19 Epiphany 4th Sunday

Temple Sacrifice and Truth


Christ gives us great blessings by His birth - let us thank Him and, like our Lady, keep in mind and heart the great mysteries of Christmas. The Presentation highlights the offering of the Child Jesus to the Eternal Father on the part of His Mother, the temple priests, and holy Simeon. The final mysteries of Christmas take place in the temple. They emphasize sacrifice (the Mass!) and Jesus' teaching the truth (doctrine!). Both of these are suffering terrible attacks today from our own prelates.

Temple Sacrifice and Truth2023-03-25T07:55:14-04:00

A Formless Liturgy is Unacceptable


Who could be so barbarous as to destroy his own past? I am angry at those who seek to destroy the Traditional Mass. They have not been satisfied by an iconoclasm in which ugliness reigns. Now they insist that their formless liturgy is the unique and only liturgical expression of the Latin Rite. I say a liturgical revolution is unacceptable. Yet a righteous anger is not easily controlled. We must have charity. We can be thankful for the clarity this has yielded: they are two different Rites which can't coexist for long. Heed the example of St. Francis de Sales, who [...]

A Formless Liturgy is Unacceptable2022-02-21T05:16:53-05:00

Presentation and Purification


Consider the Twelve Mysteries of Christ's Infancy and Childhood. The Holy Family suffers much and endures many trials. Why? Because they are obedient to God's holy will. So how should we respond to these Mysteries? With obedience. What of those who are fearful and have heard this 'virus-crisis' excuses them from Sunday Mass? Meditate upon the connection between Christ's Presentation in the Temple, His Sacrifice on Calvary, and the Mass. Imitate Our Lady.

Presentation and Purification2022-02-19T13:14:54-05:00

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms


The Church has many names, each giving insight into her mysteries. Perhaps the most beautiful is 'Holy Mother.' She gives us spiritual life, nourishes us, heals us, and strengthens us. If we make it to Heaven, it WILL be because of Her. Therefore we should truly love her! Never lose sight that she is the perfect and immaculate Bride of Christ despite the sinfulness of her members. No matter how terrible the storm, Christ will preserve and save her. Have confidence too in the powerful intercession of Our Lady and St. Joseph!

Holy Mother Church Amidst the Storms2022-01-31T07:35:57-05:00
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