Liturgical Year

Mane Nobiscum


Read the resurrection accounts with faith for a deeper understanding. Far too many people invent their own way of believing in Jesus. Instead, note how Christ establishes His Church and chooses to remain with us (Teaching, Apostles, Mass, Eucharist). These are patterns He continues to this day. Follow the examples of St. Mary Magdalene, the Emmaus disciples, and St. Thomas. With great desire remain with Christ!

Mane Nobiscum2023-05-22T08:06:42-04:00

Sacrilege in the Cathedral of Rome


St. Paul of the Cross (April 28 feast day) preached Christ crucified unceasingly. In particular, he prayed for England to return to the Faith. Surely his intercession played a role in the conversion of John Henry Newman. Yet on April 18, Anglican "ministers"–including women–held a heretical service at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. The ceremony was led by a fake bishop who is divorced and "remarried" and a known Freemason. The idolatry of pachamama took place in 2019 at St. Peter's.  Now we have sinful rituals upon the altar of the Mother of all Churches in the entire Catholic world. [...]

Sacrilege in the Cathedral of Rome2023-06-30T19:24:22-04:00

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord


The Risen Lord calls His disciples to know Him and believe in Him in a deeper way, i.e. through faith. And He provides the necessary grace. We see this in twelve apparitions between the resurrection and ascension (ten from scripture, two from tradition). During this time, Christ is setting the pattern for all those who come after to follow. He reveals Himself in His Church by His teaching and His Sacraments.

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord2023-05-10T13:16:38-04:00

Seven Privileges for St Joseph Devotees


God's gift of St. Joseph is a cause for great rejoicing. No saint's intercession, excepting Our Lady, is more powerful. Know the seven privileges granted those who invoke St. Joseph in a devout and proper manner. Meditate upon his life (as seen by the mystics). Appreciate his patronage more and grow in your devotion to him.  

Seven Privileges for St Joseph Devotees2023-05-01T11:50:14-04:00

Knowing Jesus Christ Crucified


Passiontide is a time of mourning. All our statues, save the Stations, are veiled in purple. These are the two great weeks of our salvation. St. Philip Neri converted Rome by turning eyes onto the Passion of Christ. St. Paul of the Cross reminds us" "The greatest most stupendous overwhelming work of God's love is the passion and death of our Savior Jesus Christ; and so we have that always before us." Strive to meditate on His passion, at least a few minutes, every day. And pray for grace to suffer for the love of Jesus.

Knowing Jesus Christ Crucified2023-04-27T10:30:47-04:00

Seven Last Words


There is nothing more conducive to the attainment of salvation than to think every day on the pains which Jesus Christ suffered for love of us. One way to do this is to meditate upon His final words from the Cross. By these words, it is clear that His death brings us seven magnificent graces.

Seven Last Words2023-05-01T11:08:09-04:00

Just Be Good


Lent and Easter have passed. The spiritual battle remains. We must reject the devil and ALL his works. satan's battle is focused on a grand scale against goodness where Catholics don't even realize he is attacking. Identify where in your own life you are supporting the world and the enemy who incessantly attack God. See the inconsistencies which are stopping you from doing good. Root them out and just be good.

Just Be Good2023-04-20T08:50:58-04:00

The Exsutlet


At the Easter Vigil we sing the Exsultet. It is a great Christian hymn praising the sacrificial Lamb and victory of our King. It proclaims the Cross. By the Cross He conquered; from the Cross He reigns; His wounds heal. The Cross puts the devil to flight, brings conversion, and bestows innumerable graces. The principal reason we have not received more graces and blessings is because, rather than embrace and love the Cross, we complain and reject the Cross. Yet the Cross is the source of all blessings and the cause of all graces. We must truly believe this.  

The Exsutlet2023-04-17T07:03:11-04:00

The True Roman Rite


The Roman Empire's Fall sent shockwaves throughout the world. The unthinkable had occurred. Then God sent a holy man - St. Benedict - to revitalize a continent in darkness. The Benedictines most important work was true divine worship. Today another great fall threatens: the collapse of the Roman Liturgy. No one should dare touch its essentials, for fidelity to the liturgy is fidelity to Christ and confession of the True Faith. But we have witnessed a liturgical rupture. Tradition is the guiding principle for all Christian Liturgy. It is handed down, not artificially constructed. It originates from Christ and is guided [...]

The True Roman Rite2023-04-17T07:55:55-04:00

Early in the Morning


Throughout history, God likes to work early in the morning. This is typological. It reflects the Resurrection. The psalms teach that at this time He hears prayers, grants mercy, and destroys His enemies. Consider Sennacherib's Assyrian siege of Jerusalem under good King Hezekiah (~701 BC). Consider the prophecy of Isaias 28:14-19 and let us avoid entering a league with falsehood, hell and death. Hold fast to the Faith and the Mass, which remain immovable – even in this dark time. Let us rise early and be about the duties of our state, for the glory of God and salvation of our [...]

Early in the Morning2023-04-17T05:44:21-04:00
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