43 Low Sunday

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters


Contemplate Christ's words and actions following the Resurrection. He abides in our midst, teaches the truth, calls us to faith, feeds us, and commands us. Clearly, the foundation of the Catholic Faith is Jesus Christ. He is alive and active in the Church He founded. He commands that we go to all nations (no exceptions) teaching everyone the truth and baptizing all.

Two Lessons from the Easter Encounters2024-05-02T06:22:28-04:00

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord


The Risen Lord calls His disciples to know Him and believe in Him in a deeper way, i.e. through faith. And He provides the necessary grace. We see this in twelve apparitions between the resurrection and ascension (ten from scripture, two from tradition). During this time, Christ is setting the pattern for all those who come after to follow. He reveals Himself in His Church by His teaching and His Sacraments.

Twelve Apparitions of the Risen Lord2023-05-10T13:16:38-04:00

Just Be Good


Lent and Easter have passed. The spiritual battle remains. We must reject the devil and ALL his works. satan's battle is focused on a grand scale against goodness where Catholics don't even realize he is attacking. Identify where in your own life you are supporting the world and the enemy who incessantly attack God. See the inconsistencies which are stopping you from doing good. Root them out and just be good.

Just Be Good2023-04-20T08:50:58-04:00

Easter, Baptism and Faith


All the Gospels of the Easter Octave clearly have in common Our Lord's call to faith. This is of great significance. Christ exhorts us to truly place our faith in His passion, death and resurrection. In fact, with two words we can easily summarize the Church's focus during the Easter Season: Baptism and Faith. By Baptism we die and rise with Christ. What overcomes the world is our faith. A great danger is for the world to contaminate, and thereby overcome, our faith. To fight against such danger, pray for a lively faith and a greater devotion to Holy Communion. Know [...]

Easter, Baptism and Faith2021-04-26T08:33:41-04:00

A Firm Purpose of Amendment


God becomes positively blind to our sins when we capture His heart. We do this by striving firmly and surely to have real contrition, to amend our lives, and to practice true repentance. Contrition is a rational sorrow of mind and detestation of sin with the purpose of not sinning in the future. It is always necessary for the forgiveness of sins. Without proper amendment, we risk making an invalid confession. A firm purpose requires much practice! And the grace available to us through the Sacrament is directly related to the response of the penitent. Don't be surprised if you fall [...]

A Firm Purpose of Amendment2021-04-19T09:28:09-04:00

All Hangs Upon the Physical Resurrection


The Catholic Faith infallibly teaches Christ's physical resurrection. It was not just spiritual or a resuscitation; for Christ defeated death and will never die again. Yet there are those 'catholics' who deny this dogma. Pius XI says such they - not militant muslims, atheistic communists or secular jews - are the greatest enemies of the Church. Such modernists attempt to change Catholic dogma and worship. If they are right, the Faith is worthless and we are left with nothing but despair. Yet if He is risen, then our Faith is infinitely worthwhile. Christ's resurrection is the proof of all He stands [...]

All Hangs Upon the Physical Resurrection2021-04-19T09:15:16-04:00

Do You Really Believe


St. John teaches that true faith in Jesus Christ conquers the world. The Easter Gospels are replete with examples of belief that Jesus is God. Moreover, true faith in Jesus must necessarily be a Eucharistic faith. Our human nature wants to "see" and understand, but this Mystery is beyond human limits. Many profess to be Christians but do not believe; even many Catholics. When urged to go see a Eucharistic Miracle, St. Louis IX remained before the Blessed Sacrament explaining, "Let those who do not beleive by faith go and see. I believe more firmly than if I saw Christ with my eyes!" Would [...]

Do You Really Believe2020-04-26T05:16:51-04:00

Every Soul Has a Price


The salvation of souls is very costly and requires tremendous effort. St. Catherine of Siena and Archbishop Fulton Sheen provide inspiring examples of how great penances are needed to win the conversion of a sinner. Consider the following: It took God little effort to create. He merely spoke and made things out of nothing. Yet God's redemptive work (re-creation) was only achieved through - divine - blood sweat, tears, untold effort and terrible agony. Applying the most Precious Blood and the fruits of redemption is a most difficult work, especially since there is so much resistance to good in fallen man. Yet every soul has a [...]

Every Soul Has a Price2020-04-24T05:59:01-04:00

Faith Like Our Lady


Faith is the virtue by which we firmly believe all the truths God has revealed on the word of God revealing them. it is impossible to be saved without faith. This is a grace which only God can give and He wills to give it to all. Many refuse it. Many fail to nourish it by not studying their catechism or by neglecting the practice of religion. It can wither when one needlessly exposed to things opposed to the faith or via unnecessary interaction with people opposed to the faith or shameless living contrary to it. Nor should one actively doubt, [...]

Faith Like Our Lady2019-05-19T22:52:37-04:00

Mercy Comes at a Cost


In God’s way of working, it is clear, that in as much as one has 'taken droughts from the foaming and spicy chalice of this world', someone has to 'drink of the chalice of suffering' before God will grant His mercy, healing and peace. The Justice of God must be satisfied before His Mercy and Peace is bestowed. We must “pay-in” to have this Mercy bestowed. Protestants often take a ledger approach to salvation: one day they are in the column of debts, the next they are transferred into the gains. No expiation and payment needed by anyone save Christ. But [...]

Mercy Comes at a Cost2019-05-12T07:18:55-04:00
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