47 Easter 5th Sunday

Concerning Mary Never Enough


De Maria numquam satis. Your can never praise, honor, love, exalt or serve Mary enough. You can never sing enough Marian hymns or recite enough of her chaplets, prayers, and litanies, or put enough flowers before her statues and icons. As De Montfort states: all the external glory which Heaven and earth vie with each other to give her is nothing compared to what she has received interiorly from her Creator. In other words, the Almighty has done great things for her; therefore, we should not be hesitant or ashamed to do anything and everything for her and for her honor.

Concerning Mary Never Enough2019-06-01T10:28:08-04:00

Widows and Orphans


Our society has been attacked by a great enemy - Feminism. We have suffered the loss of our husbands and fathers and become a society of widows and orphans (in biblical terms, that denotes those who are in great tribulation, suffering and need). Feminism, created in the 1800s, seeks to eliminate patriarchy and masculine vocations. It wages its war in two ways: [1] by masculinizing women and [2] by feminizing men. We must get over the lie that feminism can ever be good -- it only has rotten fruit. How to resolve this? [1] Reject the evil and purge ourselves from [...]

Widows and Orphans2019-06-01T05:09:12-04:00
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