14 Holy Name of Jesus

Four Ways God Calls You to Grow This Year


At the start of the year, it is especially appropriate to ask 'What have I been doing with all the time God has me? What have I been striving to attain?" God speaks to us, yet we are inundated in the world. We constantly face the temptation to live in a secular way. Pay attention to the liturgy at the start of the year. It provides four clear ways to correspond more faithfully to God's love.

Four Ways God Calls You to Grow This Year2025-01-27T20:23:34-05:00

Pray the Holy Name


Jesus' holy Name is all powerful because of the Name who bears it. His Name highlights His mission as our Savior. In particular, it represents His love and power. It is the shortest and simplest prayer. "Jesus, I love Thee. Jesus, I live for Thee. Jesus, I suffer for Thee. Jesus, I die for Thee. Jesus, save me."

Pray the Holy Name2024-01-02T10:33:11-05:00

Significance and Spirituality of the Holy Name


The Holy Name of Jesus literally means "God saves." As you pray the Holy Name, think of Bethlehem and Calvary. Consider that God makes man and God saves man for He loves man. The Holy Name brings to our lives the Person of Jesus. It expresses His infinite love and His infinite power. Bow your head as you pray His Name. Pray the Litany of the Holy Name, especially this month. Whether you are tempted by devils or attacked by men, invoke the Name of Jesus. And if temptations do not cease to persecute you, continue to invoke Jesus – and [...]

Significance and Spirituality of the Holy Name2022-01-17T13:30:11-05:00

Jesus Deliver Us


God often exercises His power in hidden and mysteries ways that we do not expect. An example of this is His Holy Name. The Holy Name of Jesus inflames us with love for Jesus and protects us from evil. The devil is strong and cunning, so we must specifically invoke Jesus’ Name to deliver us from spiritual evils. To love Jesus is to imitate His love. Our love suffers from many defects and it must be purified and strengthened. That will only happen by God’s grace. Pray the Litany of the Most Holy Name, the Divine Praises, and brief aspirations devoutly [...]

Jesus Deliver Us2021-02-11T08:05:32-05:00

Two Ways to Grow in Your Love for Jesus


Christmas brings new grace, specifically to love Jesus more and to adore Him more faithfully. We cannot live this reality without the help of the Holy Ghost. All the Saints had an immense love for and trust in the Name of Jesus. Therein they saw all His love, all His power, all He said and did while on earth. Two practical recommendations: [1] Invoke His Holy Name to overcome a specific sin you continue to struggle with — for only Jesus has the power to overcome sin. Children struggle with disobedience to parents, spouses repeatedly hurt each other, and everyone has habitual [...]

Two Ways to Grow in Your Love for Jesus2021-01-25T06:15:36-05:00

An Affirming and All-Inclusive church


Our modern society prides itself on being welcoming, inclusive, and open to all ideas. This appeals to people who donu2019t feel comfortable with a u2018rule-based spirituality.u2019 Yet in such a welcoming u2018churchu2019 of the future - where the sinner and the sin are affirmed and made to feel safe - it is the Divine Child who is excluded and shunned. The worldly do not welcome the longed-for Messiah because the spirit of antichrist reigns over them and the serpent dwells in their midst. Do we really want Jesus to come? Are our hearts cold and distracted by worldly concerns or shall [...]

An Affirming and All-Inclusive church2021-01-24T20:18:42-05:00

Holy Name of Jesus


Biblical names are highly significant for they define a person and his mission, even making the person present. Jesus is a name that came directly from Heaven and means “God saves.” This Name has infinite power. It is a Name of gladness, hope and love with the power to forgive sins and give life. As faithful Catholics, we must always strive to grow in devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus. Blessed be the Name of Jesus; now and forever. Amen.

Holy Name of Jesus2024-01-02T10:33:52-05:00
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