Liturgical Year

The Flight Into Egypt


The latter six Mysteries from the Infancy and Childhood of Christ clearly manifest and admirably summarize the Holy Family. The Mystery of Christ can't be fully understood apart from the Holy Family; for Christ does not just bring us salvation, but He does so with and through the Holy Family. Our response to these Mysteries must not just be to believe, love and obey, but also to reflect upon them -- and to do so with faith! Let us consider the Flight into Egypt. This Mystery provides many important lessons for how we are to save our souls, especially in these [...]

The Flight Into Egypt2022-04-01T13:27:35-04:00

A Formless Liturgy is Unacceptable


Who could be so barbarous as to destroy his own past? I am angry at those who seek to destroy the Traditional Mass. They have not been satisfied by an iconoclasm in which ugliness reigns. Now they insist that their formless liturgy is the unique and only liturgical expression of the Latin Rite. I say a liturgical revolution is unacceptable. Yet a righteous anger is not easily controlled. We must have charity. We can be thankful for the clarity this has yielded: they are two different Rites which can't coexist for long. Heed the example of St. Francis de Sales, who [...]

A Formless Liturgy is Unacceptable2022-02-21T05:16:53-05:00

Families Recover Catholic Identity


The Catholic family is in decay. Two things families are not accomplishing on a wide scale are [1] establishing a firm Catholic identity and [2] fighting against the spirit of the world. Our youth lack a clear identity. Parents, be consistent! Don't give up and allow your family to be entrenched in worldliness. The world is the enemy and is seeking to destroy the souls of your children. Be in love with your vocation - with forming saintly souls for Heaven!

Families Recover Catholic Identity2022-02-19T16:48:13-05:00

Presentation and Purification


Consider the Twelve Mysteries of Christ's Infancy and Childhood. The Holy Family suffers much and endures many trials. Why? Because they are obedient to God's holy will. So how should we respond to these Mysteries? With obedience. What of those who are fearful and have heard this 'virus-crisis' excuses them from Sunday Mass? Meditate upon the connection between Christ's Presentation in the Temple, His Sacrifice on Calvary, and the Mass. Imitate Our Lady.

Presentation and Purification2022-02-19T13:14:54-05:00

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy


Devotion to the Child Jesus means devotion to the Mystery of the Incarnation. Meditate on the mysteries of His sacred Infancy to grow in love for Him. These mysteries highlight His humility, poverty, obedience and love. In particular, consider that He purposefully chose each of these events to begin His saving mission on earth. To love Him you must strive to imitate Him. For example, every one of us can be more detached from the world; by this we imitate His poverty.

Mysteries of His Sacred Infancy2022-02-07T09:49:04-05:00

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience


How are we to respond to Epiphany - to this great manifestation of Jesus' divinity? We must [1] believe, [2] adore and [3] obey. This is the example of Mary and Joseph, the angels, the shepherds and the Three Kings. Obedience is first given to God. The star represents Faith, the light that comes from God. Then obedience is given to the human authorities God places on earth. This priority must be respected. Human authority can be abused; yet the virtue of obedience exists to conform our will to God's holy will.

Our Response Must Be True Catholic Obedience2022-02-05T08:06:25-05:00

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms


The Church has many names, each giving insight into her mysteries. Perhaps the most beautiful is 'Holy Mother.' She gives us spiritual life, nourishes us, heals us, and strengthens us. If we make it to Heaven, it WILL be because of Her. Therefore we should truly love her! Never lose sight that she is the perfect and immaculate Bride of Christ despite the sinfulness of her members. No matter how terrible the storm, Christ will preserve and save her. Have confidence too in the powerful intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph!

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms2022-01-31T07:35:57-05:00

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship


Few remember the destruction wrought by vaccine mandates in 19th century England. If we don't learn from history, then we're doomed to repeat it. Strange how modern governments, which claim to be so enlightened, can be so despotic. The modern state sees itself as absolute. All must submit to its authority and doctrines, while it submits to none. Yet a tyranny sincerely exercised for the 'good' of its victims is the most oppressive. Thus, the vax-cult sets itself up as false religion against the Kingship of Christ.

Vax-Cult Opposes Christs Kingship2022-01-23T13:31:37-05:00

A Child is Born to Us


For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. You and I can now love the Father with the Heart of Christ. We can offer all the sufferings of the Christ Child as an infinite act of reparation. On account of the Christmas Mystery, those in the state of grace can love God with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Divine Infant is born for us; the Messiah has been given to us. Let us use this Christmas gift well so that we may gain the gift of Eternal Life.

A Child is Born to Us2022-01-23T13:39:53-05:00

What Gifts Do You Offer the Christ Child


Mary and Joseph overflow with joy when the Divine Child is given due honor, reverence and love. This is precisely the mystery and meaning of Christmas. We are to follow the example of the Three Kings. Your gift ought to be those virtues which their gifts symbolize – charity (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Similarly, the epistle (Col 3) tells us how to offer the Christ Child a pure heart. As you pray the Rosary and Litanies, seek the respective intercession of – and offer yourself and family members to – the members of the Holy Family respectively.

What Gifts Do You Offer the Christ Child2022-01-18T08:18:32-05:00
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