16 Holy Family Sunday

Pray to Imitate the Holy Family


The Feast of the Holy Family is a Christmas Feast. With His nativity, Jesus gives us not only Himself but also the Holy Family. Note how the Holy Family has a central role in all twelve mysteries of Christ's infancy. We are called to imitate the Holy Family and thereby grow in the grace of God. This is why God has placed us upon this earth. Yet mankind today is more than ever opposed to marriage. How terrible! A rejection of holy matrimony is a rejection of the Holy Family. Take these things seriously and really reflect upon them.

Pray to Imitate the Holy Family2025-02-11T17:19:20-05:00

The World Is Lost


Epiphany is one of the five holiest days of the year, yet nearly everyone has 'moved past' Christmas. You must think and act like Catholics. The feasts of Church should shape your mindset. Know that the purpose of your marriage and family is to lead people to Christ, to inspire a greater love for Him – find great joy in this! The light that guides the Three Kings also represents faith. They are men of great obedience and faith who follow the light from God. Catholic, do the same!

The World Is Lost2023-03-25T07:53:49-04:00

Families Recover Catholic Identity


The Catholic family is in decay. Two things families are not accomplishing on a wide scale are [1] establishing a firm Catholic identity and [2] fighting against the spirit of the world. Our youth lack a clear identity. Parents, be consistent! Don't give up and allow your family to be entrenched in worldliness. The world is the enemy and is seeking to destroy the souls of your children. Be in love with your vocation - with forming saintly souls for Heaven!

Families Recover Catholic Identity2022-02-19T16:48:13-05:00

What Gifts Do You Offer the Christ Child


Mary and Joseph overflow with joy when the Divine Child is given due honor, reverence and love. This is precisely the mystery and meaning of Christmas. We are to follow the example of the Three Kings. Your gift ought to be those virtues which their gifts symbolize – charity (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Similarly, the epistle (Col 3) tells us how to offer the Christ Child a pure heart. As you pray the Rosary and Litanies, seek the respective intercession of – and offer yourself and family members to – the members of the Holy Family respectively.

What Gifts Do You Offer the Christ Child2022-01-18T08:18:32-05:00

Families Need Respect


In order to survive, captives have to learn to respect their captors, no matter how hateful they may be. This respect is simply prudence and common sense, for we always ought to have due regard to that which is dangerous or can hurt us. Children ought to respect their parents, wives their husbands, and families the autonomy of other families. If we lack due respect and honor, then God will not bless our endeavors. Instead we may incur His wrath by which He allows us to go on alone without His grace. Respect! Respect! Respect! This will bring much peace and [...]

Families Need Respect2022-01-15T07:33:03-05:00

Te Deum Laudamus


Many people were longing for an end to the year 2020. But perhaps we overestimate just how bad the year was. The Church officially responds to the end of every year by giving thanks to God and providing indulgences. Yes, there were many terrible things, but like the saints and holy Job, let us recognize the Hand of God in disasters and thank Him for it. As Christians we know that all things, save sin, come from the will of God. Let us thank God for 2020. It was a year in which we learned more about ourselves as a people [...]

Te Deum Laudamus2021-03-18T05:11:25-04:00

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family


Jesus brings us salvation — but He does not come alone. He comes as a member of the family. With His Incarnation and Nativity, He brings the model for all families. Through this Christmas feast, Christ teaches: [1] Marriage is something supremely sacred. It comes from God. He has willed it to be a primary instrument of our salvation and provides the laws which govern it. (Never fall into the deadly trap of thinking man can redefine marriage or determine how it ought to be lived.) [2] Marriage is meant by God to bring forth life — specifically life in Christ. [...]

Jesus is Inseparable from the Holy Family2021-02-11T08:05:14-05:00

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family


God used the first Christmas and Epiphany to reveal His established order and His saving patterns. What He did then, He continues to do in our day and will do unto the consummation of the world. God does not change. St. Thomas explains, "Whatever is first in an order is the cause of everything which follows it." Thus, we ought to model our life upon these patterns. Today we note seven patterns regarding the family: [1] worship, [2] hierarchy; [3] unity; [4] respect for authority; [5] rejection of divorce; [6] the Last Things; and [7] accepting differences. If Christian families conform to [...]

Patterns Learned from the Holy Family2020-02-11T10:32:16-05:00

Every Catholic Family


The Catholic family is to be led by the light of Christ (the Epiphany Star!). The Catholic family is to adore the Lord bringing gifts. These are symbolized by the Magi's gifts: love (gold), prayer (frankincense) and mortification (myrrh). Consider how much improved our society would be if families loved God, adored God and obeyed God. At present, there is horrendous disobedience against God and so many are being led astray by the devil. Simply compare God's Law to what is being approved by the leaders of nations and even of the Church. Fathers, mothers and children must strive to fulfill [...]

Every Catholic Family2020-02-11T09:57:35-05:00

Holy Family Heals Our Families


On this feast, let us compare two diametrically opposed families living just six miles apart: The Holy Family and the family of Herod. Herod's was a worldly family filled with every kind of vice, envy, pride and murder. Yet to all fathers of families, Joseph is verily the best model of paternal vigilance and care. In the most holy Virgin Mother of God, mothers may find an excellent example of love, modesty, resignation of spirit, and the perfecting of faith. And in Jesus, who was subject to His parents, the children of the family have a divine pattern of obedience which [...]

Holy Family Heals Our Families2020-01-27T08:47:16-05:00
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