Liturgical Year

22LM_06 Keep Your Gaze Fixed Upon Eternity


2022 Lent Mission - Third Conference: The man of hope is not looking for a reward here on earth, but keeps his gaze upon eternity. Hope is a longing desire for a future good that can be attained, albeit with difficulty. So hope for the pardon of your sins, victory over temptations and a holy death. To increase and fortify hope, meditate frequently upon the magnanimity of God.

22LM_06 Keep Your Gaze Fixed Upon Eternity2022-04-12T08:31:05-04:00

22LM_05 Hope in the Precious Blood


2022 Lent Mission - Third Sermon:The Precious Blood is never more present than at Mass. Three great mysteries which are hidden to our human nature at Mass are : {1] The shedding of His Blood is renewed; [2] His Blood is sprinkled upon those present; and [3] Intercedes before the Father for us. May we firmly hope and confidently trust in the Precious Blood!

22LM_05 Hope in the Precious Blood2022-04-12T09:54:13-04:00

22LM_04 The Objects of Christian Hope


2022 Lent Mission - Second Conference: Recognize and resist the devil’s most common traps regarding presumption and despair. To strengthen hope, turn to the example of the saints. And towards what end is our hope directed? Father details the primary, secondary and tertiary objects of the faithful Christian’s hope.

22LM_04 The Objects of Christian Hope2022-04-11T09:29:37-04:00

22LM_03 O Crux Spes Unica


2022 Lent Mission - Second Sermon: The Cross is our hope because Jesus has saved us through it. The Cross is precious because it brings grace to our soul and a heavy weight of glory unto eternity. The Cross is never more present – more real – than at Mass. The Mass teaches and enables us to place our hope in the Cross as our means to Heaven.

22LM_03 O Crux Spes Unica2022-04-12T09:54:19-04:00

Vox Clamantis in Deserto


Each candle on the Advent Wreath represents a millennia and bears a name. The third candle is named after St. John the Baptist. This great prophet and martyr gave his life for the sanctity of marriage. On account of his moral courage, he was imprisoned and decapitated. He was also the Precursor of Christ. His spirit, which we are called to emulate, is embodied by his words: "I must decrease, He must increase."

Vox Clamantis in Deserto2022-04-10T13:18:36-04:00

22LM_02 Man Needs Supernatural Hope


2022 Lent Mission - First Conference: The one thing necessary is to save your soul. To do this you need supernatural grace, faith, hope and charity. Yet few are saved. Many men only have natural hope and succumb to despair and presumption. As faithful Christians, foster a confident and true hope in God’s unfailing promises.

22LM_02 Man Needs Supernatural Hope2022-04-10T07:07:39-04:00

22LM_01 Virtue of Hope and Holy Mass


2022 Lent Mission - First Sermon: The title of our Lenten Mission are words prayed at the foot of the altar before Holy Mass begins. They summarize the struggle that we face every day of our life. In these sermons, we shall consider the connection between Hope and the Mass. Three great objects of our hope, all of which are very present at Mass, are: [1] The Cross, [2] The Precious Blood, and [3] The Immaculate Heart of Mary.

22LM_01 Virtue of Hope and Holy Mass2022-04-10T07:15:11-04:00

Teach Catholic Men to Fight


Catholic manhood is under attack. Modern men suffer from effeminacy of the body, mind, and will. Man is attached to pleasure and fears that which is difficult. He suffers an inability to seek the truth, preferring emotion over truth. He rationalizes and justifies everything to get what he wants. Christ's rebuke of the Apostles during the storm illustrates three points integral to a manhood: [1] Christ wanted them to face something difficult and overcome fear. [2] Christ was intentionally asleep; wanting them to wake Him. [3] Christ called the Apostles to get into the boat, to cast out into the deep. [...]

Teach Catholic Men to Fight2022-04-05T06:48:52-04:00

You Must Work Hard to Save Your Soul


The vast majority of men live as if there is neither hell nor Heaven; as if God will not judge us. Perhaps we believe these truths, but don't reflect upon them. Man takes all possible care for worldly affairs, but attends not to the salvation of his soul. Impress upon yourself three great truths. [1] Few shall be saved. [2] The salvation of your soul is the most important of all affairs. [3] You have to work hard to save your soul. Judge the value of all things from the vantage point of your soul's eternity. Do not follow the great [...]

You Must Work Hard to Save Your Soul2022-04-04T07:13:55-04:00

All Time Belongs to Christ


Time belongs to God. It is not ours to do with as we wish. Time is meant to be used in the service of God and to save our immortal soul. We need much conversion with regards to how we think about time. This is why the Church gives us the Liturgical Year. Every day is focussed upon one of its three great cycles. Do you best to live according to the liturgical year. The better you do this, the more you draw upon the graces you need for salvation. As brief examples, consider how you view and live Septuagesima and [...]

All Time Belongs to Christ2022-04-03T06:01:06-04:00
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