Liturgical Year

Reparation and the Precious Blood


Holy Mass, Confession, and Holy Communion are the great vessels, or fountains, of the Precious Blood. We must place the greatest importance upon them, for their power is far above our devotions and sacramentals. These three are also the greatest means to make reparation. We must open our eyes to see how great is this need. Remember your sins first, then those of the Church and the world - there is so much ingratitude, indifference and infidelity. By reparation we 'balance' the evil with good and console Our Lord and Our Lady.

Reparation and the Precious Blood2022-10-17T07:15:15-04:00

Saints of July and the Precious Blood


The greatest fruits of the Precious Blood are the saints and martyrs. Consider, for example the life of St. Christina of Bolsena. Many don't realize her connection to the great Eucharistic Miracle which took place over her relics one thousand years after her martyrdom. The link to the Precious Blood is seen in other great saints we venerate in July, such as St. James the Greater, St. Ann, and St. Mary Magdalene. Pray for the specific graces exemplified by these saints and specifically associated with the infinite power of the Precious Blood.

Saints of July and the Precious Blood2022-10-08T07:00:48-04:00

Who Are We To You?


He hears these words, again and again, echoed in the hearts of each soul He encounters. He asks the same question. Some questions transcend the human mind and experience. Christi will not speak and answer, He will only act. This is the only question that matters.  

Who Are We To You?2022-10-06T11:35:20-04:00

Guardians of Tradition or Traitors


Divide and conquer is an age old strategy. It is frequently used in politics and now we see it in our beloved Church. The goal is to make groups disagree and fight with one another so they don't unite against the real enemy. A fictional reality is propagandized to vilify part of the group, a 'crusade' is launched against them, and people are forced to choose. As the president seeks to divide a political party, so certain hierarchs strive to divide traditional Catholics from the general Catholic population and against each other. Yet to advance forward, under God's providence, one must [...]

Guardians of Tradition or Traitors2022-10-06T10:10:25-04:00

Adoration Protection and Reparation


How often do you think about the Precious Blood, the price Our Lord paid for your redemption? In order to be cleansed of sin, we need the application to our souls of this Precious Blood. Adore and invoke the Precious Blood. Even little children can offer this prayer: 'Blood of Jesus, help me!' Recall one of His seven sheddings each day of the week and beg for the specific graces associated with it. Reparation is also essential St. Veronica, pray for us.

Adoration Protection and Reparation2022-10-06T08:38:44-04:00

Precious Blood and Catholic Devotions


Hear O Lord my voice with which i have cried to Thee. Abel's blood cried to Heaven for vengeance. All these prayers are fulfilled and perfected in Christ's Precious Blood, which has infinite power to save, protect, heal and sanctify. Adore the Precious Blood, especially every time you are at Mass. Meditate upon how inanimately connected it is to all our Catholic devotions. Pray the Chaplet of the Holy Wounds or the Rosary of the Five Wounds. Strive for the two greatest fruits of this devotion!

Precious Blood and Catholic Devotions2022-09-26T00:26:16-04:00

Families Need A Spirit of Development


We are fighting a battle we can't afford to loose. Catholic families need to foster an environment that is all about continual development. Examine your level of desire to attain perfection and the means you are using to attain it. Spouses and parents must set goals, establish strategies, and provide accountability. This require constant communication, collaboration, and evaluation. Our weakness and strengths play a critical and unique role in how God is calling us to sanctity. When spouses say "I DO" they should be promising that every day, for the rest of their lives, they will slave away to build saints [...]

Families Need A Spirit of Development2022-09-22T11:11:17-04:00

Saintly Monarchs and Machiavellian Apostates


The Church recently celebrated two great monarchs: St. Louis IX of France and St Stephen of Hungary. What a great blessing for a nation to have a virtuous Catholic ruler! But what a curse it must be to have an bad [apostate] Catholic in power – as we do today. Apparently heeding Machiavelli's advice, he acts as if the ends justify the means and prefers to be feared than loved. He eschews natural and divine laws, following instead Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. His cruel methods serve to anger, hurt and polarize. Might this signal a twilight of 'The American Experiment?'

Saintly Monarchs and Machiavellian Apostates2022-09-22T07:40:56-04:00

Public and Social Crime


Anyone who has authority - religious or secular - has that power from God and each one who exercises authority must exercise it in accordance with God's law. It is a public crime to act as if there is no God or that the true religion can't be known by a state. In Immortale Dei (1885), Pope Leo XIII explains the duties of the state towards God. He provides the doctrine all Catholics must believe; we must draw out its practical conclusion.

Public and Social Crime2022-09-20T14:14:12-04:00

Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart


What Jesus desires above all is our hearts and He wants to reign and rule in our hearts through His love. The Sacred Heart has a very special love for sinners and a great desire for their conversion. We must promote the kingly and social aspects of His reign. Civil society has to be organized according to Catholic principles. The state has the responsibility to safeguard God's law and make sure it is obeyed by all. Yet Christ's Heart, love, and reign are almost universally scorned, despised and rejected. Incredibly enough, this is also true within the Catholic Church. Do the [...]

Absolute Sovereignty of the Sacred Heart2022-09-18T06:37:36-04:00
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