Liturgical Year

Be Bold


We must be magnanimous souls! Three virtues that are so important for the Catholic in today's world are: [1] Humility. Dig into every detail of you life to see how you can serve God better. If you are not accusing yourself, you are excusing yourself. [2] Confidence in God. Catholic souls will only go out into the world, which we must do, when we know God is on our side. [3] Hope. Be ambitious in what you know God is asking you to do. Never look away from the mirror of self-sacrifice. Have the boldness to do things far greater than [...]

Be Bold2022-11-20T11:22:46-05:00

Horror for Every Kind of Sin


Be devoted to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart by striving to share her heart’s five principal sentiments: [1] Horror for all sin. [2] Scorn for this corrupt world. [3] Lowest esteem for self. [4] Profound love for all the things of God. [5] Veneration and love for the Cross. How very unlike her heart is our heart. Who amongst us desires to be humiliated? A hatred for sin will lead to greater contrition and a better confession. Meditating upon the Stations of the Cross will also increase our horror for sin and our contrition.

Horror for Every Kind of Sin2022-11-19T08:28:09-05:00

Swords of Sorrow


The Sword of Damocles signifies impending doom. What terrible swords [seven!] hung over Our Lady! They pierced her Immaculate Heart with sorrow. Yet at every moment she willingly and actively embraced the passion of her Son. Perhaps she even experienced a mystical death at the moment of her Son's death. (However, it is theologically unsound and impious to suggest Our Lady 'passed out' on Calvary.) Thus, as the popes have consistently taught, we rightly honor and invoke her as CoRedemptrix.

Swords of Sorrow2022-11-19T07:32:49-05:00

Devotion and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart


Reflect upon Mary’s Immaculate Heart. It is [1] Singularly focused on her beloved Son; [2] Never stained by any sin; [3] Never existed without loving God; [4] Always carries within the Passion of her Son. Such consideration should move us to true sorrow, for our sins are thousands of arrows piercing her heart. The Immaculate Heart is at the center of the Message of Fatima and so is of particular importance for our time. Offer her reparation through the First Saturday devotion. Practice devotion to her Heart by keeping in your own heart the sentiments which are in her’s.

Devotion and Reparation to the Immaculate Heart2022-11-15T08:41:38-05:00

Christ’s Kingship vs satan’s Revolution


Father Denis Fahey (+1954), an Irish Holy Ghost father, wrote extensively on Christ the King and how freemasonry opposes His reign. Liberal Catholics warn you not to read Fr. Fahey. Yet by understanding his seven foundational principles concerning the Kingship of Christ, we see how the revolution has devastated Christendom and we can discern man’s rightly ordered return to God.

Christ’s Kingship vs satan’s Revolution2022-11-07T12:03:54-05:00

Concrete Spiritual Goals and Focus


In the spiritual life, how clear are our goals and vision? These things define us; yet they require careful examination and determination. So often we are misdirected. We accept the devil’s lies that sanctity is not for me, that life is too unmanageable, and I can’t overcome my problems. What we need is passion: to love our vocation – even to the point of obsession.

Concrete Spiritual Goals and Focus2022-11-07T12:39:23-05:00

Annihilate Everything in Me that Is Opposed to Thee


What does it mean to say Christ is King? We frequently sin against His kingship by using our time self-interestedly. Reject the kingdom of satan and the world which are opposed to His kingdom. Pray that He reign in you. Be faithful to the truth. Adore the virtues in Christ. Render to God that which is His. We were created for Christ and are to offer Him all our being.

Annihilate Everything in Me that Is Opposed to Thee2022-11-19T08:17:41-05:00

Jesus Weeps


Keep in your mind today's gospel image of Our Savior weeping. If He was sorrowful over the sight of Jerusalem, how sorrowful is He now as He beholds His beloved Church? We must offer much reparation for indifference, ingratitude and blasphemy. Like St. Peter, never cease to weep over your sins. Practice the devotion to the Holy Face, which is well suited for reparation.

Jesus Weeps2022-11-07T12:35:41-05:00

Population Implosion


Overpopulation is a lie. This myth was popularized by Paul Erhlich in his work, Population Bomb (1968). The Georgia Guidestones enshrine this 'culture of death' by advocating a green agenda, a one world goverment and a worldly spirituality. Yet the real disaster we are facing is a vast population decrease. Given current birth control trajectories, most nations will lose half their population by 2021. The deep wound causing this is despair and self-hatred. Supernatural hope is the solution.

Population Implosion2022-10-20T12:45:12-04:00

What Price Are You Willing to Pay?


What would you give to be with God? The reality is shocking, because most of us wouldn't give up much. Where are we going wrong? Do we misjudge the price or the prize or both? Is it because we don't perceive God with our senses? Is it because we lack true personal interaction? How God's heart must hurt on account of our hesitation. What will it take for us to want to be with God?

What Price Are You Willing to Pay?2022-11-06T16:39:18-05:00
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