Liturgical Year

Feasts After Pentecost


The Catholic Faith exists to make the truth of the Blessed Trinity known to all men and thereby give God glory. Yet man can't come to know the truth about God on his own. The great liturgical feasts from Pentecost through November are especially dedicated to pray for the help of the Holy Ghost. It is He who reveals the truth about God and conforms men to Christ. Consider, for example, why the pope instituted the Feast of Corpus Christi. If we truly believed in Jesus' Real Presence, how would our life be different?

Feasts After Pentecost2022-09-12T09:25:42-04:00

Christian Ambition


Christ promises the Christian will be [1] Completely Fearless, [2] Absurdly Happy, and [3] Constantly in Trouble. The exhortation which best sums this up: Be ambitious for God! This is epitomized by both John the Baptist and Our Lord. We can accomplish great things because we have the truth and the Sacred Heart. With God we have all we need. Set goals, accomplish uncommon things, grow in confidence, abhor complacency, and never let up. This is a lesson to be learned from those who never stopped fighting to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Christian Ambition2022-09-07T15:08:20-04:00

New Mass Amtrak and Coke


Why do we not learn from two colossal business failures (new coke and Amtrak)? The New Mass is not a "change" rooted in any apostolic tradition but an utterly new man-made rite of a committee's innovation. Despite hierarchical subsidies and elimination of 'competition,' churches with the New Mass continue emptying. The New Mass does not interest the youth or generate vocations. The Traditional Mass is the most significant area of growth in the Church, yet ecclesial leaders are now seeking to contain and eliminate it. We must persevere in the True Faith!

New Mass Amtrak and Coke2022-09-06T09:28:27-04:00

Gods Ways Are Far Above Our Ways


Too often we complain to God, we doubt God, or even think He is cruel. Our error lies in interpreting God based on our experience and understanding. Instead, the foundation must be the Blessed Trinity. All the mysteries of our faith flow from and lead us to that Ultimate Reality. God's was are incomprehensible to us. We must trust and make continual acts of faith in His infinite wisdom and goodness. In hindsight, I see how great blessings have come from my trials and sorrows. This is true for everyone who remains faithful.

Gods Ways Are Far Above Our Ways2022-09-05T10:22:58-04:00

Be Doers Not Hearers Only


In the past liturgical year, how many sermons have we heard, and what have we actually put into practice? How do I most offend the Heart of Christ? Periodically, we have to take time to evaluate our spiritual progress. Will I actually hold myself accountable for the things which God is unceasingly asking me to stop doing?

Be Doers Not Hearers Only2022-07-31T21:13:56-04:00

Dignity and True Liberty


The immeasurable dignity of the unborn is markedly clear at the Visitation. Yet even 2500 years ago, the pagan Hippocrates vowed to oppose abortion. Pope Sixtus V explained that abortion is a 'double murder,' for it prevents the aborted baby from ever enjoying eternal life with God. Abortion is a terrible hallmark of the 'culture of a death.' To overcome it, we need to acknowledge true liberty. It is not just physical, or psychological, but a moral freedom (the power to do the good). Despite the eradication of Roe v. Wade, the unborn children remains a target. To recover his dignity, [...]

Dignity and True Liberty2022-07-31T08:01:42-04:00

Father of the Poor


Consider what the Holy Ghost does, why we need Him, and how we can more effectively gain His assistance. All the spiritual goods that we possess come from the Holy Ghost, for He is the Love of the Father and the Son. He purifies man from sin and unites man to God. He gives grace upon grace so long as one is disposed and requests. Love, adore, and thank the Holy Ghost. As man is terribly weak and poor, he ought to ceaselessly call upon the Holy Ghost’s assistance.

Father of the Poor2022-08-02T11:23:00-04:00

Final Christian Perseverance


The Church is always teaching us perseverance. She does so, not so much in words, but through her liturgy, sacraments, prayers (e.g. novena), the lives of the saints, and how she calls us to live. From the day of our baptism, we are called to the grace of final perseverance. One of the main purposes of confirmation is to help us persevere. We can never arrive at our heavenly end unto eternity unless we persevere in the True Faith

Final Christian Perseverance2022-08-02T11:22:05-04:00

Roe vs Wade is Dead


What an extraordinary 'miracle' on the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the Nativity of John the Baptist. These feasts teach us many pertinent lessons. There never was a right to murder the unborn. This 'constitutional right' has been forever eliminated. Truth is on the side of life. Now the real battle begins, in the political area and to win minds and hearts. We must cry out in condemnation of the culture of death and the demons behind it: 'Non licet!' Now is our time to act.

Roe vs Wade is Dead2022-07-22T17:39:03-04:00

Do You Live in Suffering?


One reason Catholic missionaries had great success is because they preached "the word of the dead man on the wood." This differs greatly from the false gospels of riches, greatness and wonders. But Catholics today are so accustomed to the easy life that we can't relate to such a God. Sacrifice is the only thing that matters for the Catholic because it is the only way for us to be made like Christ. So why do we consistently refuse it? See sacrifice not as a burden to carry, but as God's badge of honor.

Do You Live in Suffering?2022-07-23T11:07:20-04:00
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