Whatever you do, think not of yourself but of God - St. Vincent Ferrer|stvincentferreroftexas@gmail.com

36 Palm Sunday

Four Points for Victory


Palms symbolize Christ's victory. By His passion and death He conquered satan, sin and death. Here are four points to help keep His passion and death in our mind and heart.

Four Points for Victory2024-04-11T19:54:11-04:00

Seven Last Words


There is nothing more conducive to the attainment of salvation than to think every day on the pains which Jesus Christ suffered for love of us. One way to do this is to meditate upon His final words from the Cross. By these words, it is clear that His death brings us seven magnificent graces.

Seven Last Words2023-05-01T11:08:09-04:00

The Holiest Week of the Year


The Passion and Death of Our Savior makes this week the holiest of the year. Holy Mother Church has us listen to the Passion narrative as told by each of the evangelists. After all, there is nothing more conducive to eternal salvation than to think—every day—upon the pains which Jesus Christ suffered for love of us. How can sin ever reign in such a soul? Be truly Catholic by observing this week as the holiest of the year. Make the extra effort to pray, fast, and offer sacrifices. Above all, make the resolution to live your life for God (more so [...]

The Holiest Week of the Year2021-04-12T15:28:40-04:00

Do We Believe Christ is King


As Catholics, we affirm the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We also commemorate His passion and death. And these two go together, as we so clearly see in the Mass of Palm Sunday. Now to affirm Christ as King, we must be united to His Passion. This is why so many souls do not truly acknowledge His Kingship, because they are unwilling to follow Him in His passion and death. Yet we beleive 'Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands.'   This has many implications. Let us consider some especially relevant right now. Does our reaction to the threat of COVID-19 reflect our firm belief that Christ [...]

Do We Believe Christ is King2020-04-07T05:53:23-04:00

Grievance Culture vs Christ the Victim


We hear a lot about grievances today. 'Grievance communities' compete for exceptional treatment and vie to claim the role of greater victim. In fact, we are a nation of grievance-nurturers, living in a grievance culture. Yet as we enter Holy Week, we are called to deepen our meditation upon the horrific injustices perpetrated against our dearest Lord, to God Himself! We are awed by His power and by His willingness to hand Himself over to His enemies. Compare this to the devil, the ultimate Lord of the grievance community, who is always filled with rage and resentment. Although a true Victim [...]

Grievance Culture vs Christ the Victim2019-04-18T06:18:47-04:00

Christ Will Not Be Known Without His Cross


Throughout the three years of His public life, His Majesty did not allow anyone to publicly proclaim Him to be the Christ (Messias, Savior). He silenced the demons who tried to reveal Him and commanded His disciples to keep quiet until after He had risen from the dead. Why did Our Blessed Lord not want to be known as the Christ? We learn the answer on Palm Sunday, for this is when He first allows people to proclaim Him to be the Christ, the Son of David and King. His hour is now at hand and Palm Sunday begins the immediate [...]

Christ Will Not Be Known Without His Cross2019-04-16T06:20:48-04:00
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