Liturgical Year

Pray for Perseverance


Holy Mother Church teaches us perseverance; not so much in words, but more so in her prayers, her sacraments, her disciplines, and her saints. The Catholic life, including every vocation, requires perseverance. If you pray with a sincere and pure heart – and persevere – you will receive. A great failure by many is they simply don’t persevere or their prayers are imbued with a worldly spirit. So pray with ever greater devotion and an ever purer heart. May Our Lady be our model and great intercessor.

Pray for Perseverance2022-07-16T20:05:22-04:00

The Gift of Truth


God unceasingly offers us gifts. He gives all men natural gifts, but the ‘perfect’ gifts He bestows are supernatural gifts. For example, He gives truth (through the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church). How necessary is this gift, especially as we live amidst so much error, deceits and misinformation. Powerful forces are even compelling us to accept things which are clearly not true. The world, the secular media, even many in the Church hierarchy believe they can create truth. Let us instead pray for the grace to love what God commands and to desire what God promises.

The Gift of Truth2022-07-16T19:51:39-04:00

Motherly Instinct and Abortion


Saint Monica is a mother par excellence. Her prayers, tears, and sacrifices ultimately converted her husband and children. Today we celebrate motherhood, remembering our mother's love and her labor pains (which often endure into our adult years). Yet our world is trying to destroy femininity and the motherly instinct. Abortion has even become an explicit satanic ritual act. This culture of death is in desperate need of much healing. Even if Roe v. Wade is overturned, we need to win hearts and minds.

Motherly Instinct and Abortion2022-06-12T14:20:28-04:00

Humility and Greatness of Man


Never be surprised when you fall. Be grounded in who you actually are: sinful and stumbling about. Yet you also have the capacity for greatness; so strive for it! Don't let the devil handcuff you to sin; instead, be a joyful soul when you go to confession. Have the humility to witness your great fall but know you can still reach for the stars - and see this in others. "Every man in the light of his ego is a fallen monarch."

Humility and Greatness of Man2022-06-11T17:52:58-04:00

Five Saints Model Devotion to Mary


Devotion to Mary is necessary for salvation! In giving us the Incarnate Word, Our Lady has obtained all the graces we need and she continually pours them out upon us. So have an ever greater union with the most Holy Virgin and depend more on her intercession and assistance! Here are five saintly examples to help inspire you: [1] St John Damascene, [2] St Ignatius Loyola, [3] St. Philip Neri, [4] Bl. Elizabeth Picenardi of Mantua, and [4] Four year old St. John Marie Vianney. Also, consider ten simple ways to practice devotion to Our Lady.

Five Saints Model Devotion to Mary2022-06-12T14:18:28-04:00

A New Pentecost People


When John XXIII announced Vatican II, he spoke of a 'new Pentecost.' Many believed a 'new springtime' was due. Such slogans conveyed a general euphoria. Yet to think there can be a greater 'new' outpouring of the Holy Ghost is a grave and condemned error. Sadly, men are fascinated with 'new age' movements, e.g. Joachim de Fiore (+1202). Today's 'new spirit' is an impure spirit of rupture. It has borne the 'fruit' of apostasy and a hemorrhaging of Church membership like never before. Let us instead pray for the promised Age of Peace under Our Lady's Immaculate Heart.

A New Pentecost People2022-06-07T12:50:58-04:00

At the Heart of the Mass


God's relation to men mirrors the manner in which men relate to each other. A true spiritual friendship is the most intimate union among men. It begins through communication, intensifies in the giving of gifts (symbolic of who one is) and culminates in the giving of one's own self (one's will). True friends give not just what they have, but even give who they are. We see the same dynamic at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!

At the Heart of the Mass2022-06-07T12:49:49-04:00

See My Glorious Wounds


The world speaks endlessly about love but knows not how to love. This we must learn from Christ on the cross. His Easter message calls us to reflect upon and contemplate His glorious Wounds. The waters of salvation flow eternally from His open side (vidi aquam). Familiarize yourself with the private relations of Sister Marie-Martha Chambon (+1907) concerning devotion to Christ's Holy Wounds (these include a Rosary, a Chaplet, and beautiful promises). To offer to the Father the Sacred Wounds of Christ is to offer to God adequate honor and glory!

See My Glorious Wounds2022-06-07T12:48:08-04:00

22LM_08 Gate of Heaven and Mother of Hope


2022 Lent Mission - Fourth and Final Conference: St. Francisco Marto offers us a great model of hope. Yet the most perfect example comes from Our Blessed Mother, especially when She received into her arms the body of her dead Son. The mission concludes with ten practical ways by which we can grow in the supernatural virtue of hope.

22LM_08 Gate of Heaven and Mother of Hope2022-04-15T07:32:22-04:00

22LM_07 Unite with the Immaculate Heart at Mass


2022 Lent Mission - Fourth Sermon: The sorrow of Mary's Immaculate Heart was the greatest during the Passion and Death of her Son, but so too her hope. At Mass, Jesus offers us the grace to unite our heart to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to hope as she hoped in the Cross and in the Precious Blood. Uniting with Mary is one of the best ways to participate in Holy Mass.

22LM_07 Unite with the Immaculate Heart at Mass2022-04-16T08:02:12-04:00
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