well before the introduction of any vaccine, the fear continues. Masks have become part of everyday life. Segregation is back: the vaccinated are ‘privileged’ but others are treated as ‘lepers.’ We have become silly and weak. We are afraid to die. Why? Because we are filled with a worldly spirit as opposed to the Holy Ghost. Can we ever see in our day anything similar to what martyrs and previous Catholics did for the glory of God? Consider the [...]

The Virus of Cowardice2021-05-30T05:52:02-04:00
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